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35 thoughts on “XHuge__TitsXlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. OP open your eyes, contact her husband and tell him it’s possible your husband is the father, you both need to suck them dry on the divorce.

  2. This is not ok. This sounds like an emotional affair. You need to tell him this. Friends do not talk to friends that way.

    You have every right to tell him that his friendship with this woman makes you uncomfortable. You have every right to ask him to limit his interactions with her to work only, during work hours.

    If he can’t do this, then that is a huge indicator that his relationship with her means more to him then his relationship with you and your family. That he would be willing to risk it all just to keep her in his life.

    If the roles were reversed, I bet he would not be very agreeable to this type of “friendship” between you and a coworker.

  3. He’s telling you his parents matter more than you. That whatever they want, is what he wants too and you’re either going to have to accept it or break up.

    A 26 year old man who won’t stand up to his parents isn’t going to change. He’s tried to stand up to them and realised he doesn’t want that any more so this is now your reality.

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  5. FYI, in a comment below she says she has a job, and will be working remotely until she finds something in their new city.

  6. Dude… you both had sooo much baggage. And relationships aren't supposed to be hard in the beginning- that's the honeymoon, rosy glasses period where everything is perfect. This was doomed to fail. Let it go. Focus on you for a while. And move on.

  7. You need to trust your partner is attracted to all of you and loves you. There will always be more attractive people out there, but that doesn't mean your partner wants to be with them.

  8. My boyfriend has a cousin (his family existed before your relationship) … He used to visit in the summer (this is written as if it happened more than 3 years ago) … Take time to self reflect before you lose him.

  9. You’re right, this has been a recurring topic for a while. He keeps saying he doesn’t know how to fix it, or that he’s done all that he can by telling her that she made him feel uncomfortable. If he doesn’t get it now then I don’t think he ever will.

  10. You should tell him. You obviously don't love him if you keep possibly the biggest lie you can. He probably felt you checked out of the relationship and im sure that contributed to the issues. He should get tested just in case as well. If you don't own up to your infidelity there is a strong chance you will be a cheater your whole life. Can't make sometging better if you never take responsibility for it

  11. He is old enough to be your dad!…How the heck is that selective, with the aim to live together and grow and have children and be together for life?

    Or is he wealthy?..You like his stability and money?.

  12. I’m working on my plan and told my bf about it and he wants to discuss it and break down the steps together but I’m waiting for him to settle first since he got there like few days ago first to do all of that, my bf said that he also will put effort and do everything to make sure it works out, and he knows if my plan works out then he would see me before the end of the year so I guess that’s giving us both hope so fingers crossed it works out

  13. He says he didn't realize he was, kind of how I didn't realize/recognize I was attracted to women until this past year. So I can empathize with that part of it. Sometimes you grow up with harsh criticism or discrimination against things, and it makes it hard for you to accept or realize you are one of those things/people your parents/family disliked when you were growing up.

  14. Read why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft. Do not let him see you reading it. That goes for anyone who needs to read this book.

  15. Depends on the reason for being late. Doing laundry, i don't see the problem?

    I guess it depends on how close you are to your girlfriend? A lot of this post sounds like op isn't the that into her

  16. You and I are a lot alike. I had a very abusive past and I also am very jumpy and super soft spoken. I literally just left my ex that was exactly like yours. He would come home every day pissed about something, someone cut him off? I'm getting yelled at. He had a long day at work? I'm getting no help with our son (I've had several surgeries and don't move well). If I hurt myself I would not get a compassionate “oh no are you ok??” I got “WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT??” I fainted in his presence twice. The first time I told him several times I wasn't feeling well and he told me I was ok and to grow up. Then when I did faint I came to in the kitchen and him accusing me of taking something. I then I had to clean up the broken glass from me hitting the floor holding the cup I had. The second time he made me show him a cut on my hand (I faint at the sight of blood) and when I came to he was sitting at the dining room table eating chips and scrolling his phone. I was lying on the kitchen floor. I also flinch when people are aggressive and every time it happened I would get yelled at more cuz he's “never fucking hit” me. Despite the fact that there were several holes in the walls and he'd destroyed 2 dressers in anger.

    My point is your partner KNOWS you've been through a lot. He KNOWS what he's doing is scaring you. HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING IS EVIL. You're partner is emotionally abusive and you deserve better. You deserve a partner that makes you feel safe. Someone who can control their emotions instead of taking it out on you. Please don't stay in this relationship. Even if he isn't breaking things the way my ex was he is still abusing you.

    With all the love in my heart please please please leave this man before he does worse.

  17. Unless he shaves, there will still be public hair rubbing against your skin and trimmed public hair is more poky and irritating. Maybe he's not 6he one.

  18. Please get out and away. Stop communicating with him, except through a lawyer. You owe this man nothing. You have to get out of that house. Find a refuge, shelter or a friend you can stay with, but don’t let him know where you will be.

  19. Exactly. You need a day to think over an emoji. Because he didn’t send magical words to you.

    You asked for opinions…yes, you’re being too sensitive and needy.

  20. Thank you for your reply! My answer is that I’m not ready now or in 5 years. I feel like I want to spend my time till 30 and feel free out of children. I’m scared of pregnancy itself in general. Giving birth is like a fear to me and especially traumatising a child. I’ve had traumatic childhood and don’t want to pass my problems to the child.

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