Veronikalatin live webcams for YOU!


veronikalatin chat

Date: November 6, 2022

22 thoughts on “Veronikalatin live webcams for YOU!

  1. It happens in all relationships your hand or suck it up always keep open lines of communication with her she may be stressed or have something going on

  2. I understand the gift giving thing, I’m the same in that I love to give gifts. I’ve had to come to the realisation though that if I give them, I’m doing it for me not for my boyfriend because he’s not really fussed.

  3. I agree with all of this but I think people are focusing too much on how bad the coworker is and not enough on the fact that OP feels trapped in a high school relationship that has run its course.

    OP, your gf-vs-coworker framing of the problem isnt the right way to look at this. You should know that your coworker is not a true friend, but that doesnt mean it would be wrong to break up with your gf. You don't have to convince yourself she deserves it. It's entirely okay to break up with someone who has done nothing wrong. The important thing is that you dont deserve to be sentenced to an unhappy relationship just because your gf is a good person. Most people I know are good people and yet I dont want to spend the rest of my life with them.

    Dont worry about the parents. You are likely perceiving expectations that arent really there. No sane adult expects high school relationships to last forever and you dont have to prop up their friendships. They're perfectly capable of maintaining them on their own.

  4. She really said that she doesn't think it'd be more fun with you around?

    Yeaaaah, boooooi, NO. Next!

    If she thinks you're a wet blanket, why are you still dating? Don't tell me…are you picking up her tabs?

  5. I wouldn't say I'm struggling to be healthy, there nothing healthy about me. I want to die every day and I can't get rid of that feeling.

    I see you, man. That vibe is evident in your post. That's why I'm tough loving you right now. Suicidal ideation, even if you don't have a plan or necessarily intention, is an EMERGENCY! That's your psyche imploring you to get into action.

    I need to know what to do going forward

    I'm telling you exactly what you need to do. You've already done the first step, which is to forget about any relationships for the foreseeable future. This is you time. The next step is to get into INTENSIVE therapy, immediately. Like, full court press. You have to figure out what is causing this depression and get it under control before any other aspect of your life can fall into place. Get comfortable with discomfort…it's gonna be a long ride.

    You don't have to feel like this, man. Nobody does. Let that sink in. The worst depths of depression come from hopelessness. There are things you can do.

  6. This is beyond destructive behaviour. You need to get therapy to help you move on because you are just hurting yourself.

  7. Oh I can’t wait for the downvotes! When my ex gf drastically cut her hair I fantasized I was having an affair, but with her. Sex was wiiiiild

  8. Thank you for your input, I don't want to be misconstrued, This is not about me having my “wild days” yeah sure I want to party here and there but I'm not doing this to sleep with other people, if it happens then it happens, but this is me trying to learn how to be independent and live on my own.

    You are right though i need to weigh my pros and cons that is very important, that was another thing i don't know how to have the conversation with her, you said have it out of a place of love and compassion but it seems kind of hard to have that kind of a conversation while trying to sound loving.

  9. Literally same, we've been living together for like 7 years but probably will only get around to getting married if/when we buy a house, have kids, or need each other's health insurance ?

  10. So you would rather have a FWB than the chance at a real relationship.

    If that is the case then stop trying to find someone else.

    Stop telling people that you like them.

    You are either not mature enough to be in a relationship, and idiot, or a horrible person. I will let you decide which.

  11. Honestly, part of being in a relationship is give and take. If he cannot do something as simple as listen when you speak, you cannot be happy with him. This is clearly important to you. Have you talked to him about this and how you feel? If so, how does he respond to that? If not, why are you posting here before having a conversation? I feel like there is some imperative information missing here that we need to know in order to be able to assist you.

  12. I dunno, OP. His behavior is not that of a man who dislikes his wife.

    At all.

    I don't know how you should approach the Other Women part, but I suggest giving him more attention of the kind you've been doing. Show you care and appreciate him, ask to go on a few dates/outings, just the two of you. I…I think you might be surprised by what happens.

    Honestly, I hope you come back in a few months or a year and tell us you're in a happy marriage after all. I'm rooting for you!

  13. This is not how sexual assault or sexual harassment work. These two things are unwanted either from the start, or consent is withdrawn at a certain point. If consent is given (repeatedly if necessary) and is never withdrawn, you cannot claim sexual harassment/assault.

    OP's wife seems like she was fine with everything that happened until OP expressed that he didn't like it.

  14. Bro, you dodged the biggest bullet and you don’t even know it. Next time you get into a relationship with a woman and she has a best friend that’s a dude just keep on moving. Make that like one of the opening questions at dinner on your first date.

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