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winniess40live sex stripping with hd cam


54 thoughts on “winniess40live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Honey, you have bigger issues than your neighbor, her marriage and her ghost pregnancy.

    Your husband helped another man control, monitor/stalk his wife. Do you understand how totally lacking in honor and ethics your husband is for doing that? Honestly, I would be reconsidering my own relationship if my husband did that.

  2. I’m laughing my ass off at this. My son is 8 favourite food is a random brand of lasagna that’s sold in 400g. He’ll eat 2 of them and ask for more.

    Buying frozen family sized food is so much cheaper than the smaller serves. It annoys me that the bigger serving of the one my son likes taste different. So I pay double the price buying 8 individual servings vs the bigger one.

    He’s probably taking it to work for lunch. Also do people not put 2l coke in the fridge after they poor some in the cup? It not a single serve thing that you can’t have again after you open.

  3. Leave her to make her own adult decisions and try not to be judgemental about what and how much she chooses to eat.

  4. I'd say on that alone that's a “no go” on the friendship. If the feelings still exist, they're the thing that needs to be dealt with first and foremost. A genuine friendship won't bloom from that.

  5. Hey, kiddo (no, I will not be changing my wording there) there's a reason a man his age married someone so much younger.

    Your post-history is a mess and honestly your husband is a loser.

    His mind is wrapped up in some bizarre saviour-complex intricately and inextricably interwoven with toxic masculinity.

    Why do you think he couldn't get a partner his own age when you met him? Because those of us old enough to see through his bullshit would run for the hills.

  6. If you can move past it and you love her more power to you ! Just don't tell her you are getting over it and bring it back up at a later date

  7. u/Fun-Faithlessness-85, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  8. OP’s post doesn’t describe any kind of banter among men I’ve experienced. You might have a point, but at the moment, to me, you come across as sexist by claiming vaguely that many men are ”gross” and their behaviour ”not normal”. If you want to critique toxic masculine culture, I’m all for it, but being vague and using emotionally charged language to describe something that doesn’t seem typical for toxic masculine culture rubs me the wrong way. But maybe the kind of talk OP describes is more common among men than I’ve experienced..

  9. Because you could have been creative and changed some of the details of the original video that went around, but the only thing you did was change “McDonald's” to “Burger King”.

  10. This is one of the most insane posts I've seen on here. Your wife has a mentally unstable amount of control and self esteem issues. Accusing you of incest multiple times? What the fuck man, leave

  11. My partner wanted to take parental leave or go part time but not do extra childcare, he wanted to work on his own projects and was initially really mad when I said I wasn't on board with being both breadwinner and doing most of the childcare and housework. He also took a long time to appreciate what I actually do around the house because he tends to do the big impact stuff like DIY. We eventually worked it out but I get that vibe from OP, that he genuinely thinks he is doing everything but is just doing his share and she wants that to continue.

  12. Idk man, I don’t know the sub you might have been lurking, and it’s not my job to justify others opinions (which you likely fabricated anyway to “prove” your point. Tread carefully because you sound like you’re going deep into some serious MRA bullshit and it’s just a short little stumble into straight up naziism from there. Maybe get off Reddit for a while and go to therapy, figure out why you are so extremely insecure and work on that. Then you won’t care so much about the stupid shit other people say.

  13. I presumed he had moved out. Otherwise yah it’s pretty common that the mom is sadly in the habit of doing that shit for all of her family even though they can theoretically do it themselves. I only started doing my own laundry because my mom would destroy all my delicates. But let’s face it, I’d let her cook, clean etc. if I still lived at home!!

  14. I think you need to tell him. Maybe just don’t lead with “so a client tried to fuck me.”

    Maybe tell him you have some new free time because you fired a client and ask him if you can meet up for lunch or coffee, then when he asks why you fired the client talk to him about it in an nbd way.

  15. It is okay to be done after finding out this information. You do not owe him anything. You owe it to yourself to do what is best for you. Therapy can just prolong and keep you in a bad situation sometimes and I hate that it is always pushed. He’s a tool and it is okay to walk

  16. You're being unfair to your partner…. He deserves the best version of you… Find a diet that works and start working out (at home is fine). Everything will change and be better

  17. It is fair to be annoyed when someone doesn't appreciate an effort you do. Just important to remember the difference with a repeated pattern or a single incident. People fuck up, it is normal. If someone keeps making the same fuck up, it is something else.

  18. It is fair to be annoyed when someone doesn't appreciate an effort you do. Just important to remember the difference with a repeated pattern or a single incident. People fuck up, it is normal. If someone keeps making the same fuck up, it is something else.

  19. She doesn’t want a rental she wants to skip straight to buying a house and she wants to do it without me if she has to (instead of waiting for us to be in better financial positions)

  20. While I understand honor killings, I don't get why the family is so embarrassed about the aunt having a child with her 2nd husband.

  21. You are coming to a point where guiding him isn’t helping.

    He’s not interested in progressing at anything. It may be depression but there comes a point where you have to allow him to find his own way. He’s refusing help. He’s not actively searching for any other options health or career.

    He probably shouldn’t own a weapon with his mental health issues. A harsh truth.

    You need to decide if he’s able to be a partner for you. You can’t forever drag him through life. Set a time limit in months you are willing to invest before you re-evaluate.

  22. I don’t think your BF is just jealous in this case. That’s what majority of significant others would do

  23. You're already emotionally cheating in your wife, maybe she's also doing the same seen as you're clearly in a loveless marriage.

    Either way, whether she is or not, you need to make a choice. Stick it out or divorce.

    The big advantage here is that at least you weren't foolish enough to have kids with someone you obviously aren't so fussed about. If you do decide to give things a go with this other woman, then that's your choice. But you'll have to accept she will always pick her kids over you so for a LDR to ever become serious then you will have to make most of the effort.

    If it's me you need to come clean to your wife at the very least and expect a divorce (if she has any backbone)

  24. A girl's strop club is nothing like a male's strip club.i hope you realise this. There is a hell of a lot of audience participation.

    Reference: I worked as a barman at one for about 6 months. And that was 30 years ago. It's much worse now.

  25. Oh please, obviously he is using you. This is like the most common scam ever. Please don’t “date” someone in prison.

  26. Humans are social animals and platonic physical affection strengthens social ties.

    Abstaining from all physical affection from everyone else other than a romantic partner shouldn't be the norm. Attitudes like yours are why people are so touch starved and lonely.

  27. I don't think you can come back from this.

    But that's your choice of course.

    She doesn't really sound all that nice. Sure, right now she's PRETENDING to be nice…but what happens when she gets tired of pretending?

    And what if you've got kids and own a house together when that happens? Perhaps she will meet someone else and decide that rather than being lucky to have her, your luck has run out and “you never deserved me anyway..”

    I think it's basically going to die anyway now,although you might be able to force things to keep going for awhile…which could be trouble, if you keep it going long enough to have kids or buy a house together.

    It's a shame because your hobby is actually a good hobby, means you stay home with her, helps you to save money, teaches you stuff…it's a shame she did not see how good she had things.

  28. I suggest tell her you want to talk a certain time, other than then you won't be available because your spending time with activities, friends and family. Don't be controlled.

  29. I'm seeing my friends today actually and I'm going to make more of an effort to hang out with them so that's definitely a good idea, thanks!

    I have a bunch of hobbies I haven't touched for a while too so I think keeping busy is a good idea, I probably won't feel so anxious about it if I'm not dwelling on it ?

  30. I wouldn’t bother with it. You tried to do it once. He failed. You don’t have to just forgive and forget just because he decided it was time to grow up. Your wife is being kind of a bitch about this. You do a great job being cordial and understanding of there bond and she wants to push the issue

  31. My wife and I are in an open relationship but we're not poly. We're emotionally monogamous which deletes the worry of an emotional connection with another partner. You really have to think if you're built for a poly relationship. Not everyone is. It's all about boundaries and communication not just sex. If you two aren't strong in communication, it's going to end badly. Really think about if this is something you want because it's not easy.

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