LovelyKathy live webcams for YOU!


lovelykathy chat

Date: October 26, 2022

19 thoughts on “LovelyKathy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes!!! Break up with him immediately! He assaulted you and has NO INTEREST in how you feel, only what he wants! Run run run girl, you need to open your eyes, this is horrific behaviour!

  2. If you want the sheets washed, wash them. You seem to be very overdramatic and slightly unhinged. I suggest therapy.

  3. Your boyfriend is clinically addicted to video games (yes, it's a real thing. Google it.) as well as having several other major mental health issues. He's also massively physically unhealthy, out of shape, and doesn't even have basic hygiene habits–even before having SEX with you. He sleeps nearly all of the daylight hours. He refuses to seek professional help for ANY of these issues despite having regular access to a regular M.D. as well as a psychiatrist. When you bring up these EXTREMELY reasonable concerns, he calls you controlling and even tells his family you are controlling.

    You are agorophobic, so he is a safe option for you, because you never have to leave your home to see him because he's almost exclusively LDR. Additionally you are co-dependent, so you're actually afraid to be without him to begin with.

    This is not a healthy relationship for you to be in OP. It simply provides you with the illusion of a loving relationship and it provides enough reassurance to keep you going. You are so desperate to be loved and reassured, so addicted to being in a relationship, that you have voluntarily had sex with him on multiple occasions despite the fact that you say you were “grossed out” by your own boyfriend.

    I'm going to suggest that YOU should start seeing a therapist if you haven't already. You need to extract yourself from this situation, even if it means being “alone” for a while until someone better comes along.

    Good luck.

  4. maybe shes pregnant and will be taking leave.. best thing to do in this situation is mind your own fucking business

  5. You put up a boundary, which is your right. But when you said or indicated no, stop, this is what started him to abuse imo. He wanted to show you or himself that it’s he who decides when enough is enough, when it’s time to stop. He’s abusing you

  6. Ouch.. that's bad OP.

    Yeah he holds himself up as single and it wouldn't surprise me he is lying until he gets blue when he talks to someone over that account.

    Sorry to hear it

  7. Yeah, OK, still not the same as fcking someone, though. It seems troubling to me that, belonging to this community, it seems that you have never discussed your sexual boundaries? So instead of protesting (too much) that you have done nothing wrong, apologize to her for being presumptuous and work out boundaries together for the future?

  8. I would feel so gross if my partner was having sex with me but not enjoying it tbh. Like I’d appreciate them trying to do something I view important, but I want the same level of enthusiasm and enjoyment with intimacy. It’s quite different than seeing a movie you’re not so into but seeing it cuz your partner wants to. I of course want to do things together that we both enjoy but most of all, I want intimacy to be on the same page. The bf tried to get OP into the mood, in nice ways it seems like, but OP seemingly didn’t even give affection, like what? Did OP give hugs? Words of affection? Kisses? Anything else outside of sex? I’d feel so unwanted too…

  9. I've been married for more than 30 years and already know that if I kicked towards my wife's dog she'd justifiably kick me out of the house. I'm not a dog person but I love that dog because she helps keep my wife happy. That dog is there for her. End of story.

  10. My wife is the same. We're married and I've seen a kid come out of there. Yet I still look her in the eyes and tell her I need to eat it lol. I want it, crave it, and need it. You'd think she's hiding the fountain of youth down there. I'm lucky to get peeks and little glances haha. But I'm slowly wearing her down over the years and soon I will be able to show that I love every centimeter of her body anyway or anytime.

  11. You’re right but regardless however the conversation goes I’m really strongly considering blocking him because I deserve more then what he’s giving me and I know my worth and I will be focusing on myself as I already am

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