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Siri_ssarulive sex stripping with hd cam


11 thoughts on “Siri_ssarulive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Sounds like there are deeper issues here, and that there’s an imbalance in how much both of you put into the relationship. You seem very committed. Him? Well I don’t know him obviously, but from these few sentences, that’s what I can grasp. Know that your commitment is worth being treasured, valued, and returned. Someone focusing on all the ways something might split up a relationship is a negative way of approaching it. Personally I would prefer my partner to communicate their worry, and then look for solutions with me as a partner ship.

    Night shift is not easy on a partner, and especially on a person. A steady and strong relationship can be of great help when adjusting to new changes like 3rd shift.

  2. She should stop seeing him and masturbating to him. This much should be obvious, if she doesn't want to and feel like being your wife is not enough reason to do so then… this marriage is already doomed you might as well divorce.

  3. People are on their best behavior in the beginning. If he treats you like this now, it only gets worse, and it’s already pretty bad.

  4. What is your sex life like? Do you guys have sex often? Are you trying anything new? Do you believe he's still attracted to you?

    Jerking off to porn, I get. I'm not saying it's ok because you set a boundary, but I think that's relatively normal and acceptable in general.

    To other women that you guys know? He may have an issue. He's definitely hurt you and that is going to be tough to recover from. You're always going to wonder if you're ever truly enough. You can try discussing it with him if you want to try and salvage it as best as you can. Speak calmly. Make you you both talk about what you want sexually and in general within your relationship.

  5. Reading between the lines, I think what's happening is that you lack sexual chemistry with your boyfriend. The sex you're having isn't exciting enough to make you want it very often, and you don't look forward excitedly to seeing him / being physically close together. You don't seem to have those romantic & day-dreamy feelings for him. Did you ever?

    The conversation thing is not a dealbreaker in itself. It's easy enough to fulfill that with friends, outside of the relationship. It can be nice to have a partner you can be comfortably quiet with, if you both feel content with that. It's not like you CAN'T talk to him at all, you just have different passions. That's fine, but also something to consider because maybe it's a priority for you in a partnership? Do you two share any interests? Maybe you can start a joint project together, or plan a holiday.

    Can I ask how the relationship started? Which person was the initially interested party? Are you just dating him because he is nice and asked you out, and showed interest in you? Not a great plan for the long term.

    If there is nothing about him that excites you, or if you don't feel much excitement about your future life together with him as a husband, you should probably break up. But also consider if there is growth you need to do within yourself to make your own life fulfilling.

    My final advice is, don't marry someone you don't have sexual compatibility with. If the chemistry isn't there for you, find another mate.

  6. I’m in a similar situation as you, with my husband’s family. I am NC with his entire family with the exception of my BIL.

    One, I agree it’s weird these people want access to us despite hating and emotionally abusing us. That’s because they’re narcissists, and to them, we are nothing more than supply. Think of energy vampires from What We Do In the Shadows (if you’ve seen it), they want to put us down to bring themselves up because they are empty and insecure inside. Keep strong on the no contact.

    Two, like with you, my husband also wants me to re-establish contact someday. I am very firm on not wanting to re-establish contact because nothing will change unless he is willing to protect me, which despite the fact his relationship with his family has definitely changed since what happened, he still has a relationship with them and they all basically act like I don’t exist. So, I can’t count on him to protect me against a large number of domineering and manipulative people, because he hates confrontation and if I engage in confrontation, I can’t win either way. I’m either the bad guy for responding to the confrontation or I’m taking the abuse all on my own without being allowed to stand up for myself. So I chose to not involve myself with that completely.

    Like you, my husband gets angry whenever I “insult” his family, despite the fact they’ve said – more like screamed – unspeakable things to me. This is because both of our husband’s grew up in dysfunctional families. Like my husband, your husband was probably raised to protect the family hive mind no matter what, because they usually operate in a way that I call “one brain, many bodies.” For the children of these people, they’ve been raised to defend the family because to defend the family is to protect themselves. When I didn’t understand why my husband would go to his family holidays and leave me at home all alone, he would tell me that he was afraid if he didn’t go, that he would lose his entire family.

    I’ve chosen to stay with my husband in some ways out of spite, because I know if I divorce him his family will be fucking over the moon even though I resent him for not being there for me when I needed him most. I am literally traumatized by how his family treated me over the years.

    You don’t have to be like me. You are not at all wrong for wanting a divorce. You will always be second best to the family. Your needs will always come after the needs of the family. You will always be the problem and the burden because like in my situation, your SIL has decided that you are not one of them, and therefore you must be removed at all costs.

    Do not be like me. Walk away with your head held high. I’ll leave you some advice my best friend gave me that I didn’t take to heart, but maybe you will: “at the end of the day, you can walk away from these people, but him? He has to be stuck with them for life. In some ways, I feel sorry for him, like he’s the bigger victim than you are, because he’s related to them.”

    Best of luck ❤️

  7. All these “you’re allowed to set the boundary that your partner can’t watch porn” would never ever ever be said if the genders in this post were reversed.

    If a guy posted this about his gf masturbating to porn everyone here would come in knives out for the insecure male with “fragile masculinity.” It would be an all out assault.

    Yet here we are, with every comment taking her side and telling her yeah you’re a teensy bit insecure but “you go girl!“ rather than telling her to grow up.

    How immature is “Well, IIIIIII don’t do something so HE shouldn’t EVER do it because the action of masturbating is cheating”?

  8. Okay, I think you need to make it very clear. Tell her flat out that ANY sexual activity outside the marriage will result in divorce. If she wants to be free to sleep with other women, she or both of you will have to end the marriage. Tell her there will be no compromise, no hall pass, no ONS. One strike and out. If she can’t live with that, then she can pack her things and go, discussion over.

  9. I do love her and have to problem waiting. Maybe eventually i’ll understand what she feels for me. I’ve fallen for her all over again and im afraid this ends with a broken heart

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