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LissaMorelive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat LissaMore

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Birth Date: 2003-07-13

Body Type: bodyTypeAthletic

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

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Subculture: subcultureHipster

Date: November 24, 2022

47 thoughts on “LissaMorelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are also issues of substance abuse here. The theft of of your medication (one that can be abused). The sleeping all day. The extreme reactions. The push and pull.

    As to the moving forward, time for therapy my friend. You need to figure out how to better deal with stress in your life. You need to explore what healthy relationship boundaries might look like; and how to help others respect them. Explore what a healthy relationship looks like. And exploring strategies for addressing ADHD would also be helpful.

    It gets better.

  2. Well, I'd think he's rushing but if that sounds okay to you then I guess you'll know by tomorrow. I tend to think the vetting process is at least 9 months, but if he thinks he'll have a clear decision by tomorrow then it's not like you'll be waiting long for your answer.

  3. Sounds like it's one of those situations where people of good conscience disagree and can have valid points. So it's up to you to decide. You haven't said anything to indicate he's trying to be controlling about it or it's a deal breaker for him. Maybe take him to the consultation with you so you both can hear what they have to say, and make an informed decision together.

  4. He can go over and be there Christmas Eve and Christmas morning exactly as he plans. If she doesn’t like it, she can break up with him.

  5. I think it is possible, but needs some well adjusted character. Otherwise it can be hard.

    I am not a very sex oriented person, but even then I developed feelings for some female friends. First some romantic stuff and this mixes afterwards with low degree sexuell desire. The thing is, I only develop this when I start to feel a strong emotional connection and there is emotional intimacy. Because this really is the thing I am craving in all relationships. ( Insert boy got emotionally neglected cliché here). And sexuality becomes some mechanism my brain activates, because it believes, that this will expand this emotional bond even further.

    So it is fare away from seeing this female friends as an object, “I just keep around for the chance of sex”. But still it makes things sometimes harder and I often wish, this aspect of emotional intimacy would be not as ” risky” for me with female friends.

  6. This is my experience too. I have a two year old. I can clean all day long and it ends up looking the same as it did before I cleaned because he follows me from room to room and messes my shit up. Doing the dishes? Let’s play with knives! Picking up toys? Sure, but then let’s throw them all around the room again. Folding laundry? Oh my favorite, mess up all of the piles!!!! It’s exhausting. I’d rather wait until he’s asleep and get things done. And I find that most husbands who claim they do 50% of the housework don’t actually do 50%. They do 50% of what THEY think needs done, not what actually needs done. I’m sorry the truth hurts. When was the last time you cleaned your washing machine, OP? Your oven? No? How about the baseboards?

  7. I would buy my family and friends things I would think would help them and it be completely about them

    I think this cements in my head that the OP is a fantasy flex. The way you frame it here feels natural and intuitive, totally at odds with the way it feels in OP's writing.

  8. Oh she’s absolutely conflicted. Obviously this is a tough position for you, but this is likely even more difficult for her. The confusion in a position like that is overwhelming. It might even be worth her having her own solo therapy sessions.

  9. I'm failing to see why anyone would want to make her see such a horrible shit. She's in the right, and you tell him that. And you leave her where she is to have a nice life with her salon, her husband and her baby.

  10. I mean.. FMF threesomes are most likely a new possibility but I don’t think she will want to open the relationship, she’s given no indication to wanting that

  11. Even if you want this to work, please put together a plan for when he dumps the “unhuggable fattie” This is beyond cruel and very clearly illustrates he has no respect for you. I'm so sorry you're going through this OP.

  12. 30 isn't old enough to have changed that much. It's just that thanks to porn and basically all movies, TV and media, you're used to seeing very young women (18-22) who are still baby faced because they haven't fully matured yet, together with older guys.

    I'm 27 now and honestly, the guys I went to high school with generally look worse than the girls.

  13. It's just I was planning a tour in her country, in a very romantic city at the end of June when I have the holidays. I was so close to seeing her just to learn I was gonna lose her. Too painful.

  14. Yeah I would trust my boyfriend to go to a strip club but if I found out he got a private room and touched them all over? Oh hell no he’d be single so fucking quick he’d have whiplash. The disrespect is ridiculous, it’s literally cheating.

  15. Time for your BF to go! This guy is manipulative, and controlling! Do not go any further with this relationship! I really don’t like to tell someone that they should break up or divorce, but this guy is showing signs of possibly being a real creep O!

    His plan, keep you at home with kids, and make you his servant. I guarantee you if anyone would be the cheater it would be him in the relationship!

  16. do you warn them that you're going to vacuum? do they have some noise canceling headphones? i wonder if they're not just upset bc hearing you clean reminds them that they don't help enough around the house and that guilt is turning into anger that they're aiming at you.

  17. Haha whenever my bf smells, I just tell him: “dude, go take a shower, you stink.” XD. Not very subtle.

    But then again, he smells pretty good on a day to day basis, it's more that he'll stink after a hard day's work, he used to be an airplane mechanic, so he'd smell like fuel and sweat. He never got insulted, because he knew where the smell came from. He just started a desk job this month, so I'm curious to see where this goes XD

  18. The flicking first came with comments about how my stomach didn't move and now it does. It's now different comments along the same way.

    I am very proud of him for his journey with his body and confidence. I just wished we focused on our positivity instead of how hw sees me negatively.

  19. The issue isn't that he is into those things and you aren't, the issue is that he isn't making time for you. Ask him why he wants to be with you if he doesn't want to actually spend any time with you each day since it sounds like would rather do that than engage with you. If I was single I'd probably act like he does but I would rather be with my partner than do those things.

    Of course we are only seeing one side of it, could be that you are not compromising to make time to spend with him either.

  20. Instead of questioning your self worth why are you not questioning this relationship? He obviously doesn't want you so what are you trying to salvage? His sexuality aside there does not seem to be anything there that you would want to keep.

  21. Regardless of his feelings on abortion, the real issue here is if you got pregnant right now, you'd want an abortion and he wouldn't. That in itself is a fundamental incompatibility. I'd say end the relationship not just because of his broader views, but because this could become a real situation you two might have to navigate together, and it doesn't sound like you'd be on the same page. This is not something that could be compromised on should the situation arise.

  22. Maybe she wants it to be her, you, and your brother together against the world. She’s in the wrong here, but be gentle with her.

  23. The stupidity of making out with your sister while you are at the same party makes me think he might have been out of his mind blackout drunk combined with acid. However, that does not change the way you feel. He deserves a reckoning as does your sister. Since you are pregnant with his child, its a much more delicate calculation you have to make. I am so sorry you are going through this. Trust your instincts when it comes to whether he has done this before. Your gut feeling will be the right feeling.

  24. Of course he’s lying to you. He personally knows those women in the same way I know Idris Elba and George Clooney.

    If he lies so blatantly about this he’ll lie about anything to you. The only reason why he hasn’t cheated irl (if he hasn’t already), is lack of opportunity rather than an exemplary conscience.

    Him getting mad at you is gaslighting. Don’t put up with that shit. Don’t put up with any of it. He either respects you or you finish with him.

  25. can you explain them to me please? i'm still new to relationships so i'm not entirely sure what i'm missing

  26. He's saying he can't get hard unless he's comfortable but women assume his ED or lack of interest is because of his porn usage instead of his comfort levels. Idk why he's saying it here, but that's why he talked about porn.

  27. I agree it crossed a big boundary. I’d never be ok with my husband’s friend seeing me like that, idk anyone in their right mind who wouldn’t automatically think this way odd behaviour. Idk about this entire situation, I feel like OPs wife is being extremely obtuse every step of the way.

    Why is my husbands friend asking to take buses of me? That’s weird Ok it’s a boudoir shot. Some lingerie. Ok. Why is he asking me to go nude now? That’s weird Now I will sign away rights to my own nude images. Ok, that’s weird too.

    In no point in time did she use her thinking brain? I feel like I want to call bs on this post. No way someone could be this willfully obtuse?

  28. I don't see how it will ever be possible for you to prove that nothing happened. Or, if something did happen, I don't see how it will ever be possible for you to forgive and forget.

    I think I would get back with her, but I doubt it would be a good idea for you.

  29. I get your point. I hate that too but you’ve never gone out once. Out of the three or four times you’ve turned them down all the time. I would either say let’s make a plan for it or find a way to accommodate it a little bit and yes you are being rude. I can see if you didn’t like it you just say this isn’t comfortable can we make a plan in advance?

  30. Stand up for yourself and unblock them, don't be a doormat. Tell them the truth prove it with facts. Record a private convo with her and get her to talk about it

    If none of them believe you then you don't need them in your life as tough at that may be to hear. You don't need people like that

  31. You are alright dude. I hope you guys can talk this one out. I’d be upset but I think over time I could deal.

    I don’t really see it as much different then some random shit making him hard and he needs the release. Although we practice chastity play so idk.

    You might need a neutral third party to help you work through this. R/sex is way less judgmental and much more sex positive.

  32. Breaking up and getting back together multiple times is truly evidence of a healthy relationship /s

  33. And at the same time is filled w people who cannot manage personal or mental hygiene, social & familial relationships, or employment – but they will coach anyone other than themselves.

  34. Dump him. His reaction is ridiculous and this ultimatum is even more ridiculous. This man is a walking red flag.

  35. Simply just text him and then block him, tell mutual friends at same time. Say

    This has been weighing on my heart, when you asked me to find a video to send to friend I saw videos dated from 6months ago and 8 months ago of you with other women. I don't want to hear your excuses what I want is for you to give me key to (mutual friends name) today. Do not come to my house or try and contact me in anyway or I will go to the police, I don't want to see you or hear you from this day forward. You are absolutely disgusting,

  36. I’ve offered to sleep in another bed but she insists that she would rather sleep with me and risk an episode than sleep without me. What kind of specialist would I even see for an issue like this?

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