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komal_vermalive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat komal_verma

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Date: December 1, 2022

47 thoughts on “komal_vermalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Kiddo- this is something your mom needs to think about, but it's not your job to talk to her about STds. That's something she and other adults can figure out on their own. As the child here, you need to know it's not your responsibility to take care of your mom or your dad. She needs to know what you know – not for her sake but for yours. Keeping this secret is clearly hurting you. Keeping your dad's secret to spare your mom and family was very brave, but it isn't something you should ever have to do in a healthy family environment. Telling your mom is gonna be hard, but most tough things in life always get worse before they get better.

  2. Dump her. That particular trust can never be regained. If you don’t dump her, she’s going to think she can get away with it, and do it again

  3. Some people are completely comfortable being close cuddlers with friends. However, he didn’t tell you until after the fact. He lead you to believe that he was spending time with his mother. How hard is it to say, “Friend is going through a really tough breakup and I’m worried about their mental state so I want to go over and offer some comfort. We will probably be singing breakup songs, reminiscing about past horrible relationships, each eating a gallon of ice cream straight from the container, and probably cuddle up and watch romantic comedies and ugly cry.” It honestly isn’t hard…

  4. You don't need to answer me, but I want you to consider if you would scold your best male friend about taking the train after 9pm. And then I would like you to figure out why that is.

  5. Honestly, he sounds fantastic and you sound really controlling. I understand you have OCD. That's real and it sucks, but I think it might be contributing to your issues with invading this nice man's privacy. He sounds like an absolutely great guy and you're going through all his stuff. My take, just one person's opinion, is that you really need to seek treatment for your OCD or whatever issues might be driving your mistrust. Maybe some family trauma, I genuinely don't know. But the answer to how you can trust this guy is to start doing some work on yourself. I genuinely hope that helps.

  6. She views you as someone she trusts, someone she feels truly loved by, and someone she feels legitimately respected by. You should feel honored.

  7. It’s very weird that she’d make a claim like “he’s much happier now than he ever was with you” that is a very bizarre think to say and just seems really immature/insecure. Every relationship has aspects that make it special and those things don’t just get erased when someone gets a new partner.

  8. I don’t feel jealous who my ex is dating , but I do wondering if he’s treating her the way he treated me or his babies mama created dramas/troubles toward the new gf like she did when I was with him .. if so blessed her heart !

  9. Invite her to things that you know she dislikes. Make a show of asking, so nobody could deny you're trying to spend time with her. Either she doesn't go and you're off the hook, or she does go and has a terrible time.

  10. Hello /u/BoughtOnPresale,

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  11. Sure.

    It’s abusive if a woman punches and scratches a man raping her.

    It’s abusive if a child screams and throws a fit when their dad beats them.

    It’s abusive if someone screams at their partner after finding out they’ve been cheating.

    This isn’t all black and white, context matters and no matter how many gotcha comments you come up with, you’re not making the point you think you are.

  12. thank you 🙂 it would be a shame for us living together to end over this, i just feel like its quite unreasonable to suddenly switch. We spend the majority of time in my room and he's very cautious of being in her way. if we do enter the kitchen she usually leaves and goes back into her room. And like I said, I'm very aware of PDA, which sucks as well because it feels like im accommodating all her needs and quashing my own. I should be allowed to feel like I can hug my boyfriend in my own flat.

    I dont know what else I can say or do, as she has pretty much given me an ultimatum of unless he's here less, I'm moving back home, which would be a shame. I'm not sure how to say what i feel without upsetting her, because I feel like its a touchy subject.

    Thank you for your help 🙂

  13. We met!! Ahaha. Honestly I was over him completely and made other plans then he texted and called at like 5. I told him I had made other plans because I hadn’t heard anything from him and he apologised a lot and said he had just finished work.. I’m going to try and keep guard up for a while but honestly I’m glad I went. Thank you for your help:-)

  14. You weren’t dating and you hadn’t communicated anything with her. She didn’t cheat on you and you need to stop treating her like she did. Seriously either break up w her of get over it. You’re creating unnecessary drama for both of you and it’s gross.

  15. You two seem to have a real strong connection, and it's clear that you're into her big time. Here's the deal, it's totally cool to want more from a relationship, but it's also important to respect where the other person is at. If she's not ready for a relationship right now, then you gotta respect that. But that doesn't mean you can't let her know that you're still interested.

    It's a delicate balance, you don't want to push her away, but you also don't want to miss out on an opportunity. Here's what you do, bro. Keep doing what you're doing, spending time together and building on your friendship. But also make it clear that you're still interested in her romantically. Let her know that you're happy to keep things as they are, but that you hope she'll change her mind about a relationship in the future.

    And listen, if things don't work out between you two, it doesn't mean you've lost something special. You'll always have the memories of your amazing friendship and the work you've done together. And who knows, maybe down the line things will change and you'll be able to take things to the next level. But for now, just enjoy the time you have together and keep being open and honest with her. Good luck, bro!

  16. He sounds like any other guy who is too cowardly to say they don’t want kids snd just keep stringing their gf along.

    Men are constantly making sperm. The quality goes down as they age because copying mistakes are made. He can have kids when he’s older but the miscarriages and defect risks go up.

  17. Great question, I will follow up with her. She has just begun to work 4 months ago after graduating college. She does not pay bills or have debt, so it isn’t that. Her parents cover that.

    We both wake at 5am to work/workout.

  18. Not okay. You do know that is how babies are made? Are you ready for that? It sure sounds like she is. Be very very careful.

  19. You’ve tried to address the issue with him, but he’s not interested in fixing it. The only decision left is whether you want to leave him or keep living this way.

    I vote leave. Having been divorced, I’m a big fan of it. Staying in unhealthy relationships is not worth it!

  20. Firstly I appreciate the input. I’ve tried every foreplay there is. I’ve put hours into showering together, massages, dinner dates. Day trips, vacations. Nothing helps. I keep up the home I do most of the house work including cleaning cooking organizing and such. I pick up after the dogs and feed them. I do all yard work and home renovations my self. The sex use to be 10/10 for both of us. She couldn’t keep her hands off of me. But the performances have not been very good on either end. It’s really hard to last and preform if you haven’t in a few weeks. I know that’s a man thing but it’s true. And now she doesn’t initiate ever and she won’t even try to go on top and do anything.

  21. It's not uncommon for young adults to get into financial trouble then have to spend some years rebuilding their credit worthiness. Some might say that a 25 y.o. who agrees to be engaged to a 22 y.o. should already have some inkling that their partner isn't as money savvy as they are. Unless your older gf is oblivious to reality she didn't expect to marry you until you're 25+ anyway. So this gives you time to pay down your debts and get onto a better footing before she'd have the right to question your finances. Putting your books on the table in terms of debt/assets is essential prior to a marriage. But if you weren't planning some premature wedding you've still got time to sort this out. Good luck

  22. I think his expectations are fair. He doesn’t want to live in a bad area, and he needs an office for work. I would say he should pony up the difference for the extra bedroom, if it’s going to be his alone, but otherwise 50/50 split makes sense. It sounds like he’s being up front that he expects you to carry your weight. I would hold off on moving in together, use this opportunity to grow your career and save up some money, so that way you can afford a place that meets both of your expectations.

  23. You are stronger than I was. Something similar happened to me around the same age, long term relationship. It wasn't abuse in her friends case but drugs. Next thing you know all these made up scenarios were 100% real for her. How do you convince someone you didn't do something you didn't do? I stuck it out for a few more miserable years. In hindsight I think she wanted to date around and experience the benefits of being pursued by flashy guys throwing their cash around. Because she was 26/27 with no kids and struggling to make bills and be a real adult. They make up scenarios to make you the bad guy so they can justify the behaviors they are doing behind your back. It hurts.

  24. You seem more focused on the lying than the cheating. Either way, she's shown you who she is multiple times now.

  25. Can you have a dance with each of them? Your mom should not be pushing you, true. If you adore your stepdad and love your dad, why not let each of them have a moment at your wedding?

  26. We go to college in the same city amd i think in the last few momths i ran into her like 5 times or so, it has been a year I dont know about her but im much over things but maybe me being blocked still means she really isnt or doesnt care to unblock and if its the second then thats prefferable tbh. About the things outside my control thats a person problem of mine since to me many things that kinda are like meeting her her wilingness to talk and so on it feels like its on me to do some move try to set things right even tho on all acounts she had many flaws and faults at the breakup i just cant stand things being this bad when i foreal never did anything bad to her to deserve this bht she gaslit herself that I did to make it easier on herself when we broke up.

    Im just an idiot for caring so much and im well aware of that

  27. I love how all the misogynistic men chime in to say “hey! We’re all idiots! You can’t expect us to just..think before we speak!!”

  28. Does she easily cry around other people, or just you? What are the stories your friends are feeding your second best friend to make her seem toxic?

    Also, you say 'acting cute', so does this mean you think she's putting on an act for attention?

    Does she have her own friends she sees without you? Is she independent in other ways, or are you her 90%+ focus?

  29. Send him a text inviting him out on a second date! Could make it super casual… ‘so I’m off to see xxx at the cinema on Saturday, fancy joining me?’

  30. Let them have each other, since they wanna be together so badly.

    Don’t waste any more time with him.

  31. No intent behind it? He went into the restroom where the woman works and jacked off like he was in brothel.

  32. Its time u tell her.she needs to distance herself from him. Bc this guy will continue to try to break your marriage. I personally would contact their hr and explain it yo them saying my wife wasnt comfortable talking about it so u reached out bc uts going to become a issue.

  33. When my “person” ended things with me, I felt the same way. I decided to look at myself and figure out how I wanted to grow from there and be ready for my next relationship. Take time for yourself. Find a new hobby. Join some club or something. The pain won't disappear overnight, but it does lessen over time

  34. When my “person” ended things with me, I felt the same way. I decided to look at myself and figure out how I wanted to grow from there and be ready for my next relationship. Take time for yourself. Find a new hobby. Join some club or something. The pain won't disappear overnight, but it does lessen over time

  35. Are you sure these friends are actually aware of your existence? Do you have any confirmation of that aside from your boyfriend just SAYING it?

    He is being extremely weird about this. There are a lot of potential reasons why but most of them are bad.

    They don’t know you exist and he wants to keep his options open. Maybe he’s wanting to hook up with one of his friends or maybe he just thinks a wedding is a good place to meet someone.

    They know you exist but something about his activities with them would upset you so he’s coming up with vague excuses why you can’t be around during his “friend time.”

    He has told them some lies about you or your relationship and your presence would potentially expose them.

    He has told you some lies about them and your presence might expose that.

    He is embarrassed by you in some fashion.

    He’s not as serious about this relationship as you are and doesn’t see the point in introducing a fling to his friends.

    I’m trying hard to come up with a non-sinister reason for him to be this shady and evasive about you meeting his friends and I’ve got nothing. Whatever is going on here I doubt it’s good.

  36. Darling, you can’t make people treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

    You deserve to be with someone who wants you around. After 6 years, it’s obvious that he doesn’t want you to meet his friends. Why? At this point, does it really matter?

    You have to decide if this is acceptable to you. If being with your SO is worth it. Perhaps it is. For me, it would destroy my sense of self worth.

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