Kalinamari live webcams for YOU!


CUMSHOW [600 tokens remaining]

Date: November 5, 2022

17 thoughts on “Kalinamari live webcams for YOU!

  1. What's you living arrangement like? If both your and her name is on the lease you can't force her out. It would be better if first look for another living arrangement and then take your name out of the lease.

    If her name is not on the lease or she pays or does not pay for rent and utilities she has to be evicted out by a court order.

    Take photo copies of screenshots & show her or show the screenshots of the conversation. It doesn't matter she was sexting with women it's still cheating. She will accuse of invading her privacy or she will gaslight she meant nothing like that but its all horseshit. That's Cheaters way of evading responsibility. Tell your family and friends about her infidelity first before she can accuse of it.

  2. Never, ever date a bigot. Especially never ever date a bigot if he hates a group you belong to but says youre “one of the good ones.”

  3. Just because sex work usually involves multiple men doesn’t mean it can’t be sex work. And you don’t have to have sex with someone to be a prostitute. As Long as you do sexual favors or anything that turns someone on for money then you’re a prostitute

  4. Thank you for your perspective, I think you’re right. We dated for 3 years and the reason I wanted us to get married is because I thought we were soulmates. Once he told me it’s never happening I pretty much gave up on it and stopped bringing it up. You’re right, I might not be fully over it, 3 months is not enough time to get over a breakup. This situation just made me realize that I’m not doing as well as I thought.

  5. Even though I said it was going to be my treat initially, my expenditures ended up being really high this month, and I realize that this dinner has just become out of my budget.

    Ok, so you promised something to her and then didn't plan correctly and mismanaged your budget. Then you decided that the romantic dinner was the one expense you wanted to skimp out on. Of course she's going to feel a little upset by that.

    Discuss the balance of eating out / spending money on one another that you both feel is appropriate moving forward, after this blows over. But yeah, future reference – don't promise a romantic gesture to your partner and then not follow through last minute, it's going to upset pretty much anyone.

  6. Please divorce him so your daughters don’t consider this to be behavior they should accept in their own lives.

  7. IT. WON'T. Repeat after me: IT. WON'T. Because IT. WON'T.


    Dude it'll hurt way more later when you're getting divorced than it does right now.

  8. When you're mature enough to recognize that “choices” are about your priorities in the moment. When starting a new relationship (especially when that young) you may (at least subconsciously) be “keeping your options open” and make a “poor choice” that you now recognize as a “mistake” due to your priorities changing thru experience.

    Once you decide to commit to being faithful to someone by becoming official, you forfeit the whole “keeping your options open” thing. Everything after that is not a mistake but a deliberate set of actions to betray the trust of someone you chose to commit to.

    If you can't be mature enough to give some grace to others… Then don't expect any for yourself.

    Nothing to do with maturity or grace, if you cheat after committing, you're a shit human being. Simple as that.

    It was within the first 2 months of a 6 year (or LIFELONG) relationship…

    It was the first two months for the gf but for OP it feels like it just happened, and then she lied to him for 6 years, at that point, what else could she be lying about?

    If you can't put things into perspective… Then you either have issues you need to work thru, or are too young to understand.

    Seems to me like this is just an excuse you're using because either you want to cheat or have cheated on someone or you're some pathetic doormat with no self-worth that accepts cheaters back.

  9. I know I can just block him, but don't really feel the need to do that.

    You don't feel the need to block him, but you'll go out of your way to write a long Reddit post about it?

    Block him and get it over with.

  10. Yes thats true. I wilk ask him if everything is okay. I’m sure he will answer that he’s busy or something and won’t open up to me anyway. But do I tell him about my feelings towards him? Or if he is distant I supposed to let it go. I don’t want to overwhelm him with that.

  11. many other things. he is one of the smartest people i know, he is really calm and rational and never gets angry or yells at me nor anybody else. whenever we have different points of view or i have a problem, he is really understanding. he is really kind and polite and is so good at heart, he always cares about being as fair as possible in every situation. he always says what he thinks and never lies; i trust him 100%. he would never cheat. he is not afraid to say he's sorry almost every time i say that something is wrong. and i can totally say he tries his best when he feels like he has something to take care of. also, in terms of “practical” things, he is very caring and helpful (eg always asks if i need help, loves cooking for me, makes me hot drinks when i'm cold etc)

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