Erikareynolds live webcams for YOU!


make me cum and very happy [GOAL MET]

Date: November 4, 2022

19 thoughts on “Erikareynolds live webcams for YOU!

  1. So what would you like have happened here? You want her parents to pay off your school debt? You want them to take back the home?

    You’re coming across as a bit jealous & whiney here mate. You say you’re happy about the free home but you seem anything but happy about it.

  2. I’m so sorry for you OP, I can only imagine the gut wrenching shock and sadness of this situation. It’s easy for everyone to say Leave, divorce etc and in truth I would be inclined to agree that this is unforgivable and most likely a revelation of true character.. but it doesn’t mean that will be an easy choice or that you’ll feel good about it. I am sending you massive love ❤️

  3. It’s interesting you say three years because this is actually incredibly common due to brain chemistry. Your body produces hormones whenever you see a romantic partner for about your first three years with them, then it goes away. So you almost always see some decline in three years which is why so many relationships fail around this point. So what you need to figure out is is this a case of “new love” wearing off that would happen with anyone? Or all these faults that you should care about long term.

    If he says it’s you and you say it’s him sounds like your communication is pretty bad. You got to be really open about things, talk to him in a non combative way, be up front. If it’s just blaming and no progress, it won’t work long term. But you are naturally going to have problems and they are not guaranteed to be insurmountable

  4. OP this person is using you. She does not care for you, she’s just very comfortable now. She can use the depression excuse to get out of chores and to have you to pay for trips. Meanwhile she is not searching for treatment or offering you ANYTHING in return. She doesn’t help at home, does not give you support or even love.

    Is this what you want in life? She will not change.

  5. I woke up Saturday morning and wanted to go get my nails done at 8:30am before the day started. He got upset because I didn’t give him a heads up and wants me to tell him before I make plans so that he can also plan his day. I was literally going to be gone for 40 mins and hour most. So he got upset and started leaving my house and that caused the argument.

  6. Is it wrong that I've always wanted a cock in a cage…. Screw other men and make him watch OP. Either that or accept he's definitely bi and you can't keep him locked up forever…

  7. Yes he does, usually when I am at my worst, like I am reacting to something really messed up that he said, and my children are around. I get very protective of them.

    His parents were awful. He was adopted and they are very religious.

  8. I’m not trying to change her mind, I guess I’m just looking for a bit of closure. Her text kinda left things open ended – something along the lines of “I don’t know what the future holds for us, I just know that for the next few months everything I do will be for my kid and everything/everyone else will be put on the back burner.”

    I don’t know if that means she would want to try again in the future once everything calms down. Either way I’m not looking to wait around anyway. I want someone who will stick with me through the hard times. So I guess I just figured out my answer. Thank you

  9. Not all feelings are controllable. What is wrong with people? It’s natural to have feelings on other people and NOT act on it. Is it a bit strange she’s had these feelings for four years? Yes, but at least she’s now doing something about it.

  10. I wouldn’t recommend framing it in any way that you think she needs to lose weight. My advice would be to tell her that you’re forming a plan to get healthier and you’d love a partner on the journey/will need her help with accountability and eating better. I’m not sure how sensitive she is but I just would really try to avoid making her believe you think she’s fat.

  11. I genuinely think it was meant for the sister. He was testing the waters to see how she’d respond.

    And he met her when she was 15 ?

  12. Why don't you work with her to up your game so if she ever gets asked the question again in future the answer will be you?

  13. You shouldn't be with someone who has severe trust issues like this. You should end the relationship. She needs therapy to get over these trust issues. Especially, since she is punishing you for a previous guys mistakes. (in other words, she is treating you badly and second guessing your fidelity because of how she was treated in past relationships). If she ever wants to have a successful relationship, she needs therapy. Once she's healed, she will have the foundation to build a successful relationship with someone.

    Good luck


  14. There's not a right way to do this, you'll shatter their heart anyway. Be aware of that. So what you can do is to either go brutally honest or sugar coat it a bit, but just a bit. Shiny but fragile like a creme brulee. You can go along those lines to them and say something like…

    Love transforms. Love moves and changes. And my feelings for you have changed. It's not hate not disgust but it's definitely not the same love that brought us together and to say I still love you is still uncertain. I cannot continue my life like this, I'll be hurt, you'll be hurt. So it's time for us to part. For the best of ourselves, our memories, this needs to end here.

    And you know. Work your way around those ideas, you know them better than us. But you need to be crystal clear



    That it's over. OVER. No turning back, no “I need to talk, let's have a conversation”, nothing. Love is not a contract, it's not negotiable, it either exists or it doesn't. And definitely, love is not something you can beg for when you feel denied. They need to acknowledge that.

    And you must know that is they're so deeply in love, they'll try to bond a few times, even if they look like they don't, when we miss that relationship we become stupid and try to find ways to trick ourselves into believing there's a chance and it's an active effort to deny these thoughts and you cannot count on someone else's effort, so you'll have to be tough. No conversations for some time, no “let's meet”, no chit chat, nothing. No birthday parties. They have to move on and if they can't let you go, you'll need to break the shackles and fly away.

    And don't EVER think you're to blame for anything other than taking care of yourself. You know you're taught to give in more and try again and care for your partner, every women is taught the same. Don't fall for the guilt you'll probably feel at some time. Just be firm. Firm as a rock.

    Good luck.

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