LeraBoston live webcams for YOU!


for good lucky [GOAL MET]

Date: November 1, 2022

11 thoughts on “LeraBoston live webcams for YOU!

  1. She's going to need to plan for how to care for the baby on a day to day basis, before the baby gets here. If you walk out the day the baby is born, or a week or month later, you're going to spend months with her trying to set up a new nursery and new support structure, while having to care for the baby. If you tell her now, then she can have all of that in place when before the baby is born.

  2. I'd chat openly with him and explain you want to pay your own way, but you do need to watch your budget, so if he wants to do something expensive he may need to contribute to pay some of your expenses if he wants you there. Make it clear you're interested in him, not his wallet.

    Then, if he suggests something out of your budget, you can suggest something more modest so you can cover your expenses.

    If he's a good guy, and he is wealthy, his concern probably is making sure you're not using him.

  3. You’re about to implode your life based on stories you’ve been told. This really is a shit romance novel plot.

  4. Walk away from this relationship. He straight up told you he doesn't see a future with you. He is wasting your time and you're nothing more than a place holder at this point. If he can't speak about a serious topic like marriage at his big age, run!!!

  5. Sounds like he's over-correcting. There's absolutely middle ground between 100% reliant on your partner and 0% reliant on your partner. 100% indulging on yourself, 0% indulging on yourself.

    Consider treating him to a vacation, and take some time to talk to him about how nice it is to get to see him relax, and how you know you weren't happy before, but now you think maybe he's not happy, and that's not your goal here – it's a partnership, you should both have room to be happy, to take care of each other. It was one-sided before, and now it's one-sided the other way.

  6. Oof I mean, there's nothing you can do. You talked to him, and he didn't offer any insight. You suggested several things and he didn't say anything. The whole “relationship” has been a huge mess. At no point when reading this were you two happy and in love. It was mostly you chasing him and him holding back until he finally agreed to be in a relationship….but then things got worse.

    Listen, I get that you like him, but he really doesn't sound ready for a relationship. I think he tried to move on way too fast, especially from a breakup that was caused by cheating. He didn't want to date you because he was already thinking about you cheating on him (the girl I'm seeing vs. Girlfriend), and that's the biggest sign of him not being ready.

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