Vero-tay live webcams for YOU!


vero-tay chat

Date: December 9, 2022

11 thoughts on “Vero-tay live webcams for YOU!

  1. She told me: do you ever think about what i want? and how it affects me when you having anxiety attacks and how you bring me down with you? That’s when she tokd me she needed space. I gave her a week and called her to see how she was doing. She told me she loved the rest she’s gotten and it was for her and then she blocked me. Fast forward a year ive been deblocked after sending her a birthday card two months ago but she never responded to it which isnt neccecary ofcourse because i kept it with a closed message. (The card said: congrats hope you have a beautiful birthday, greetings myname

  2. It's called love bombing. All narcs start out super sweet and then it all goes bad when they begin acting like their normal self.

  3. In this context, getting emotional or physical “nourishment” from someone other than one’s partner, assuming exclusivity has been expressly agreed to or is reasonably assumed. Cheating does not require physical contact, but in many cases will be a factor.

  4. What can we do to fix this

    Why do you keep saying “we”? He fights like every problem is an attack and a battle he has to win. You cannot fix this. He can't fix this either unless he admits this is a problem and finds help with it on his OWN, NOT with you.

    Is he willing to do that? Has he admitted his conflict style is immature, mean, and won't work with anyone long term?

    That's the only way this is getting fixed, when he fixes it. Not “we”.

  5. You're right. It just sucks because she has some qualities that i really like. I'd love to have chemistry but you can't force attraction

  6. Playing the devils advocate on human rights issue is always a no go. Not only that, he can cry about you speaking negatively about the US or republicans all he wants, it is what it is. You can’t sugar coat history, and I could see him crying over the removal of statues of shitty folk (because then it IS ‘destroying’ history lol).

    I’d say you can’t change that mindset, and I doubt he wants to either as he’s ignorant to facts laid right in front of him.

  7. You’ve gotten lots of advice

    I just want to add – you need to find out if he has shared nudes or explicit images or videos of you with his buddy… or anybody actually.

  8. I’ve been named called and degraded my whole time I’ve been with her.

    Throw, how long have you two been together and how far into the relationship did you get before her verbal abuse began? I ask because, in this thread, you say you've been abused “my whole time I've been with her.” In your earlier post, however, you state “Recently, since the birth of our child, things have slowly declined from worse to worst.”

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