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Village_girllive sex stripping with hd cam


25 thoughts on “Village_girllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. did you enter into the relationship with her knowing your friend used to hook up with her? did you meet her through him?

  2. As someone who has gone through that (previously very confident, weight gain), definitely keep doing what you're doing with exercise and getting back in shape, but also seek out your non-wife support network (friends, family). My situation is a bit different since I wasn't married….so, not saying you should go on a break from your wife, but if you were previously spending 90% of your free time with her, maybe dial it down a bit, see your friends more if you aren't already. Time away from her will also help you assess your relationship with her more objectively, and hanging out with good friends can be a confidence booster. Of course, there's always a therapist.

    Your wife's delivery was totally wrong and out of touch. Having said that…real internet stranger honesty, 180 @ 5'6″ is definitely overweight. Still doesn't excuse her delivery, so you absolutely should feel hurt. As you said, she should have suggested working out together or something more tactful.

  3. To be fair, you lied too.

    You said you’d be with her thru good times and bad times in your vows and now are casting her aside because of the life she had before she met you that she obviously now regrets.

  4. Don't do it. Once that money goes into his account, he will have full control over it. If he wanted to save for a house, then you all could make a separate account or something.

  5. I feel like you guys might be the exception to the rule, I’m not sure though and would love to have more info about it!

  6. Lolllll good luck with that.

    You might be able to get a good guy but you sure as hell won’t be able to keep one.

  7. Is he sleep walking or abusing alcohol? My father used to leave tiny droplets of blood around for various reasons. Check his feet.

  8. So my sister played volleyball for years, and it gave her and many of her teammates issues with disordered eating, I won’t lie. That said, it’s a physically tough sport and it will work you to the bone, even with enough food.

    Is she eating? Have you noticed any physical changes like brittle hair, fatigue, etc? Or is she appearing healthy in her habits, yet still weighing this much?

    Quite frankly I’m not concerned with how you like her to look. I want to know if she is healthy or not.

  9. Have your kids ever slept in your bed or is it only an intimate space when she doesn’t decide who can sleep in it? I babysat my nieces for a week and slept in my brother and his girlfriend’s bed because it was the sane option instead of the couch and washable sheets exist. If you can’t have a comfortable place for your dad to sleep when he is doing you a solid, then don’t have him babysit. It’s rude as hell not to mention he will be in pain from his back and won’t sleep much. Your wife is being unreasonable.

  10. its so sad & hurtful to the partners/spouse as its often abused by as*holes as you mentioned “testing the waters”.

  11. I think people can’t understand that you don’t think one day in an orphanage is going to change anyone’s life— but rather you are making the personal connection of seeing how all your time and money to date is being put to use and getting a first hand look at their needs so you can donate even more time and money. And you are delicensing supplies! Honestly who cares if you also get to feel good about yourself as a result. I’m sure the orphans would rather you give yourself a pat on the back and keep on supporting them rather than the alternative.

    I think everyone is seeing a vanity mission trip here for a selfie when that’s clearly not the case.

  12. If you’d have been honest with your wife from the get go, you wouldn’t be in this mess. You should understand that continuing this friendship is a risk to the relationship because it’s a friendship you’ve lied about and hidden from your wife. Now it’s a source of lost trust and stress in your marriage. You’re wife’s request is very valid.

  13. All you can do is move on from this, both of you are in relationships, so keep your relationship professional.

  14. It's all in the way you do it, and given the results you're getting, I suspect you're doing it in a way that is not particularly attractive.

  15. 2-3 times a day is the lusty / honeymoon stage.

    Over time it's normal to drop off.

    5-6 times a week is still alot..more than average.

  16. As a male who is often told he is too big, tell him, “I wouldn't change a thing. You hit just right.”

    I've had several partners who complained I was just barely too big and while they enjoyed it, I could only sleep with each of them every week or two. I had to have a rotation. (They all knew about each other and some even knew each other.)

  17. Found the bf?

    This isn't about “obligation” its about including your life partner in your life, which most people want to do.

  18. I don’t know… I feel like I could still try and communicate again before I completely give up.

    At least if I communicate how I’m feeling and request we try and work things out I’m at least giving him a heads up.

    And if things don’t change even after a more serious talk then maybe I’ll actually start thinking about leaving.

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