SWEETAASS live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 31, 2022

14 thoughts on “SWEETAASS live webcams for YOU!

  1. You don't know anything about him. He's a great father he selflessly took on the responsibility of being a single father while the mother of his children abandoned them to pursue her own goals. Not only has he built a multimillion dollar empire, but he attends every school event, athletic program and gives them the best opportunities in life. We're dating because our goals align.

  2. Leave he's ass girl LEAVE HE'S ASS, that's made disrespect regardless, he said if that was you he would meaning he would 100% do this to not you're child but both of your children I'm sorry but I thought I was a dick but this dude is a complete piece of shit

  3. Why aren't you done with this marriage? He sounds awful, and is only going to get worse as he heads into full old man-hood.

  4. Oh hon, please get out of this relationship. There are specific reasons why he, and men like him, go for women so young… – are inexperienced in relationships, so don’t see their red flags as easily – easier to manipulate and control. Tries to mold you into the woman they want. So how your fiancé tries to guilt and coerce you into sex, make you feel like you are wrong for “denying” it. When you don’t owe it to him anyway. You say no and he should respect that, you are not there solely for his sexual pleasure. – women their age won’t put up with them or their bs. They are more likely to see their red flags.

    You are only 18, you have your whole life ahead of you. This should be a time of self exploration and having fun. Not defending yourself from being assaulted and manipulated by your SO because you “wont give it up”. What he is doing by trying to force it IS RAPE.

    I would also recommend you speaking to a doctor if you have chronic UTIs, because they can cause additional health problems over time.

    Things you can do to minimize chances of a UTI are: – Drink plenty of fluids every day. Aim for about 2 to 3 liters. – Use contraception that does not include a spermicide. Spermicide can destroy beneficial vaginal bacteria which can then make it easier for E. coli to “move in” – Urinate before and after sex. – Wipe front to back.

  5. Disgusting. People age, get scars, have accidents that change their body forever. Is he so perfect? He sounds like the type of guy to trade his wife for a younger model. He has no idea how wrong and disgusting he is. I'm so sorry that he held this part of himself from you, that he lied when you two exchanged vows. But you sound like a strong, level headed woman. You can do this.

  6. Op hasn’t tried to control anyone though. She’s trying to ask what to do. She hasn’t even tried to get him to stop watching it.

  7. She had a one night stand two years ago so obviously didn't want the guy. One night was enough to be over and done with him.

    Has the boyfriend had no one else in his life prior to this relationship.

    He sounds too immature to be in a relationship. Especially bringing this up during arguments. Instead of discussing the issue he throws this in, perhaps as a way to distract from the actual discussion. It's a convenient way to avoid discussing the actual issue.

  8. Sounds like your fiancee has zero respect for you or your feelings. If she puts her asshole brother above you on her priorities list you should seriously reconsider what you are about to step into.

  9. He’s now told you who he is: BELIEVE HIM. This is a big red flag and a sign of future and present abuse. I (62F) advise that you learn the lesson about yourself this has to teach you and get on with your life; without him. Much love to you. You can do better by just being without a partner if this is all you find. Love yourself most!

  10. Hopefully this has revealed to you a truth about your husband you’ll stop ignoring, as based on your previous comments, this behavior/side of him is nothing new. What example are you setting for your son by tolerating this behavior?

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