VipOnlyShow live webcams for YOU!


Maya Woulfe & Bambi Barton- Come play with us!

Date: February 16, 2023

13 thoughts on “VipOnlyShow live webcams for YOU!

  1. Pregnancy nose is no joke. I couldn't be near fried food for 9 months. I can tell that cigarette smell really really hangs on. My parents smoked, and every time they went on a trip, I washed everything in the house at okay there times, and I could still smell it. I washed the curative as much upholstery as I could, shampooed the carpets. They loved it. So, when I was pregnant, it was fried food and coffee. There was no cooking the nose. Maybe it's lingering in your car or a jacket that you wear? Maybe try a stronger cologne? Good luck and congratulations!

  2. This isn't my perspective, this is the perspective of anyone who is in a committed relationship. She could've said “no, I don't wanna be your gf just yet”, and then go when I asked her. Craving attention on vacation is what it is.

    Her saying yes, invalidates her right to “explore” other options or feeling this entitled to mingle before even telling me.

  3. I defo agree with that. I don't think it's from a place of malice. Ultimately they believe it's for the best of their partner, however doing so they don't take their partners opinion into consideration, they act on what THEY believe is the best

  4. Well guess what? You're super young and the perfect age range to jump back into the dating pool. I (35M) have had two 5 years relationships, one engagement, a few 1-2 year relationships, and a bunch of randos mixed in since your age.

    You are too young to waste time with a grown ass man that functions on the same level as a fuckin 5th grader. You deserve better, so drop his crusty ass and find someone worth your time.

  5. Then end the relationship and move on, you are not obligated to stay in any relationship that you are not happy in

  6. Your sister can try all she wants but at the end of the day you should be able to trust your partner to shut down any weird stuff. That’s why this part worries me a bit:

    I had a feeling he may have liked her because he said something about her that indicated he found her more attractive

    What did he say, exactly?

  7. You have expressed many times to her what you feel about this and she doesn't want to respect you. If you are dating, ex partners, FWB, even flings shouldn't be in the same equation anymore.

    You trust her, but she is disrespectful of your feelings and thoughts about these issues. She makes it seem like this friendship is above the relationship you two has if she feels the need to fight for it and defend it.

    An ultimate should be in place. Either she keeps this up and loses you, or she choose to build this relationship with you and be respectful. Then you will also know where she has her priorities. But be ready for the worst too.

  8. He's actually very respectful of private moments. He was recently out of a 10 year relationship with a narcissist when we got together and I know that he is still very much not his own person, that was kinda beat out of him lol. I was more just wondering if it's normal to share almost every single conversation with his friend or if I should double down about this boundary I'm feeling? I knew it would be a lot of work coming in, but I've never had a good relationship before so I don't really know what is right when it comes to healthy boundaries.

  9. Same. One too many “you're a smart girl” would trigger a “you know what, I AM a smart girl and I've just realised I don't have time to play stupid games with someone who can't or won't use his grown up words”.

  10. This. Every time I've had crazy allegations thrown my way, it's been because someone is cheating.

    It could be emotional cheating and not physical but this smells of betrayal om the part of the accuser.

    In my experience this is 100% of the time.

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