Zoe-picman live webcams for YOU!


16 thoughts on “Zoe-picman live webcams for YOU!

  1. so he went through your phone when you guys had only been together for a month max … that’s a red flag in itself. ? i don’t think you two are going to work

  2. If you're serious about being broken up then you won't be kissing on NYE. Employ some basic self control here, you have a bigger brain than a hamster for a reason. Just don't do it. It's not that difficult.

  3. Hello /u/throwitawaybro001,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  4. To add to this. Remember condonsa re only 85% effective. So out of 100 women, about 13 will get pregnant. You need to sit down and have a conversation with her. I am a woman and a mother of 3, and I can't think of ANY other reason to track ovulation without the sole purpose of getting pregnant. Tracking your cycle is tracking exactly that. When you start bleeding, when you stop and the time in between. She is tracking to get pregnant. And that is NOT the type of person you want to have a kid with. That is VERY deceitful. Run now.

  5. Look at your last post. You caught him messing around with other girls almost a year ago. He’s cheating on you! You know this! Why are you asking us? You know the answer already. Before it was digital evidence, now you have physical proof. Leave him.

  6. You met him a week ago and he’s mad that you’re tired and won’t help him satisfy his sexual urges.

    He should be trying-to-impress mode this early.

    Are you impressed?

  7. I guess if this were to happen to my husband and I, I’d be trying to figure out who wants us to not be together so bad that they’d go to such great lengths to tear us apart so that I can make sure they’re no longer in our life.

  8. Well then you need to date someone who is super codependent and can’t be without their partner joined at the hip.

    Your GF isn’t the only person going out when she’s with her friends. You inviting yourself along is rude and puts her in a situation where she has to either be rude and bring you uninvited and potentially piss off her friends OR be honest with you and then get a guilt trip.

    I mean seriously, it wouldn’t occur to me to invite my partner to something with my friends unless it was a big group thing where everyone was bringing their significant others.

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