? Hello Guys ? Call us Eva,Emmy and Annet!? ? PVT is OPEN! ?, 19 y.o.
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ? Hello Guys ? Call us Eva,Emmy and Annet!? ? PVT is OPEN! ?
Date: October 10, 2022
Even books that are aimed at one gender can be read by the other. No harm in checking it out.
Sure thing, feel free to DM me
Please encourage him to get tested for sleep apnea. All through my childhood, my dad snored so loudly you could hear it upstairs with the door closed. Now and then, he'd kind of stop breathing, snort, then start up again. He now uses a CPAP machine, which delivers a steady, pressurized flow of air while he sleeps. And the machine is far quieter than the snoring!
Sleep apnea is linked to increased risk of cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure, increased risk of metabolic syndrome and Type II diabetes, and is associated with liver damage. It may also cause fatigue, irritability, and increase in appetite/weight gain.
As someone who has watched his mother's condition deteriorate over the past year, you need to stop overreacting about everything and just love your mother while you still can.
He raped you once, and by staying you’re telling him it’s ok to rape you. He CAN control himself, he just chose not to. Break up and drop all contact for your own safety. I read that he may kill himself if you leave? That’s a manipulation technique. What you do is leave him. If he threatens suicide or implies he’s going to kill himself, you contact emergency services. Treat each threat seriously without involving yourself, and he’ll drop it real quick.
It is a possibility he was breaking a trail for you.
It’s not that you’re not important, but life is not all about you. It’s about her, her family and all of the other people you both love and care about. There are moments when you will take priority, moments when they will take priority and moments when she will take priority. It’s all about balance.
You've been together for 4 years how?? Well, ok I do know how, because you're very young, and figuring out red flags in relationships often takes years, especially when you don't have emotionally mature parents (rare) who set great role models and taught you how to have healthy relationships.
Lemme tell you something, you absolutely do not need to feel ashamed for losing your cool because this guy is an emotionally manipulative sexist asshole. I'm 30f and have been in similar relationships and I can promise you, it will not get better. He's telling you who he really is, please listen. You should absolutely break up with him, staying with him will only cause more damage that you'll spend potentially years trying to repair. If you stay with him or continue allowing men like him to treat you this way, you will become an enabler and end up submitting to his will and seeing yourself how he sees you – as inferior. He clearly thinks that you're so weak he can speak to you and treat you like shit and you'll never break up with him. Please prove him wrong.
A LOT of men are like this. They arent worth wasting your prime years over and will ruin your self image. I'm willing to bet this isnt an isolated event, and if you look back you'll notice a pattern of manipulative and abusive behaviour.
That's fair, and thank you for sharing your experience.
I am upset that Amy said no to Beth coming. And at this point I do not want to go on vacation with just Amy. Even though Beth isn't aware Amy said no, I would be really upset in her shoes if I felt one of my girlfriends friends intentionally excluded me.
I am honestly not sure why Amy said no to Beth coming, other than the explanation I offered. I have a hard time imaging it's for that reason, but I have a lot to think about right now. The comments here and giving me a lot of 2nd thoughts about many things. Thank you.
Wow your fiance's ex is a terrible person. Why did she hide this child from their father? Now a 6yo must form a bond with a man he/she has never seen before. A man must welcome this unexpected child in his life not knowing if this will tear his relationship apart with his fiance who is the mother of his twins. OP must accept and move on or must break off the engagement and be a single mother.
The ex really managed to destroy so many lives at once. OP, I can imagine this is very hard but don't just ignore your fiance. At least tell him that you need time and space to process and that you will go to him when you're ready to talk. Whatever you choose to do, I wish you good luck.
I have a feeling the relationship may be ruined either way. I don't think I can trust him right now, but if I do end up speaking with her and she says everything was platonic, I'm sure he would be very unhappy with me. It's kind of a lose-lose. When I see him again I will try to bring it up and be open minded.
I have no interest in going to family therapy.
Yta basically mate
People cut siblings out of their life all the time for shitty behavior.
any form of medical care
Maybe you should just learn to read.
Leave. Tell her you don’t feel appreciated and that you’ve tried the best you could. Stand firm regardless of what she says, because at this point it’s just talk. Ultimately you’re trying to convince someone to give you sex. That’s always a bad position to be in. Nothing you can do about it. She looks at it as a chore. And hangs it over your head with this checklist of things for you to do. Seems manipulative. The reason for her not having sex with you is not important anymore. You two aren’t compatible. You’ve jumped through the hoops already. You’re past this stage. You aren’t happy and you don’t trust her and it’s eating at your mental health. The screaming matches followed by radio silence with no resolution- Sounds toxic as hell. Again leave.
You’re 30 years old. Still young and in your prime. Be single. Download some dating apps. Start lifting weights/working out/eating healthy. Right now is a critical time to focus on your health. It won’t be easy to walk away from 4 years, painful in fact. A year from now you’ll be much happier and healthier. Think of it as an investment for your future. Investment in your sanity and happiness.
Yikes. This is not pleasant from any angle.
So, my first worry is the gun/mental health part. He's pulled his gun on you before? Like, y'all fighting and screaming and he decides to show you his gun to shut you up???? Am I understanding that correctly? That's a red flag. Unless you're coming at him with a cleaver and he's defending himself, there is no effing reason he should pull a gun on you.
Please tell me y'all were doing some Mortal Kombat role-play… Seriously, though, pulling a weapon on someone is an immediate “GTFO situation” for me. Has he displayed this sort of behaviour more than once?
If so, I would then say, yes, please warn this new girl about his anger issues!!! However, you will always be considered and spoken of as “the crazy ex” by this guy. It doesn't even matter if you show up with bruises and police reports and restraining orders – he will frame your entire history together as “that crazy one”. The new girl will probably also not believe you entirely – at least, not at first. If she's observant, she'll notice his red flags and run…I hope.
If the new girl really, blatantly, reaches out in your mutual social group “Are we dating the same guy?” Then absolutely give her your point of view. Other than that, you really just need to escape his toxicity yourself and let others see him for what he is, without your warnings.
Good luck!
Dw man
He is definitely insecure. You shouldn’t have to make yourself smaller so you don’t threaten your partner. You partner should be stoked for your accomplishments and appreciative of your expertise.
In the town I live in it's hard to get something at affordable (for me) price range, to secure rent I had to get roommate fast, she was obvious choice.
I've never admitted to any sort of attraction , I'm having this under control, why should I bother my gf with this.
Attraction is kinda automatic, she's just traditionally pretty, can'tt help it, given how long we know each other.
Dump him! You are financially supporting him while he has a great time with his friends and treats you terribly and has you thinking you are the problem. You aren’t. Your ungrateful, disrespectful, resentful boyfriend is emotionally abusing you. The loving man you knew is gone. You need to let him go, get some some self respect and see his actions for the abuse that they are and leave him. You deserve better than this ungrateful hateful jerk.
There’s an extent that you want to make sure the new partner is good to your kids. Perfectly reasonable to break up with someone because they treat your kids badly.
I’m just getting the impression that she was looking more for a dad for her kid than a partner for herself who was also good to her kid. OP was just a means to an end.
Everyone has a different idea of “affordable,” so you’re going to have to figure out what that means to you.
That being said, what’s your gf’s biggest stressors, her biggest daily challenges, and do you have any idea if she prefers to be active on vacations, or completely offline?
Because people underestimate how different other people’s ideas about vacation can be.
When I was younger, I loved walking all day and finding favorite, off the beaten path local favorites. Local restaurants, boutiques for shopping, museums, etc. The idea of sitting on a beach doing nothing all day made me itchy just thinking about it.
Now that I’m older, things have changed. I still like finding secret places, but I also love just laying on a beach, or sitting lakeside and staring out into space for a few hours each day.
Figuring that out is pretty important if your vacation is going to be a proper escape for her or not.
All-inclusive resorts are great for checking out of life and obligations, and they often have activities you can opt in and out of easily. But if she’s a “let’s go explore” type, a resort will probably be very boring for her.
Also, keep the travel as short as possible. Not knowing where you are, you’re going to have to do that leg work yourself, but keep travel to a few hours, door to door.
Someone might change their mind about a major life choice over the course of a decade? Egads!
I just want love from his parents the way my parents give him love.
Well, you know that is an unreasonable expectation.
He lives with his mom who is a crazy narcissistic bitch. …She likes to control me and make me feel like I can’t fulfill her sons needs.
So why do you want her to text you?
Look, OP, you might as well be complaining that you want your boyfriend to have brown eyes when you know his eyes are blue. His parents are not magically going to change, and really, it's completely unreasonable to continue to want or expect them to.
The majority of people do not have relationships with their in-laws like the one your boyfriend has with your family. But of course, you are the only person who can decide what your deal breakers are. If you have decided that adoring in laws are something you cannot live without, well then you need to rip off the band aid before you waste any more of his time.
Good luck on your snipe hunt.
No, but the lie occurred during it's building and residency in the home.
And in this case it's not the action itself that is wrong. It's the lie of omission.