Kriss-Bae live webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Kriss-Bae live webcams for YOU!

  1. so she wasn't worried about drama with the other guy, just you?

    unfortunately, this doesn't change much.

  2. I made it very clear to him that if this ever happens again that I am done with him. He PROMISED to not like another females photo, out of respect for me

    You set a boundary and he promised to respect it. You told him you'd be done with him if he didn't. He didn't keep his word.

    So it seems like there's not an issue here. You can set whatever boundary you want, and you can break up when that boundary is crossed.

    I just wanted some outside opinions on this. Where do I do from here? Should I forgive him

    It's up to you. If you forgive him, he ill do it again because he knows you gave an empty threat about being done with him. He'll also know that whenever you set a boundary, it's possible you don't really mean it.

    Suggestion: Don't say “I will break up with you if you do XYZ” unless you are prepared to walk away.

  3. No, this is not standard. Please don't let your doubt carry over into future relationships.

    Sometimes being just friends or remaining in touch is not in the cards. She ended the relationship, just accept it, don't try to continue contact, move on with your life.

    You might never figure out “why” she broke up with you. It would be helpful to know, so you don't repeat mistakes, but she is under no obligation to explain herself.

  4. You are right that this girl needs therapy and she needs to go whether its for your relationship or not. Maybe even book that appointment for her and tell her that you won't speak to her until she has attended.

    You may be what she needs to get that push, she can't feel comfortable living this way and she really needs to get help as soon as possible.

  5. My head hurts from reading this, but from what I could understand from this situation, you are selfish and self-centered. Similar to a narcissist, but not quite right.

    I feel bad for your boyfriend in this case, and I'm not sure that y'all are compatible in an LDR.

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