Tracy Simmons live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 2, 2022

11 thoughts on “Tracy Simmons live webcams for YOU!

  1. If it's not an automatic yes then don't go. I have friends that are exes and I would totally go celebrate their big day. There's nothing left between us so I don't have any hesitation. I also don't have to know they are dating before hand. For me it's easy, for you maybe their are some lingering feelings you need to work out.

  2. It's theatre, a lot of people consider that a hobby. It's something she loves to do that doesn't make much money. Sometimes hobbies can turn into professions, but until it actually pays the bills, OP isn't there yet.

  3. By telling her that you are not into it and its a dealbreaker for you. I dont think anyone can answer that. Will you be ok with it when she dates men much more frequently than you date other women? You will have to completely change who you are as a person and learn to let go of your ego and jealousy. Is she worth that? Up to you.

  4. You need to take responsibility for your actions. You both made a huge mistake not communicating boundaries properly, and you dated another woman, all well and good, but you started to neglect your wife because your sexual needs were met somewhere else? Do you even like your wife? At that point you made a choice, over and over, to not step back and consider whether you were being a good husband. Your prerequisites to meet your sexual needs are not the most important thing here. You suck as a husband, and that relationship preceded that with your sex partner.

  5. Oof! I really love my guy and think I could forgive some sports betting, if he came to me and admitted on his own that he'd made a mistake. And that's a MAYBE, if he came clean and asked me the person he loves for help. I could work towards forgiving the financial infidelity.

    You see, gambler's are at least trying to win money.

    What is the return on investment when paying for “porn”? Is it an orgasm? Attention? Control? Feeling like hot shit?

    All that to say, get out. You haven't said how you found out, but I'm assuming he didn't tell you. And you do say he deleted shit…..SO you know he's still a liar.

    Let him have his sweaty nights in dark corners. Bent over and masterbating furiously, with the mouse in one hand and his dick in the other.

    Sorry OP his hands are full. There is no room for a loving wife.

  6. Lol I don't want to work either. Want that paycheck to my bank every month with a bonus every yr end? Any alternative company that can do that so I can join?

    In short, WASH or change a new bedsheet or be foreveralone.

    Or better still fuck her and spray your juice on your bedsheet. So you want to change or not?

  7. I really got to hear the outcome on this one. As a mom I’m embarrassed for this lady. I say lady because she’s definitely it a mom.

  8. When I was 16 and I was working as a hostess at a restaurant some drunk guy kept very openly hitting on me and wouldn't leave me alone. I kept telling him I had a fiance and as my boss was walking by he heard him. Stopped, backed up and said she is engaged, he is on the back, on the grill, do you want to meet him. It took a man to make him stop.

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