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weed227live sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “weed227live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. As a bisexual woman, I have seen men not take f/f seriously time & time again because they think women need dick. It definitely has to do with that

  2. No , because man has to do something to get laid, but woman doesn't need to do anything. That's why. I don't need to bend mentally , when woman give it for free to anyone , then have expectations from “the one”.

  3. You're depressed because you know what you're doing is wrong. Break up with your boyfriend already- he doesn't deserve to be with a cheater. You are obsessed with your boss because he's older and seems cool and has a girlfriend you can, “compete,” with for his attention but if he dated you, he would cheat on you eventually too. Break up with your boyfriend and sleep around if that's what you want to do, with SINGLE men. Get on Tinder or OkCupid if it's still a thing and find flings to enjoy and get out of your system. Sow your wild oats so that one day when you think you're ready to settle down, you aren't as likely to cheat again.

  4. Well, he’s a jerk. He’s just a jerk. I will tell you that physical intimacy and working it out so that you both are getting your needs met is important in a relationship. Read a few of the infidelity posts on Reddit and you will be disturbed. I’m not saying how he did it was right it was not he was a jerk. But like most things your part in there is you have to figure out what you can do and follow through or help him because he’s not in this alone.

  5. Actually, if you find yourself getting too heated during an argument, you're supposed to walk away before it gets worse.

    Couples have disagreements. They need to have cool heads to work through the disagreements. They can't do that if the parties are yelling, screaming and cursing at each other.

    OP was being disrespectful by choosing to ignore his need to cool down so she could… what? Scream some more? There's no winning an argument when both parties are that emotional.

  6. He screamed at me that he compromised and married someone not in his league

    So, you originally started a relationship with him when he was previously married? Forget the gross psychological abuse for one moment… If you started your relationship with him as a cheater & he replaced wife A with you, wife B, what makes you think you won't be a wife C down the road in a bit?

    Otherwise, yeah, you are dealing with a situation that is only going to get worse over time. The fact that he can lash out & then play nice is disturbing to say the least. You married an abuser & it will escalate horribly onto you as the kids grow older and begin to reject him more because he cheated on their mom and lashes out.

  7. You are a new mom and that is already hard on it’s own without everything else that you are dealing with. You need to get out of there and get to somewhere where you have a support network. Are you close with your family at all? Can you go stay with them for a little while? If not family then maybe friends? I feel like you are putting all of your eggs in one basket with your bf and he doesn’t have your back. You need to go find your people and be with them until things are normal again. Right now the most important thing is you and your baby not your ex.

  8. Dude what the fuck is up with your ranting about “ethnic” women? It's weird and completely irrelevant.

  9. That's literally not how children think but okay ig? This is weird to even argue about. Infantilizing men and women who don't want their partners to be nude in front of others is not fair. You know what? Your girlfriend has every right to sleep with other men. She is not your property and if you expect her to sleep only with you, then you are controlling her. Dude, think smh. It's not rocket science to understand that people are different and not everyone finds nudity appropriate. Most people don't want their partners to be naked around other people. So according to you, most people are insecure while you are totally fine? That's kinda narcissistic, no?

  10. He's still your son, you're his dad. Bio doesn't mean shit apart from his medical history. Sorry you got bad news, but keep your relationship with him the same if you can, maybe see a lawyer about how to make that a legal thing.

  11. To me, this sounds like this:

    She broke it off, tried things out with her second choice, it didn't work out, she came back.

    A day passes, she regrets this and says “I'll try again”. Asks for time. Blocks you but leaves an “out”.

    Now with the social media hoodie stuff.

    Overall I would recommend not wasting your time with someone who treats you this way. Will we or won't we is fun for television, but not in real life. A 22 year old adult knows what they are doing here. Don't subject yourself to it.

  12. Thank you for sharing your own experience with me it makes me feel less alone. I’m not sure he’d let me go through his phone honestly we don’t really do that sort of thing but I could ask I guess. I don’t want to keep bringing it up and adding more stress to his life knowing he’s going through a lot but I don’t want to just let it go and seem weak and easy. Sometimes I wish I never got into a relationship bc I’d never have to deal with these things. i still remember the exact moment I fell in love with him and I knew I was fucked for life I never wanted to love I never wanted to be with anyone I promised myself I’d never fall for anyone and then I met him and everything changed. Sometimes in moments like this I wish I kept that promise to myself.

  13. There is definitely a furry culture and a furry fetish culture. But they way this person likened it to being gay makes it seem like this is more of a sexual thing for him. But it is a little strange that he felt the need to tell his non romantic friend

  14. I am a little older than you, but yes I prefer open and honest conversations. sometimes it may be hard to hear and bring up a fight, but its better to know than not, and the fights don't have lots of built up resentments behind them.

  15. Hold on , did you ever black out from drinking before you met this guy?

    You're only thinking about stopping drinking ?

  16. You're incorrect, I talked to her to because we are quite close an if she had told me she's uncomfortable I would have respected that.

  17. Some people don’t like it. What don’t you just eat more food that you don’t like? ? most people have have had both casual and “loving(?)” sex and know what their getting into.

  18. First off all, why are you assuming that I enjoyed it? He made me uncomfortable and if I was a woman you’d be calling it sexual harassment. Your way of thinking is the reason men do not come forward about abuse.

    As I clearly said in my post a lot were going out after and were wearing actual clubbing outfits. I was dressed modestly compared to them.

  19. Just be honest and find out why she lied and what else don’t you know?

    You both need to get everything out in the open even if it’s uncomfortable, otherwise you’ll end up with trust issues and wondering what else she may be hiding

    A good marriage starts off with everybody being upfront about everything

  20. There needs to be conversations about these things.

    Any sexual interaction without explicit consent is in fact rape or that very least rape

    Doesn't matter if it's with your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband or any other type of living partner lol Consent is always needed

    Personally, I'm into this and have a standing order to my partner with set boundaries.

    Depending on how deeply this affected you, you can have the needed convo now or consider a break/moving on

  21. Oh yeah he might have approached this more casually then you so that's why you have those feelings. I would only advise you to take it slowly. Take some time to meet someone truly and if it ends at least you learned some lessons from it.

  22. This would have me looking at someone completely differently. I would not want to be with someone who stood by like that.

  23. When I opened up to my partner about my SA he held me, comforted me, and we have had amazing conversations about how he can make sure that he avoid triggering me and make sure I feel safe in any sort of sexual situation, and have been so kind and understanding whenever a trigger have popped up while never once made it about him. Thats a partner.

  24. It must be an awful feeling to at once feel pressure to not cause a scene but also pressure to not disappoint your partner.

    I will think about this some more – I like your idea of “us against the problem”. We need some strategies, encouragement and maybe some practice/roleplays might help.

  25. The name change made you think it was fake lol?? Not the blatantly obviously fake outrageous claims and details of the story?

  26. That’s irrelevant. But it’s also very conflicting since men say they need sex for emotional connection with their partner… or is that a lie

  27. I’ve taken so much to think about it. A huge part of me gets “butthurt” when this happens and I also believe another part of me thinks “Oh he definitely thinks that girl is hotter than me”. I’m not 100% sure but that’s why it feels more insecurity driven but I do find it disrespectful to do it infront of me

  28. Unfortunately, you already know the answer here.

    If adultery factors into the divorce in your jurisdiction, then consider hiring a PI or see if you can get into her phone (or see the messages synced to a computer).

    Time to see a lawyer.

    Sending strength!

  29. Maybe she was JUST a friend, not so much that you liked her that way. Have you had female friends before?

  30. You're misunderstanding: those are 2 different ideas.

    He doesn't want to date a single mom/divorcee – idea 1.

    OP at 27 is old enough to have her shit together and not be taken for a ride – idea 2.

    I'm just speaking to the age gap as a non-issue, not any of the other myriad of problems.

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