TwilightLoidy live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 4, 2022

13 thoughts on “TwilightLoidy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Would you be interested in a guy who treated you this way? Leave this guy alone and let him go find someone who knows they're interested in him.

  2. Hello /u/nuckelavee1313,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. Why would you ever smoke weed around your pregnant wife? You probably were stoned the whole time your wife was dealing with the trauma and grief of miscarriages and weren’t really there for her. You have normalized your habit to the point where it is coming before your wife and child. Plus, you’ve been dishonest with her multiple times over it. So now, to your wife…weed is horrible. Your actions have made it that way. Maybe it’s time to cut way back or quick…or at least find a way to be a supportive husband instead of being baked all the time.

  4. I consider myself so lucky, desperate for an identity I would have probably have been drawn to any number of groups only to then turn on anyone who “didn't do it properly”

  5. Should you walk away from someone that doesn’t want to rush I to a living situation with someone they have been dating for 5 months?


    You should relax a little bit and let this relationship develop more naturally. You are the one rushing this.

    You haven’t even lived close to each other yet. You have no idea what it will be like to live with this person.

    Live close to each other for a year. Spend a ton of time together, then decide if it’s worth moving in.

    There is 100% absolutely no reason at all to rush into a living situation with. New boyfriend.

  6. My mum now in her 70s had this attitude for a long time. Women weren't even allowed into some pubs when she was young. But it's not really a thing for young people.

  7. If it were a dealbreaker for you, you would have already dumped him. You didnt, so its not a dealbreaker.

    Its been 4 months, you re 19, no thinking needed. Move along

  8. You would think guys that age wouldn't be immature enough to say stupid shit like that but then I remembered some of the garbage I said/did when I was 25.

    I think it speaks more to his ignorance about birth control. Lots of people think its “100%” and its not. It also requires a 1-3 weeks before it becomes active protection. Finally, there's the problem that there are many forms of hormonal bc and each can effect you differently and some of the side effects can be very impactful (conversations to have with your doctor) and you may have to switch and try several before finding the one that works best for you.

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