ExoticWonderx live webcams for YOU!


ExoticWonderx Public Chat Channel

Date: November 24, 2022

48 thoughts on “ExoticWonderx live webcams for YOU!

  1. I do ask him to help out which he’s always reluctant about and when he does help he always half- asses it and I end up having to re-do it all

  2. Yup, public intox. You have to give them a reason though, if you’re being normal and you’re not being a danger to yourself or others, they won’t really care

  3. This physical abuse wasn't in the 4 weeks after baby like you're saying it is. She didn't get loud with him. You're making statements as if this all has happened in the 4 weeks after baby arrived and it hasn't. That won't hold up in court. What will however is yelling and getting loud in front of baby. She removed herself from the situation and locked herself in a room while he was the one coming back to make statements and trying to apologize and she chose to take that time to be alone. The only.thing in his words that she's done wrong here in the past 4 weeks is not doing anything around the house. Period. Yeah he needs time to recover but let's not pretend that she needs more. She actually had the baby. And because you had ppd doesn't mean you're Is going to act the same way as hers in her brain. That's not how mental illness works at all.

  4. Tinder is a DATING app for god's sake and facebook and instagram are mostly for connecting with friends. also sorry for replying late

  5. You are allowed and you don’t need a reason to fall out of love. Sometimes it just happens and it is not your fault. I think you need to communicate how you feel to your girlfriend. It is not the nicest conversation, but it is important 1- to be honest with her 2- her point of view can help you. Maybe she felt it at some turning point, maybe that can help you understand if there is a cause or if you actually don’t love her anymore. Good luck!

  6. The most intelligent thing to do would be to break up with her and stop stringing her along just because it's what you want. Let her find someone she can raise the family she wants with, because it isn't you.

  7. We've met a girl who's interested in both of us and it seems to be working so far. Just requires a lot of communication and trust. While it's still early days we have boundaries around seeing her individually and nothing progresses without discussion and consent.

  8. I think she's a goody two shoes and you are her pity project.

    That means she doesn't do it intentionally, but dhe doesn't really respect you either. It seems she doesn't see you as a real person and equal friend, but your main characteristic in her mind is your 'poverty' and everything revolves around this.

    She feels good at the idea of having an underprivileged friend and treating them well. That's why she apologises so excessively whenever you call her out on something and doesn't do that specific thing again, but because deep down in her mind she has this picture of you were your social status os a character trait she's associated with you and not just a circumstance that doesn't define who you are. So the next instance something related to money comes up, she again sais something inapropriate that she wouldn't say to anyone else who wasn't 'poor' or 'less fortunate'.

    The reason why her groveling and apologising feels so strange is because it's so secretly condescending. She makes you into a fragile, overly sensible child that needs to be coddled and reassured because of that huge 'sore spot' about money you have in her head.

    I'd phase her out by seeing other people and taking up some activities that are cheap but time consuming, like starting jogging, playing chess or something like that. When you start interacting with other people who treat you normally you can start declining invitations cheerfully and with a hood reason.

    Oh I'd love to have dinner but I promised Diana I would dye her hair. No sorry, I can't invite you along. It's at her place and I can't just bring a plus one to a hair dye can I Ahahahahs.

    Oh no, had you just said something sooner, but my colleagues and I are going to have a pick me up after work. I really can't make it.

    Well, sorry hon, I'm really busy the next few weekends, I started training with a friend for the marathon. Of course you can come along. I'll introduce you to Janet. She's helping me train and we'll be talking a lot about that new gear I'll be needing.

    Let her tag along now and then but avoid meeting her alone. This way she can't pretend you're her project anymore and either turns into a real friend and stops this or you can demote her to an acquaintance and the friendship will fall asleep naturally.

    Or, if she can't pretend anymore that you're the poor savage and she's the mild and generous, wise protector, she might cut the friendship herself.

  9. Me too. Mysteriously went off birth control + whoopsie condom issue + insists on keeping it + major push for marriage suggests this was a babytrapping plot.

  10. He can't make you do anything either way, what you need to do is ask yourself if you're going to be able to give this child the life it deserves knowing full well that you will be a single parent.

    Remember you're not talking about a pet or something you're talking about a human life that you are going to be responsible for, and considering he does not want to be any relationship with you even if you're talking getting child support from him that still leaves you to essentially parent alone most of the time especially if he doesn't want to be involved

    At the end of the day it is your choice but it's not just your life you're affecting it's a whole new one

  11. Aw this is written kindly.

    I'm a dude. I dislike if anybody makes my GF (when i have one) laugh, besides me. Unless it's a different laugh then that is okay.

    You're not crazy. If you say anything, you're screwed because he is going to be flattered that 2 girls like em like that and he may play with that and get enjoyment from consoling you that everything is okay and get humble brag.

    making new friends is cool sure, but if the girls dont get a long or she doesn't like them i would take my girlfriends side.

    i'd kinda watch out.

    i want to give the advice that as a guy I would hate it if they flipped it on me with me and acted like I was acting with somebody. As in you doing what he's doing to someone else. (Saying you think this guy likes you and still hanging out) But beware doing this because that gets crazy and insincere

  12. thanks. i mean silicon boobs vagina combo has such a nice ring to it. i wish it wasn't a masturbation toy. it sounds so much like a real girl. 🙂

  13. Ease all the stuff out and make it a couple thing to eat healthier and exercise. You can couch it in you needing her support. That you've noticed that you're having trouble and really need to be healthier, school, stress, metabolism, and bring her along for the ride. I'm sure you know, since you're asking, people can be sensitive to suggestions about diet and weight. So maybe this will help.

  14. Nonsense, we're talking about morals not laws. Just because it's their note legally doesn't mean that they don't have a moral duty to get it to her if she wants it and now knows about it

  15. Totally disagree, we're talking about morals not laws. Just because it's their note legally doesn't mean that they don't have a moral duty to get it to her if she wants it and now knows about it

  16. She benefited from our arrangement as well. She moved in when her lease ended, and she's been staying here with me rent free this whole time. I said in the post that I'd be accommodating.

  17. I’m thinking op needs to buy a ticket and up and leave. She’s unhappy and intends on making everyone else around her unhappy too.

  18. I wouldn't go to him for answers because cheaters are also liars. Will just fill your head with bs you don't need to hear. I've been in your shoes more than once and it sucks. Take time for yourself, love yourself, and give yourself a pat on the back for having the courage to leave a relationship where you're not respected. That takes guts.

  19. The only things you can do are:

    Tell her why you feel the way you do.

    Let your sister live her life and make her own decisions.

    Decide if you can keep one, the other or both in your life.

    You can’t control them. All you can do is give your sister the reasons you believe what you believe.

    Further, you don’t own him and you can’t keep him all to yourself. And if he’s broken people up in the past, what makes you think you’re immune from his BS but your sister isn’t?

  20. The only things you can do are:

    Tell her why you feel the way you do.

    Let your sister live her life and make her own decisions.

    Decide if you can keep one, the other or both in your life.

    You can’t control them. All you can do is give your sister the reasons you believe what you believe.

    Further, you don’t own him and you can’t keep him all to yourself. And if he’s broken people up in the past, what makes you think you’re immune from his BS but your sister isn’t?

  21. Well remember I’m not arguing or disagreeing with you, but I am saying that I’ve devoted myself to being more experienced and being around people that will give me that. Like I said in another comment on here, I’m not one that can judge that but based on what others say who know me I am just repeating what they say.

  22. Not everyone needs it. My wife benefits from it. I have a horrific history but don’t need it. Do what’s best for you but don’t be embarrassed for hurting.

  23. It’s hard because he seems so stable: job, doesn’t drink or do drugs, seems mentally healthy and sometimes sweetest guy ever and maybe that sounds dumb but i don’t believe i will ever do better

  24. He can't be a good man if he's raping you. You're being deluded into thinking all this.

    He's committing marital rape and he is in the wrong. That's it.

  25. Given you have a child… postpone the marriage, get some distance from this man, get into individual counseling, figure out why you are with someone you're not overly sexually attracted to (even in the early honeymoon stage) and how you can set healthy boundaries for yourself also in the bedroom.

  26. She could have sucked a lot worse than a nipple. Count yourself lucky. She notified you what she did, because she wanted to be upfront. Again count yourself lucky. Her explanation sounds honest, ( admittedly stupid & drunken).

  27. My whole body is shaking, my heart is racing, I feel like I’m gonna yak, I’m hot as hell…. This is my worst fear guys I just can’t believe it

  28. When you started dating, you were 15, he was 18. That is already problematic as he was legally an adult, you were a minor fit the first three years. I’m guessing he exerted his “I’m older” powered over you.

    This relationship is toxic for you yet you feel ashamed? Dear girl, the shame is not yours to carry around. He is abusive in so many ways and twisting things to make you believe it might be your fault is a big one. I suggest getting in touch with an abuse help network (I’m sure a quick search for domestic abuse help in your town should get you going in the right direction.). You should not have to leave your home. Many other things come to mind but I’ll leave it at that for now. He is abusive, toxic. It is not your fault, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I hope you get help asap and counseling so you don’t gravitate toward this type of guy again. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

  29. He doesn't sound mature enough or stable enough to build the life you're envisioning. You both deserve someone who is in a similar place with similar goals. He comes off like a sweet, irresponsible, 20 something. You've already got kids, having to look out for him too, will only build resentment and having your lives so intertwined, will be so much worse for him, you, and your kids. Sure, saving up would be great, but the opportunity isn't going to change him into a person who does that. He doesn't do it now, he'll only start making more expensive mistakes to surprise you with if he has more money to blow.

  30. You feel like there's so much more because there is. The thing about cheaters is… THEY LIE. She's trying to minimize her infidelity and spoon you sugared bs to save face.

    Best thing you can do is cut it off now. She'll make a scene, maybe try blaming you, but it'll be worth it. If you stay with her after this, all you'll be telling her is she can get away with whatever she wants. Cheaters never do it just once. She'll do it again if she hasn't already.

  31. Life is too short to accept mediocre to bad sex. It’s such bullshit that so many young women especially feel like sex is for their partner, not for them, and just accept this inequitable nonsense. I had shitty sex like that where I was basically a human flesh light and my pleasure didn’t matter til I finally dated someone with some skill who cared about my pleasure too. Since then? I’ve still had some mediocre sex but even with a partner who was really trying? I ended things since we couldn’t get aligned in the bedroom.

    Your partner isn’t even trying. At all. He’s insecure (no toys? What? He might like them too!), he won’t see a doctor or therapist for his SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION, he won’t pleasure you and doesn’t care about your pleasure.

    Girl? If I (44F) could go back and tell my 16-25 YO self to DTMFA for the shitty sex, I would. So telling you—it’s okay to want to be sexually compatible.

  32. Might be time for a different therapist with a different approach if you want to keep trying here.

  33. The where doesn’t make it any better, actually makes it slightly worse, as diary’s are meant to be kept, to be used to bring back memories of the past etc.

    It also makes it worse for you, as you should never read another person’s diary.

    So if you want to try to make the relationship work, go for it. Just don’t be surprised when she cheats on you in the future.

  34. You’re not required to be gentle to someone who isn’t taking No for an answer.

    If this isn’t your thing, then it isn’t your thing, and you shouldn’t be coerced into doing it.

  35. Because I loved her focus and clarity. I did not know she will start trying to nag me for doing my job. I am already wearing what she says and fulfill other odd whims she has. But I feel a line is being crossed, if i am in other state and you ask me to drop everything and come only because you want to have a cup of icecream in cafe. atleast let me do my job peacefully.

  36. I agree. and maybe i just needed another human to say it to me because having thoughts/stories/feelings twirling around in your head can get very confusing. it’s almost like i can’t trust my own judgement because i can’t see truth without all of my own shit getting in the way. thank you!

  37. I went to surprise him and ended up making out with and stuff with a different person thinking it was my boyfriend (it's complicated).

    can you uncomplicate it? context might help a little.

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