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Dusky_Skylive sex stripping with hd cam


19 thoughts on “Dusky_Skylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I understand that you're trying to be positive, but my concern here is that his wife actively lied about/sabotaged their contraception in order to get pregnant, which is usually what people mean when they say somebody was “baby trapped”. If that is the case, there's no two ways about it – she sexually assaulted him.

  2. I absolutely understand what you're saying in that regard in terms of it being a big trip. To be honest, a European going to Hawaii is like an American going to Hawaii. It's special. I get all that.

    But you're talking about the guy's mother wanting a nice experience with her son. You need to see it through that lens.

  3. OP, it’s not all immediately or nothing. You can break up with him but give him some additional time or notice to move out, maybe a few additional months; or you could help in other ways while he’s looking for a place (maybe help watch the kids or something). It sounds like his lifestyle isn’t for you and this is a MASSIVE incompatibility which will only get way worse with time. If that’s not the life you want to live, you can be creative and kind while still finding ways to end the relationship as amicably as possible.

  4. You shouldn’t be dating a parent if you feel like this. His kid will ALWAYS by number one on his life and if you can’t understand and accept that, you need to date elsewhere.

  5. Hello /u/Accomplished_Emu8415,

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  6. Because we think he didn't do anything wrong.

    Who are we to say it is wrong? We don't live his life for him. We don't know his wife, or how she would feel about the situation. We don't know anything other than what he said here.

    We are not Judge Jury or Executioner , so we don't get to decide what is morally right or wrong.

    Everyone is different. Everyone has different morals, boundaries, beliefs, etc. We don't get to decide who is wrong and who isn't.

    He didn't physically assault someone, he didn't rape her, he didn't force himself on her, he didn't abuse her, he didn't murder her. They were both consenting adults, and just because someone does not agree with what they did , does not make it wrong.

    Like I have been saying to you. It is ok for you to have your opinion, and it is ok for someone else to have a different opinion, or different moral boundaries. That does not make it wrong.

    Who says your morals are the right ones? Where is it written in law, or anywhere else that your moral code is the right one?

    What religious belief do you have that says your morals are the correct one, and any others are wrong?

    Because I use to be Christian, and no where did I ever see it written in the 10 commandments that sleeping with your deceased spouses sibling is wrong.

    Nor did I see it in the bible. Because lets be real here, if we went by the bible, then we all would be siblings, because there was only one man and one woman the started this all. Their kids would have to be incest to create life, which means we all are related. So going by your logic we are all morally wrong.

    My husband is Norse Pagan, I am still learning about their beliefs, but I don't believe they have anything against siblings getting together with their siblings widow/widower either.

    So where do you get your morals are the correct ones?

  7. what i'm trying to avoid is that i was taken aback, so i argued back, but i made sure to say that i wasn't sure on the information. i don't want that to happen in the future, that i hurt her because i thought i knew something i didnt. everyone will be wrong eventually, i just wanted to know how to make a mistake and no hurt her while being wrong

  8. Update: I know people will ask what made me want to be with him? When he is not being a complete asshat like he is lately due to the stressors of the relationship, he is kind, giving, a FABULOUS friend (not the fair weather type), SUPER dependable, SUPER encouraging (so much that I started my own business and got a $25k pay bump from his encouragement). I know that even when we are mad at each other, if he finds out I am in some shit, he will be the first to come running. He will hop on planes to do this for me. I have never known someone like him, and turns out when I get to have sex with him, that is also absolutely mindblowing from the connection we have. He is a complete and utter hopeless romantic. He used to have a platonic friendship with his ex-best friend he dated (they were part of the same friend circle), and he ended that for me because sometimes their jokes would get uncomfortable for me (they were bestfriends for over 5 years). So there was some improvement, but it had to be forced and was not natural. So I am trying to decide if this is worth staying in, seeing the instability and lack of initiative from him to make me comfortable – I feel I always have to force his hand, and that puts me in a bad spot.

  9. What “shitty things” has he said about her? The OP clearly thinks that his daughter is being ungrateful. We do not know if she is or isn't (and if you think you do, you're probably wrong).

    That's the only even remotely “shitty” thing the OP has even hinted at. By all accounts, the OP has a very close relationship with his daughter and did have one for years – until the younger kids were born.

    I'm very sorry that you seem to relate to this, but your demonizing of the OP, here, is pretty gross.

  10. The definition you just shared counters the point you're trying to make. Transportation is on that list but it's that the only defining quality of sex trafficking. This man has arguably recruited and definitely harbored this girl and has induced sex acts from her by coercion at least. This is by the law sex trafficking.

  11. I want her back

    Stop it ya dippo

    You're way too young to be this hung up on someone that is so varied in their affections for you

  12. Which is why everyone here is telling you to leave. You cannot be with this man and not have it be draining and exhausting. Those two feelings come as a package deal with him.

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