HoneyPotNinalive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “HoneyPotNinalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. you are NOT wrong for wanting to break up with her. i am so sorry that you and your girlfriend are going through this, but this is clearly not the right situation for both of you. you might be guilt tripped into people thinking you are bad because they will assume its just because of the lack of sex. from what you have stated, she is a completely different person and its not fair for either of you to “wait” till she gets “better”, if that is even possible.

  2. Get a nanny cam, his reaction was suss but if you have accused him before he might just be over it so Nanyang cam and get proof

  3. But the flip side is some serious spousal alienation. If my husband had asked me for a paternity test, I’d have been 50 different kinds of hurt and furious.

  4. Feels weird because you’ve just been told you’re being used for sex. He doesn’t care for you enough to hang out during the day and bond with you. He is more of a FWB than a boyfriend.

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