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Room for online video chats VioletaMillerr

VioletaMillerrlive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat VioletaMillerr

Model from: co

Languages: en,es

Birth Date: 1999-09-25

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: October 25, 2022

76 thoughts on “VioletaMillerrlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Look at all the people offended for being called old like it's an insult. Yes 18 year olds think that's old just like we see 18 year olds as kids. Stop being so butthurt and accept the reality. Anyway yeah your girlfriend is being immature but if you really care about her just sincerely let her know that there is no need for her to be insecure. Give her some compliments and leave it at that. You kids have so much to learn.

  2. breaks dont work in relationships, they lead to break ups, determine if you actually want a future with this man and then make a plan moving forward

  3. Are you still seeing other people? I wonder how that has affected your relationship and how you feel about each other.

  4. Are you still seeing other people? I wonder how that has affected your relationship and how you feel about each other.

  5. I would talk to an attorney first. If your parents buy you the house you’ll have to pay tax on anything over $10,000 as income there are ways around that they would know.

  6. Thats what I keep saying! I was asking if he does! He totally got defensive. And i merely suggested that it’s totally fine and we are people! In turn he said thats not what he meant and that he is so tired of explaining everything! I feel like he pretends to not check out other women and denies anything that indicates otherwise

  7. I don't think it's beneficial to focus on such things. It's better to adopt (and slightly paraphrase) the catchphrase of the villain from Wonder Woman 1984: “I'm doing well! …but I could be doing better.”

  8. Since everything else has already been said, is there a possibility she made up the other guy?

    It’s shitty both ways, but that popped into my head immediately. Like, “how do I stop getting him to talk about relationship stuff? I’ll pretend there’s someone else.”

    Women do this sometimes. I’m not saying it’s right, but they do.

  9. I don’t mean to be rude when I say this but you are not smart and mature. You are just an easy target.

    That is what they all say, “ oh you are so smart and mature for your age” but they don’t really mean that.

  10. He is using you because you are vulnerable young woman who is inexperienced in setting boundaries and seeing red flags, and lacking confidence to believe in yourself and to protect yourself.

    He didn’t want any women his age because they know better.

    If you have difficulty in breaking up, do it in public in a cafe. Chances are low he will shout at you in public. Have a friend with you if you can.

  11. That’s 2.5 months of emotional pain, unfounded accusations and him abandoning her because he doesn’t believe her. He left her for the entire weekend and she had a friend over. Where was he all weekend that he came back feeling so suspicious of someone who is already 6 months pregnant? You can’t get pregnant twice so him accusing his pregnant girlfriend of having another man’s baby after 6 months of believing it’s his is wild.

  12. Yeah, man. Aren’t you a couple? Aren’t you going this TOGETHER? Because it sounds like she made a very big unilateral decision about your lives.

    This is breakup worthy. If you have a partner that doesn’t respect that you should be making decisions together and support each other, then what’s the point?

  13. Have you considered that if he moved in with you now he'd be his same naive self? It probably comes with stuff like not knowing how to do some chores, not managing money well, you basically having to parent him etc. Is that what you want?

  14. ok, she needing to go to the dentist or have a eye exam doesn't automatically means that they have the money for it. so you either shut up or cough up the money yourself, it's very easy to judge op from the comfort of your home, but how would you behave if you were in the same situation? 35$ for food the rest of the month, think about that.

  15. Adults don’t care about body counts. And at age 24 you were statistically challenged to find and date a virgin (assuming you’re in the US).

    75% if your post is about YOU. And you’re right. Your immaturity regarding her body count is a you issue.

    She is 100% fine and justified and doesn’t need to waste her time on someone so fixated on her past.

  16. This is a mess. I'm going to be as super straight with you because I was in a remarkably similar situation once. Learn from my mistakes, please.

    “We've been dating from 3yrs and recently i tried breaking up with him but he just didn't want to and so we didn't.” Yeah, been there. It's a crazy response, and if you're anything like me it caught you so off guard that you just accepted it. But a breakup isn't a committee decision. Both people need to want a relationship. You don't want a relationship anymore. Regardless of the ethics around the reason you want to leave, this isn't a relationship anymore, it's a hostage situation. Him thinking you can just say no to a breakup was a massive red flag, but I'm guessing not the first one.

    “When i asked him the reason for checking my phone he said he had doubts on me and so he did.” OF COURSE HE HAS DOUBTS. YOU TRIED TO DUMP HIM. So what, after the fact he's thinking “Oh, maybe she had a reason.” Finish the job, he's being insane.

    “It was a note about a guy he didn't know about. I was trying to apologize to this guy and said I'd fix things with him. Yes,this guy was the reason i was trying to break up with him but i didn't tell my bf about it.” OP, this sucks. I've been there. My relationship was falling apart and wasn't going to last. My ex had told me “Fuck you” to my attempt at ending things. And I was in love with someone else. (weirdly, my ex knew this and still thought it was a good idea to bully me into staying by telling me what an awful person I was). Of course, you're in the wrong because you're cheating (emotionally if not physically). But relationships can be sloppy. Especially at the beginning or the end. The best you can do is make it as clean as you can. In this case, that means first getting your things in order. Make sure you have a place to stay, and you have your belongings ready. Tell your bf it's OVER, no conversation. You're not in this relationship anymore. If it's your place, tell him he can have the weekend to figure out where he's going to stay. If it's not your place, or if you share rent, go stay with a friend and find a new place. You might have to break your lease. Whatever. It's doable. Then, if he's someone you do care about, apologize to the other guy for the mess. Explain that it's been hard to disentangle yourself from a relationship you shouldn't have been in. I'm sure he's aware of what you've been up to, so he probably understands.

    This is a mess and it will suck to clean up. But the moment you've done it, you'll be able to breathe again and everything will feel better.

  17. “Well that made this uncomfortable quickly”

    “Here is supposed to be non judgmental, I would prefer you didn't make comments like that”

    “yup, pushing air out does that, makes you fart as well sorry about that, you might want to not breathe in for a minute”

    I know I'm petty……

  18. She's SAHM by choice. I do about 60% of the housework on the days I'm there. The days I'm st work I come home, cook for me and her because she doesn't like cooking, then I do bath and bed with the baby.

  19. Actively on Tinder? I would be super sure before mentioning anything because if it turns out she is not, they’ll be no going back from it.

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  21. All anyone owes you is honesty, and it sound like she was honest with you. It's pretty normal to want to date different people as a teenager so you can get a sense of what's out there in the world. So she wanted to do stuff with you but also have the freedom to experiment with others. She also made it clear to you that this was her stance on things. Just because someone doesn't want to be tied to an exclusive relationship situation doesn't mean they don't like you or care about you. Given the circumstances and your seemingly hot temper it's no wonder she's made herself scarce. She's probably a little bit afraid of you at this point. But just as you have no right to be territorial over who she sees she has no right to be territorial over her own friends if they want to interact with you. This is will likely blow over with some time, distance and maturation by both of you. For the moment just continue to give her space.

  22. Ok yeah your wife is desperate enough to think about an abortion but then she's mad at you for snipping your man metro? I think there are some underlying psych issues….but don't tell her that (again).

  23. I appreciate you love your wife, that's great, but it becomes selfish the second your actions affect other people. Ya know, like all of your kids.

    Look, I'm the youngest of 6. My siblings and I were essentially had in batches of 3, so we weren't all small at the same time. My oldest sibling is 15 years older than me, my closest sibling is 2 years older. Being the youngest, the only shit I really had to deal with was being stressed about money and house security while my age was still in the single digits. My oldest siblings had to take on a ton of household and childcare responsibilities that should not have been on them. My childhood was not terrible, but my oldest siblings went through shit they never should have, and it damaged their relationships with our parents in ways that are still felt today. My parents weren't trying to be shitty, either. But life can get really shitty if you have 6 kids and limited resources.

    Condoms are great, actually. Way better than 5 unplanned pregnancies. My partner and I have been using them for over a decade with no complaints.

    Once you had one kid, simply deciding not to plan anything was shitty, selfish, and irresponsible. I'm not trying to dump on you, it's just the reality of it. I'm glad you got a vasectomy, and I hope your wife is able to process and get over this shit, but like… Don't excuse what was obviously irresponsible behavior.

  24. First stop blaming yourself for your husband's behavior. He has never been loyal or trustworthy.

    A good man would never treat you this way. He would love all of you and wouldn't be looking at other people for validation.

    The first step is acknowledging what you have isn't a true partner.

    The second step is start loving yourself. Because you need to have respect and self-love in order to realize this isn't a good or healthy relationship for you.

    I hope you look into therapy to help.

  25. It’s possible you’re reading a little too much into his comments or lack of comments. For some people, having pets and a significant other is a family. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to include kids.

    You’re about to marry this guy. You should be comfortable enough with him to bring up touchy/sensitive/embarrassing/uncomfortable topics to maturely work through them together.

    “Hey, I’ve been feeling a little insecure lately thinking you might not want kids as much as I do or not at all anymore. You hardly bring it up. So I just would appreciate a little reassurance that we’re still on the same page.”

    At that point, he should take you seriously, validate your feelings and gently and lovingly reassure you. Or open up to you about his own thoughts/feelings on the matter so you guys can work through them together.

    Please try talking to him.

  26. I never said OP was controlling and his gf is all that you describe. But it is a simple matter of how long she is going to put up with it and if later on down the road, is she going to resent having to go through this every time she wants to change nail polish? It would be better if OP got help for his sensory issue before his gf decides that she has had enough.

  27. I dont usually research tv shows if someone recommends me anything i just ask. I asked my brother what its about and he just mentioned its about a police officer and the actress is really good in it.

    I'll do that in future now.

  28. My opinion is that you don’t like him and you need to let him go. He deserves to be with someone who likes him

  29. I have no issue with what I've written, and I find your assumptions about “my trauma” and “my projection” to be patronizing, gross, and offensive. Take care.

  30. Perhaps its so popular because a lot of them have those fantasies.

    Porn itself is not real that doesnt mean the desire behind it aint real.

    Idk about canceling all those men, but personally i would go out of my way not to date them and i sure as shit wouldnt move in my teenage girls into a house w em either

  31. We did talk about things. Everything was good until we found out she was pregnant. At the same time, I got a decent raise at work and all this started to happen.

    That sounds like the next best step and try to drill it into her and hope she comes around.

    Thanks for the input.

  32. Sounds like you just grew up and became different people, it quite often happens when you are together so young. But reading your comments, it does sound like it is for the best. Just go back to the question she asked when cake testing, and also as someone else said ask her how she feels about your relationship because it honestly sounds like you are both in the same place.

  33. Can you maybe have this conversation in couples counciling?

    Honestly as someone in a relationship of almost 2 decades I would not want him to just say to me he is out.

    I would rather it be a discussion on what both of us really want from life and deserve. Does this make sense?

    Obviously you do want the best for her too, and your child.

  34. You're not a horrible person. He loves alcohol more than he loves you and his child it sounds like. You really want a 2 year old seeing his dad obliterated most of the time? What kind of role model does that set up? I think deep down inside you want what's best for you and your child and it shouldn't make you feel guilty standing up for the both of you. He's either going to need to chose you guys, or he's going to slide towards health problems/legal problems/death.

  35. I think I get it now: his wife was going to spill someone else’s secret to him. He doesn’t want to hear the secret. He’s calling his wife a rat because she’s willing to break her friend’s confidence.

  36. They’re not denying cultural teachings and the culture in general. They just don’t want them to be sent to a religious school. Religious schools are abusive and disgusting. My bf suffers a lot of trauma from Catholic school. I wouldn’t want my kids in any religious school.

  37. So this happened to a friend of mine. Childhood sweethearts. Her man got skinny and dumped her to experience what was out there. When he had enough fun, he wanted her back.

    Block him, find a way to cut all the financial ties and do not talk to him in person. He is sending you videos to make you jealous. He is keeping in contact for two reasons, the first being that he doesn’t want to be the bad guy. But he is. And the second reason is to string you along. You are his safety net. So, if his exploration does work out you will take him back.

    Be strong OP!

  38. I always tell my girls during counseling the same thing. I work with teenagers and when they come with issues like this.. i always ask if this was your little sister or best friend..

    Would u tell them this behavior is okay? It usually helps alot with reflection and also to see where exactly your mindset it

  39. I always tell my girls during counseling the same thing. I work with teenagers and when they come with issues like this.. i always ask if this was your little sister or best friend..

    Would u tell them this behavior is okay? It usually helps alot with reflection and also to see where exactly your mindset it

  40. Y’all are both immature, you both need to not be in relationships for a while, and good on you for starting therapy. Seems like a lot of love in this relationship and unfortunately love is not enough.

    Get help, block her #, and move on. She aint helping and neither are you.

  41. You gave him the silent treatment for asking for a prenuptial, rather than having an honest, open conversation, calm conversation about what it means for you both as a couple, what you could get out of it, what you could ask for, what protections this giees you, etc.

    Yikes. No wonder he feels like he needs one. You might think your relationship is solid, but I wonder if he's concerned you are too immature for marriage.

    Do you always behave so childishly when someone says something you decide you don't like?

  42. I plan on having a conversation I just felt blindsided and needed a minute to process and talk it out with others. I agree porn is different!

  43. If you are a child free person, your partner having a child is going to be a problem. Time to end it and be friends after some space away from him.

  44. My man has a great deal here – he gets someone to take care of his children while he's off on a new age romp with a “free spirit” therapist, who is poly, who cuddles with him and massages him, and with whom he has had sex. But they're not doing it anymore, only cuddles and massages 😀

    If you say anything, BAM, “sorry honey, you know how it is, I have an avoidant attachment personality, nothing anybody could do about it. Now, if you 'll excuse me, it's time for my weekly nude cuddle and massage”.

    Dude is 50+ years old, and still pulls this teenager bullshit on you, even though you two have children.

    Set some boundaries, and tell him this whole thing is not appropriate.

  45. I'm missing the part that you've included what makes it worth it to stick around.

    Living with and supporting his mom isn't necessarily a bad thing but if there are no boundaries or privacy, how do you see things improving?

  46. I will never understand this type of jealousy.

    Your past is what makes you who you are. If she loves you, she understands that and accepts your past, the good the bad and the ugly.

    At this point she’s just using it as a stick to beat you with. Although you are admirable in trying to be empathetic, it’s not working, and it’s time to tell her to get over it or get out. You can’t change it. So stop apologizing – you did nothing wrong.

    Stop accepting this abuse. It’s unnecessary and she needs to deal with her own problems. You don’t have to put up with this.

  47. That’s so embarrassing for her lol. You need to break up with her asap, she was planning to cheat and didn’t because he ghosted her, maybe he thought her nudes were not hot. Don’t feel bad for reading her journal.

  48. I just want to say I am trying to work on myself and I go to therapy twice a week to discuss my obsessive behavior (along with other things such as bulimia). I only started doing this a few weeks ago so there isnt much of a progress so far but baby steps i guess.

  49. Always put yourself and your kid first before trusting your partner. Especially as a woman; we’re out of action when we have kids no matter what. If you’re wrong and your partner turns out to have been able to provide and never fuck you over, no loss, you’ve got savings / back up. If you’re right, you’re not completely hopeless and feel stuck in an abusive relationship / a bind / any bad situation . That’s what my grandma told me when I got married. Wish I’d bloody listened

  50. Break up. You deserve better than than hot/cold behavior. It almost sounds like he is more interested in having and keeping you interested for his ego than he is actually interested in some sort of relationship/situationship.

  51. Marriage is about compromise. sometimes we do things even if they make us a little uncomfortable or if we'd prefer to do something else simply because it makes our partner happy.

    You are not asking a lot – this is kind of minimum ground territory. You are asking for him to be mildly uncomfortable on a single day to celebrate a holiday that has cultural and religious significance to you and your family. This is a very reasonable request.

  52. It’s you, hi, your the problem it’s you.

    The fact you said “we have always been each other’s first choice.” You seriously believe that he would pick you over his wife? No you don’t live in reality. People spouses are and should be someone’s number ones. Period.

    Listen, you sound like you don’t have a best friend relationship, but rather a brother sister type of relationship, at least on his end, but you see it as much more because you have a crush. You say you have been best friends for 15 years?? What 16-year-old is besties with a 28 year old. Be absolutely for fucking real.

    You clearly do not understand boundaries, and you do not understand adult relationships. It seems like you’ve been pining over this guy since you were a teenager. You need to get it through your skull that you are not his number one and you will never be his number one. Back off.

  53. Yes. Any grown ass adult that puts this sort of weight to their birthday goes down several notches in my eye.

    Sure, celebrating it is great. It's an excuse to maybe get friends out you don't regularly see etc.

    But the moment you pout because the world doesn't revolve around you on your birthday, I'm out

  54. While I am also skeptical about that, it doesn’t matter in the end because inviting someone who is single and into you to your place to drink and sleep over is unacceptable in a relationship.

    Cheating makes it worse, but even if she didn’t OP needs to dump her.

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