Xing, 32 y.o.
Location: Canada
Room subject: Friend stopped over and wanted to check out my step up…. WE ain, ‘t playing together. FYI
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Xing
Date: October 17, 2022
Easy – go talk to her, ask her out maybe?
Then find some hobbies. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Nobody can help you if you don't want help.
She wants cuddle and no phone. He wants phone and no cuddle. Phone while cuddle sounds like a compromise to me. Another compromise could be to have short cuddle, then phone.
he doesn’t have any goals, his main priorities are smoking and seeing friends. No school, no ideas of a potential career path.
Wow. What a catch.
You'll end up a parent to him I assure you.
Especially with the parents draining his money. They aren't helping.
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Yes you are right he is just being kind! I could feel it and know in how he reacts but have just went with it because it’s easier. Cowards way out!
And yes the sooner I tell him the better. I think I really like him now and in a very messed up way at the back of my mind I’m thinking if I wait and he gets to know me more then he won’t mind as much when I tell him. Which does not make any sense and in actual fact it will be worse. And I really don’t want to see the pity in his eyes ah!
And no don’t worry you’re not harsh. It’s appreciated. I have applied for nursing schools and have now got interviews/ assessments for them all so I am feeling productive and positive. I have always had A’s at high school and college so my transcripts (albeit without honours :/) read well and I have the caring experience! So fingers crossed! And in a weird way I think meeting this guy was the push I needed as I kind of feel/felt like I could see a future/happiness for myself and have some sort of semblance of a normal functioning life so even if he doesn’t want to be with me maybe that is why I met him!! I’m trying to be positive anyway haha!
That's true, he's good for it. I'd stake my reputation on it. You guys know how much I value my reputation.
Thank you
appreciate the advice
I can GUARANTEE your FIL (and MIL) will make a scene at your wedding or other adjacent events
100%. If one of these two is allowed near a hot mic (and those types always seem to find 'em) then they'll turn the cringe factor up to 11 and rip off the knob.
Unless they're making a significant financial contribution they need to be dropped from the list. Not threatened, dropped. Even if they are pitching in I would consider pushing the date back and downsizing to something that doesn't require their help.
He need to make an massive effort to not watch porn or half naked girls on the internet it’s killing your marriage. Tell him how you feel when he looks at that stuff and if he doesn’t care or doesn’t think it’s a problem then either you need a couples therapist or it’s a dead marriage and you should head for the exit.
That’s what I did, mostly because it was required with my masters but I still did it. They’re in London so idk if their class load is different than in the US, but I was definitely able to work part time while getting my masters in education.
He's 10 years older than you and he can't get his act together? You can believe him if you want to…….if you decide to get back with him, I think you should do it slowly…..date him but don't move in with him…..make him pay back everything he owes you before you will consider getting serious with him…..make him prove himself…..if not, then I think you would be setting yourself up to be hurt again!! Be smart….
I don't think you'd want this type of person your FIL is around your child anyway. It's the name now, regardless if you give in or not, I doubt this is going to be the last time ultimatums appear. If I were in your shoes I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable with my child alone with him. That grandfather is a nut case, stay far away.
Transphobes downvoting me. Fucking die mad. It’s not a choice.
You’re 27 and you’ve been seeing this guy for a couple of months. You should be able to say directly “hey I’d prefer if neither of us saw other people while we figure out our situation and get to know each other. How do you feel about that?”
Oe i forgot about that one thank u!
Well Yes didn't you know because he got cheated on or he has anxiety and depression that's an obvious excuse for being a shitty person.
I think the fact that you're even posting this shows your character. You're obviously a good friend. Maybe give her some numbers to call, or if you know a good therapist she could go to? Does she have a partner?
You could also offer to mind the kid she does have now from time to time at the weekend to give her a little break, or surprising her with something cute, like an evening in or flowers or chocolates or even treat her to a lunch out where she can bring the baby, too, if she can't get anyone to mind him/her. She sounds like she's going through a tough time and I know when i was going through bad spells of depression even someone sending me a text brightened me up a bit, even for a few mins.
Remind her that you're there for her and are willing to help, which will make the pregnancy and preparing for the baby much easier for her. You are a good person.
Tell him to fuck off. Wear your hair how you want!
I used to do this to my partner until he pointed it out and then I was embarrassed and stopped
Thank you.
I would never date anyone that loves drama!
Holy shit what a roast ?
Just dump him. Walk away and never look back
I would too with a partner like OP.
Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who lied to you? Especially a lie that they more likely than not told because they knew you may have been uncomfortable with the truth and allowed you to continue with something under false pretenses?
Normally with a FWB situation I'd question how this matters, especially if it was never discussed beforehand, but seeing as you did discuss it, it's obvious it was a boundary for you to not sleep with someone a friend had slept with and she willfully lied to you in order to get what she wanted.
I would suggest not continuing the relationship or at the very least not taking it any further. She already demonstrated that she is untrustworthy. Going through her phone, especially while not even in a committed relationship, is a bit overboard but I'd call it even and leave it at that, don't bother explaining why and just stop.
She “told you the story line is really good” ….. after telling you watching porn is like cheating….. she was projecting. People don’t watch porn for the plot. People don’t read smut for the font. If reading it together gets you laid but makes you uncomfortable then you should be able to omit that. To each their own. Watching porn or reading smut is not cheating. Setting alarms around you being gone so she can masturbate… doesn’t sound like a person who has trouble getting off. Sounds like a person who has more fun without you OR really likes masturbating! I don’t intend to sound mean, this is my honest opinion. Your girl has terrible communication skills and is not being honest with you or herself. I’m not saying that this can’t work out, just remember communication is key! Different strokes for different folks. Best of luck.
No. No this is not cheating.
Your boyfriend is incredibly immature and MASSIVELY out of line. The way he talks to you is absolutely abhorant. He is effectively isolating you and that is 100% not okay.
You do NOT need to put up with this.
Sis, you are 22 years old and have sacrificed friendships you value to try to appease your boyfriend. Newsflash – unless he can totally control you, it will never be enough.
It does not matter if you saw his body accidentally or if you two were changing in front of each other – it does not make it cheating to see him and hang out with him while you are visiting his country.
He sounds incredibly immature. You do not need to tolerate this. You DO need to think about what you want out of life and whether or not it is worth staying with someone so jealous who is willing to mock you to get what he wants (which is control).
I mean it depends on the couple involved. Some might, some might not.
It is simple, you have to choose not your girlfriend. She is not the one with the ex, you are. You are laying the decision at her feet.
just to clarify, you give him handjob and he goes soft? have you had vaginal sex with him?
Most people I know or read about that are a cis-het couple and have a mutually successful sex life, make sure that the woman orgasms (at least once) before the man does. I had had relationships like the one you describe, and when I met my husband, I knew I wanted a life with him and I knew that if I didn’t come out of the gates expecting an orgasm it would be very hard to fix. In one of the first dozen times we had sex, my then bf finished and was, well, finished. I just kept being all over him and he said, he was done and I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about and was like, “well, after I’m done maybe we can get some lunch.” And I’ve never gone without orgasms since. It took all I had because I was raised to be a pushover. But I wanted this man long term and I didn’t want to resent him.