❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️, 23 y.o.


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❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ live sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

26 thoughts on “❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don't want to hurt her feelings but I may have to set some boundaries. I am pretty well off as she is aware, that is one thing that bothers me. The other is my wife died a couple of years ago and I'm not really looking for a serious relationship at this point. Most of the women that she has talked to are closer to my age than hers.

  2. This is a tuff one. Talk about counting your hen before the eggs hatch.

    While he did have sex with someone else, the break up was clearly communicated and amicable. Were you comfortable with his sexuality before the split?

    The questions I would ask myself are, did he disclose this hook up to you, or did you have to catch him? Second one would be STI testing. I’d need my partner to get a screen done before we had sex again.

  3. Seriously! From OP in another thread:

    She got upset because I told my cousin why I blocked her.

    The only way any of this makes sense is if there was an emotional investment between OP and the “fling” that went all the way up to just days before the due date. Like, there's no motivation for someone to do this if OP had ended things with the fling amicably long before hooking back up with the current gf. He's reserving very specific information from us.

    Even then, let's say his story checks out and a years old fling that he's had no contact with for years because he's so faithful has absolutely no life and has spent the past 2 years of her life seething while he's kept his distance. Why is OP not pissed at her? If he's completely innocent, then the fling is the one that ruined his relationship.

  4. Sounds to me like she never got over him. Sounds to me like deep down. She’s hoping there may be a reconciliation, and that you are just a placeholder. Just my opinion.

  5. Dude everything in your post indicates that you are the problem here. You didn't mention any actual evidence of cheating, just your personal speculation from her going out (like young people do) and texting friends. And with her being 18 when you were 26 at the start of your relationship, you look super creepy here, and obviously not just to me.

  6. moot

    Your gf needs to understand that motherhood is not an excuse to be treated as an invalid. As a Mom, I do all the cooking, grocery shopping, the majority of household cleaning, handle all doctor's appointments, and take care of about 65% of the childcare aspects. All baths are on me. My boyfriend is too tall to bathe with our baby, and baby hates showers. I do the night time feeds and wakeups because he works full time and I don't work. She is gonna have to learn that motherhood isn't a handicap that excuses her from responsibilities.

  7. I’d be curious to hear her side of the story. I LOVE spas and yet I wouldn’t like a last minute spa surprise on a workday. Not everyone can switch gears that fast. It sounds like you wanted to go to the spa and last minute pulled her out of work. Ew. That’s not a good surprise. You couldn’t tell her in advance to take a day off, because you have a fun surprise, and let her be prepared? Look forward to it?

    Also, did you forget to get her something for her birthday? If you did, an apology and acknowledgement that you missed her birthday might have improved things.

    Third guess: was she expecting a ring? All the planning and secrecy on your part….maybe she thought you were going to propose?

  8. I agree with your last sentence. I am okay with him masturbating and watching porn, there’s stuff I am not okay and as far as I know he doesn’t watch those so it’s okay. But in the back of my heard I convince myself that he’s at it 24/7 and I feel like I need to check all the time.

    He uses it more than I would like or at least that’s what I think, he says it’s not true. He has ADHD and I know masturbation helps when he is down or stressed and when things are bad he uses it more. And the more he uses it, the more mad I get. You know?

    Easiest solution is for me to ignore what he does and just trust. But it’s hard because I am scared he will hide bigger things then.

  9. My family is very catholic but we have a tacit rule we don't get to have a say in people's body. We don't talk about wether or not people should or shouldn't do something. My kids are gay and happy? We are happy for them because we don't have a say in what they do with their body.

    We offer perspectives if asked (different treatments for depression this kind of stuff), we offer help for ex. raising a baby if that's what they need, but if it's not that's just their body and we are not living in it.

    Family should be about love and support each other, it took years to grow and learn about differences but I'm glad we are there.

  10. When you give an inch, some people try to take a mile.

    You are banking on the status quo being maintained and somehow are oblivious to the threat based on their gender.

    You stand to be very surprised. Not in a good way. This is a relationship forming in front of your eyes – good friendship and sexual attraction is not just casual. Add to that being glitz bombed with big trips and well, you just amp up the problem.

    Issue is she is fighting you already on it. To onlookers you are already being kind to allow this activity within your relationship, but instead of respecting that and your concerns its a stream of passive aggressive petulance.

    Close the relationship immediately and request distance from this new person for the health of your relationship. I am going to guess this will trigger things that will give you a clearer picture of how casual this setup really is.

    Understand that for many, feelings inevitably follow over time with the same person. Its not randoms for one night, it transitions into faux poly the more time they get together.

  11. Self admittedly too busy to give time to your girlfriend, frustrated when you do, and you've made clear you intend to move away from her.

    “Why does she do this to me?”

  12. You have rights, if you live in the states you should be ok. I felt the same fear when the divorce happened between my ex and I. However, with the help of two good lawyers (I realize this is always the case and in this respect maybe I got lucky) who had our interests in mind we arrived at the 50/50 custody split I have now. Yes it sucks to not have my daughters for a week, but then I get a full week with them. In some ways the week they are gone allows me to recharge, I am a better dad when they are here now then I was when I was also dealing with a toxic marriage. Kids are aware of much more the. We frequently give them credit for. She will probably still be quite young when she realizes something isn’t right between you two. You can’t stay in the marriage for the kid,she will have a better life with you happy and whole. If you can demonstrate you are safe parent who has been actively involved in her care and upbringing, she can’t take the baby from you, you are entitled to 50% of her time. Consult a lawyer about moving forward, there are things you can do to ensure it happens like this. Good luck OP, I hope you find some peace.

  13. Oh I tried. Nothing is more frustrating than doing towels and when she comes home from work she re washes then since they were folded wrong. Then she goes and makes it clear I should never clean again since I do it wrong. At least the bathroom got cleaned 2 times that day. Also I do my own clothes since she is “not your mother “.

  14. Even asking me who was the bitch that send me the vids.

    Wow. That is some impressive deflection, right there. The military should mount her on the outside of a tank: nothing would get past that.

  15. OP, if she is deleting messages and won't tell you what they discuss and having him over while you're gone, she is not being upfront and honest. Period.

  16. Regardless if someone was over. It doesn't cost anything to just say a quick “Hi” while making eye contact, and just say, “I had a bad day, be down later, maybe we can catch up if your still here”

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