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XxMiellexXlive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “XxMiellexXlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. OK, I actually adore that you wanted to do this for your friend, seriously regardless of genders this was pretty sweet but… You should have spoken with them both. I don't agree that her partner had to have final say and I hate this toxic mentality that it's his “job” to provide for her but it should have been a conversation you had with both of them.

    New cars can come with higher insurance and upkeep, hell the old car may have had sentiment memories thaf came with it but regardless, you should have spoken with them.

    I do hope you get to speak with him once everything is calm or perhaps write a letter explaining how much of your life you owe her and this is whg you bought car. Good luck.

  2. I think the big thing we don't have enough details on is how they met and how long they were in contact before she tried to 'seduce' him.

    If they, for instance, began raiding together in WoW as part of a guild or somethin, and just enjoyed playing with each other, and she didn't attempt to seduce him until almost two years later, a few months shy of 18, that's like reasonable ig.

    But if they met on like Omegle and she 'seduced' him 6 months later that's a big yikes.

  3. My ex was like this and I could never get him to understand that we all have to suck it up and just do it. Even when I made an ultimatum he never changed.

    Who loves doing chores? No one, but we are adults and need to do it.

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