Nico_AndreaW live webcams for YOU!


tits oil [Multi Goal]

Date: October 30, 2022

11 thoughts on “Nico_AndreaW live webcams for YOU!

  1. It'll probably change in a few days, going from a peck to something else, etc.

    I mean. . . the ice is already broken. It's al down hill from there.

  2. My first reaction is 'what a jerk'. He's mad at you because you were CRYING IN PAIN during a sex act!? Fuck that bullshit. You know that's intentionally abusive emotionally and physically, right?

  3. You got assaulted and he’s making your trauma about himself.

    That’s fucked.

    There are people who will help you without causing you to feel they’re focusing on anyone but you.

  4. For real. My parents worked for the state government, and I know for a fact that the hiring process isn't THIS bad. Hell, my dad applied for and was offered a position with the FEDERAL government, and the background checks weren't THIS invasive–and they have actual VALID reasons for such a deep dive.

    OP, it sounds like she might benefit from some inpatient psychiatric treatment. Not even kidding, because that's unstable, unhinged behavior, and it sounds like she's escalating. Please be safe. You might consider reaching out to her parents or a sibling to see if she has a history of mental illness, because there might be something going on there. I see a lot of postpartum depression/anxiety/psychosis due to my line of work (postpartum doula), and the behavior I've seen is not dissimilar to what you've described. This kind of obsessive behavior only gets worse if not treated.

  5. Have her move out.

    and ask her, “Who is the guy you want to fuck?”

    because there is already a guy picked out.

    There is no walking this back. Dump her.

  6. Find another introvert that likes hanging out with you and your cats

    I'm a introvert that married an extrovert and had kids (something changed after my dad died unexpectedly) I lost her in 2020 she was a nurse now I'm dating a fellow introvert that cared enough to help with our girls she never wanted kids (autism and mental health issues in her DNA pool) but she didn't mind helping me and rather likes having me and a little girl that think she's awesome… there's a cat laying on my leg right now

    Anyways don't give up it will eventually work out

  7. Ugh… I just hope the second person who saw your case had more idea of what they were doing.

    Once I had blood in my urine and went to the doctor. The first one (male) was nice but then a female doctor asked me if it was not my period. I had to tell her “my pee was purple” with the worst face I could and make her go away inmediatly. I swear… some are just…

  8. You two weren't together. There was nothing wrong with her sexting with a previous partner You'll have to get over that part.

    That being said; now that you're back together, if you are uncomfortable with her being so close with a person she was casually screwing a while back and sexting while you two were separated, I think your feelings are reasonable. They had a sexual relationship, they sexted while you two were separated, and they still remain close friends. You just don't flip a switch and go from sexual attraction to no sexual attraction. Can't imagine they went from sexting to her saying “sorry, I'm back with my dude, no more dirty talk” and him saying “OK, good game, high five!” She's already made it clear that he's the option she would sexually choose if your relationship with her goes south. Keeping him around seems like she's keeping a “sexual partner in a glass case”, meaning she's keeping her next option close just in case she needs it.

    If you feel that strongly, then you have to set that boundary with her. If she doesn't want to accept it, then you have to decide if it's a firm enough boundary for you to end your relationship with her.

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