808sweets live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 4, 2022

14 thoughts on “808sweets live webcams for YOU!

  1. Look, it could change, but honestly I don't think so, I feel something's missing and might be my own bias, do you do your part when your kids are with you or you expect she does all the caretaking thing bc shes a mom? Maye at first she wanted to blend in until se realized she would be the one taking care of her kid and also your kids and nopped out to that part of the relationship or just want the responsibility to raise/take care of her own daughter, anyway, whatever her intentions are, you should ask her if she thinks she just needs time or what her reasons are, so you can gauge if you are compatible and make an informed decision. She wants to Honestly I don't think theres

  2. 1.) One assumes you have control over the guest list.

    2.) Assume that you have communication and negotiation skills

    comensurate with your age.

    3.) Negotiate for those guests you want at the wedding.

    4.) That your Groom insists on the presence of this woman he becomes

    responsible for the outcomes…no less than if he insisted

    an some exotic animal to be present.

    5.) From that point it is none of your business. Your unwanted guest,

    should she even show up is invisible to you.

    Case Closed.

  3. I don’t mean to shame you and I apologize if I came off this way, I totally understand what you mean especially at such a young age, I’m a very optimistic person and there’s a lot going on in me and my partners lives right now so of course sex isn’t a priority for us and our relationship is completely different from yours so that’s my reasoning for saying that our sex life will “come back” but it’s more towards when we have more time cause we both want it and in return we are keeping that spark between us alive with other activities since we aren’t always on the same schedule. And even through our 2 years there’s been months where it dies down and than we are on the go daily the next months, I find it normal and I’m totally okay with and comfortable but that’s just me.

    Besides that, if she’s not making an effort to accommodate than that’s a big issue too especially cause it means so much to you. You also mentioned she’s keen and cold about it? Which isn’t good either. I really hope you two can work it out and only being together 8 months I’m not going to lie I really think you’re just transitioning out the honey moon phase and the two of you are bringing out the real you’s as you’re settling down. Like you said you are still young and you two simply might not have compatible sex drives and that’s okay. I know you said you really like her and perhaps you can talk to her about trying out things to speak up the mood or bring excitement into the relationship to satisfy both of you. Again I apologize for making you feel that way but I hope you can make it through this with your partner.

  4. I'm pretty sure your therapist has dealt with worse then an errant thought. Plus tho it may just be me I personally find it easier to work through things out loud.

  5. Everyone calling him a loser when he’s paying most of the bills working a warehouse job. A warehouse job with a point system like that kills your mental.

  6. “I saved a bit of my dead animals fur in different ziplock bags separating them by name. He knew I had lot of memories from my pets around the house but for some reason this triggered him”

    No no no

    Don’t be dismissing this as if it’s normal behaviour

    I’m not saying you did anything wrong but this is extremely odd behaviour and he has every right in the world to find it unappealing

  7. Even if you did not cheat, announcing you're getting in a car with a strange man and then not answering any phone calls could leave your boyfriend under the justifiable suspicion that that man harmed you in some way. He could have endured hours of agonizing worry while you were having fun with friends.

    I mean, the cheating accusation does go far. Cheaters typically don't announce their cheating on beforehand. Especially not when they're in a foreign country when there's no way for their partner to find out about it. But you nevertheless painted a pretty bad picture and you going MIA in the hours directly after did not help.

    You literally allowed a stranger to drive you to the direct location you were staying at. That it worked out fine is more dumb luck than anything else. This is literally the plot of Taken and I can't believe you'd be that naive. I can imagine he is pissed off at your risky behavior just as much as he is at the other stuff.

  8. I know this will be shocking, but people used to not live together until they were married. I'm not saying to go to that extreme, but it is fine to get engaged before living together. Just remember it's okay to change your mind even if you get engaged.

  9. I'm not saying openness should be a measure of strength and security. Every relationship is different.

    But a strong relationship that tries out a threesome will not die because of it. Even if the threesome goes bad, a good couple can talk it through, figure out what went wrong and move on from that.

    In that regard, threesomes are a lot like having children. They can and will strain a relationship, even if wanted, but a good relationship can handle that. The rewards are worth it though.

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