Curly-Sue live webcams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Curly-Sue live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yep. Sounds like a “her” problem. And I wonder if it will stop at the bed? Chances are his exes touched WAY more than just a bed… what else is he gonna have to get rid of??

  2. oh my fucking god. suspicious???? Your husband is trying to groom your son. The amount of stories I've heard about pedophiles exposing themselves for gratification is, like 3, but I assume its a pretty common thing.

  3. Go sit with them.

    Tell them that you won’t take the note , but you would like to read it.

    That you are mourning and hurting. That he was very dear to you and that you are struggling with making sense of it all.

    That you loved him and cared deeply. Say nothing but incredibly positive things about him.

    This will help to lower their guards and they will see that you care.

    Be open and humble.

  4. I'm not sure. I just think having an exciting sex life is a positive but I get that this idea is risky

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