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tiny_kaorilive sex stripping with hd cam


36 thoughts on “tiny_kaorilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Ugh girl this hurts to read and I say this with love and compassion really, this is not a man that respects you and will go either go on to cheat on you or continue to show that he does not respect you.

    Not caring that you’re uncomfortable with the women he’s following on IG, turning it back onto you, etc. he’s not remorseful, in fact his behavior will only get worse because he’s going to see that you tolerate it. I have been with a man like this. It does not improve unless he really wants it and I don’t believe he wants it.

    For your sake and for your future please get away from him, don’t marry him. Can you deal with not trusting him for many more years? Because that’s what you’re looking at. A relationship that’s a source of stress instead of peace and joy.

  2. This is also a relationship advice subreddit. As for relationship advice between you and your stepfather the advice has been given, which is look into getting your dog under control, your stepfather does not appear to be doing much wrong.

    Maybe go to a dog training subreddit for advice on getting your dog's behavior under control.

  3. I suggest therapy. Couples definitely and probably someone who specializes in fertility issues. They might be able to help you cope with this. It’s up to you if you can move past this but at lease if you get help you’ll know you tried everything to make it work.

  4. That’s not easy. I feel like things will go wrong because he loves to sabotage any kind of relationships, also friendships. As soon as he himself doesn’t feel good he is probably gonna doubt me and the relationship since that is supposed tk make him happy. Oh god what did I get into

  5. You are absolutely correct. I am so glad this is the head space you are in because he can't manipulate you by backing down and pretending it didn't happen or he didn't mean it. If he tries to back off his statements as “not that bad”…they were that bad to you and you believe him.

  6. Can I ask – how did he cut down on it in the first place? Is he in therapy to help with this?

    Asking for things in relationships is okay, understanding that you can't force someone to give up something is important. You clearly understand that. I think it sounds like you both need some therapy here. You were seriously affected by that find and it sounds like you have unresolved feelings there. Now, yes, those are your feelings, but maybe he'd be open to stopping for a bit while you both seek professional help here. I feel like that's your best option if you're hoping to preserve the relationship. Swallowing your feelings will only make them fester long term.

  7. I think that's a little condescending, I mean if I lived on my own, of course I would do that myself, however one person will not make that much mess, and it would be easy for me to fit that in around my work schedule and would not take long at all and would not be burnt out. I also would not need a nanny for when our kids were with me, It's not like I was absent during their upbringing.

    If I had 6-8 hours a day spare and didn't work, I could get all of the housework done myself. But I don't.

  8. I’m straight, but this has been a major misconception about bisexual people forever. Just because they like both versions of genitalia, does not mean they are out to cheat with everything with legs.

  9. You seem like a hard worker and that you pull your weight at home but your situation needs to change so you can move out. Make a plan- learning to drive, savings for a deposit on a place and perhaps a better job. If you have minimum wage job that has odd hours perhaps you need tom look for something else. Look into educational or career counseling services so you have plenty of options and never have to live with your parents. Good Luck!

  10. Everything you say and feel is rational and I would feel the same way. I’m sorry but I think for your sanity you have to leave this situation. Also if anything happens in that property or the family is providing internet access and criminal activity occurs , I think some questions may be asked and additional charges filed. This is insane. You are not alone in your thinking. I have zero zero zero empathy for child predators and even adult sexual predators. They cause lifelong damage.

  11. So your considering marrying someone who;1. Snoops through your stuff frequently because she doesn’t trust you.2. Shows off her ass to her ex. 3. Refers to ex as just a friend but sends him provocative photos.

    Do those seem like things you want in a marriage? You have caught your insecure girlfriend cheating on you emotionally if not physically. Any age is too old to be putting up with that, let alone 22.

  12. I think she will feel most secure if she is making her own money. I don't think you giving her any amount of money will make her feel secure. What is her career?

  13. I can tell you don’t because the minute you said you did you commented on your appearance. I’m 31 now and didn’t know what it meant to love myself until my late 20s. Shit is hard, I relate heavy to the body dysmorphia (husky kid – fat adult – ripped to shreds – now average)

    At the end of the day it’s me, myself, and I. No person is conditional to my happiness but me. It sounds like your a bit loss in direction of life (I can relate and I’m taking big inference on your story)

  14. “Grandma..,what are those clothes…I can see your bum..”

    Some things preserved for posterity should have a very limited audience.

  15. Thank you for your insight and advice. I’m aware now what all it would entail for her to go back to her maiden name and understand her not wanting to go through all of that.

  16. Bro she sounds no good! First of all it seems like she took advantage of your good nature when she being abused by her ex and you were a safe pair of arms to fall into and pick up the pieces. Now she's taking advantage of your good nature and ignoring your trauma to fill out her disgusting fantasies. Non of this is healthy and you deserve better. You're too good for her, man. You may not see it because your past trauma has skewed your perception but please DO NOT go ahead with this. She ISNT WORTH the mental pain and it will not stop at this one request, she will keep taking advantage of your good nature

  17. And you’re sure he’s not banging a tennis buddy? I guess I’m an asshole to assume, but that’s a lot of fucking tennis. INFO: does he have elbow problems? Either way, I can’t imagine prioritizing a hobby over time with my wife….

  18. I can see from your other comments that you suffered an extreme form of this and that has shaped your views, which is fair enough. I was talking about the initial months postpartum, not years – that speaks to a larger relationship issue that childbirth possibly just aggravated. Definitely a more complicated situation.

    In OP’s situation, we’re only talking weeks. This is a pretty insane breach of trust just a few weeks after having a child – OP’s partner should still have been in the new parent “love bubble,” not watching other women strip. This is why, to me, it sounds like the partner never considered the challenges of being a new parent and now he’s freaking out and self-sabotaging. It’s a pretty awful position he’s put OP in, and I don’t think she’s to blame at all, considering the very small timeline that this has happened in.

  19. he expects me to move to canada to be a four hour drive away and leave everything behind in my home but doesnt want to marry me to be with me in the states

  20. Think about the difference of you as a person from age 13 to right now… It’s going to be the same thing from right now to 25. If not more.

    There’s nothing you can do. You are fundamentally changing as people. And that’s a good thing! This is all part of growing up.

  21. get away from this man. He's a mean drunk and to be honest sounds slightly sociopathic. Nothing good will come of this.

  22. Masturbation and sex aren’t the same, there’s no energy exchange and no worrying about performance or the way your body looks or smells. It’s just a release, and you clearly view it differently.

    For many people it’s not a placeholder for sex as they are different things and the desire to do one does not translate to the desire to do the other.

  23. 1) He lied when he said he’s willing to wait for you. He wasn’t able to wait for you for a few months, how much more the promise “of how long you need it”’.

    2) He knew that he got his ex pregnant and yet he kept this to himself. That’s being selfish.

    3) You’re too young to be a stepmother and the ex and the child will always be in his life. Are you ok with this?

    The relationship is still new and he’s already showing you that you cannot rely on him. Let him go, he’s not the right one for you.

  24. You believe him and don’t think it’s his fault but you’re devastated and don’t feel the same about him? Makes sense really…

  25. From the heated arguments here about metadata, either you trust her or not. You have to decide and stick my that decision.

  26. Not really, people often date for awhile before doing things like moving in etc

    Maybe in old age when time left is super short people move in faster.

  27. Write him a letter and let him read it alone and process his feelings. He probably looks at your house as temporary and thinks he's replaceable. If you have biological children, he may feel a little threatened. Let him know now exactly how important he is and that he doesn't have to be distant.

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