TOM & MIRA the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


TOM & MIRA, 26 y.o.


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TOM & MIRA live sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

46 thoughts on “TOM & MIRA the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Couldn't even read it all. She is a nutcase. She is the manipulator. She is the control freak. Wow, I feel sorry for you. She needs to move back home with her parents. You treat her like a child, not a wife. She needs to learn to take care of herself. Yall need to be partners not you take care of her and do everything ridiculous.

  2. Yes, she cheated on me twice in a span of 7 months.

    I know it is a difficult decision, but I'm also towards that decision

  3. Yeah, our love languages are a little different… mine is honestly all of them, but his is quality time and none of the other ones. We do spend a lot of time together, but the lack of other love languages is partially what bothers me.

  4. The police can’t and won’t do’s a single thing until a crime has been committed. Even then police action is no where near guaranteed. Singing a creepy song is not a crime. To expect the police to care in this situation is laughable. Police aren’t known for being particularly caring in this country….

  5. You're young enough to find a woman who wants you for real, and might even want a family with you. A faithful woman who will adore you and who will give you every effort. Don't let this cheater worm her way back into your heart- she WILL do this again.

  6. In case you were not aware, your children always come first. The children's well being should take priority over someone you married after having a child. The fact that you let your wife cause distance between you and your daughter is terrible. You have failed your child. I hope you rectify this ASAP. I hope you can still turn this betrayal of your child around, and make it up to her.

  7. You have 4 kids, duh. But on the other hand, he wants reassurance and validation. A good relationship is about give and take, both sides putting in effort. I see more effort on his end than yours. I would sit down and be honest that you have no funds and that you really want to make it work and that you really appreciate his presence and his gifts. Then give him the jersey and maybe make some special time for the bed. That'll reassure him I would think.

    If you don't want these kind of problems, find another single dad who will be more understanding. You'll just lose 3 years of a relationship.

  8. Hello /u/Abject-Philosopher84,

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  9. Wait. He thinks you “don't respect yourself” because you've slept with a person of colour? OP WTF.

    The other stuff aside, him shaming you over this is unforgivable. Please leave this unapologetic racist already.

  10. He might die. If she leaves and he dies I think that could be very detrimental to her mental health. She should stay and if his health improves, then leave.

  11. She wants to act single, she can be single but this wouldn't be the act that caused it.

    You clearly need to communicate boundaries so she understands what you feel is 'weird' as you put it. In doing so, be specific in stating crossing this line will lead to the point of no return. Further, allow her to be vocal in her boundaries as well because it's not a one way road.

    In my opinion, I would feel disrespected by that situation.

  12. Do me a favor and read the first sentence of the second paragraph.

    Regarding your second paragraph, that’s actually great advice and something we’ll try once summer comes around and our veggies are in season again.

    Regarding your third paragraph, I bet you and your hubby are just as smoking hawt as before kids and pandemic.

  13. yea i asked her point blank she doesn’t like him but doesn’t want to ruin her friendship with Him or make things weird – idk maybe about being in a trio friendship or something.,,,,considering how i just the met the guy it doesn’t seem worth it to ruin a 13 y/o friendship over even if she’s being irrational and immature about the whole thing

  14. Do they still make doormats like this guy? He's gotta be trolling because there's no way… OP is not serious… is he auditioning for brother husbands smh ??‍♂️

  15. If we break up, I don't think I'm planning on going straight into another relationship. The thing is spending time with my current gf has felt more of a chore recently, and I often feel like I want some time alone even when with her, but I can't explain why this is. It's more the new girl has helped me to see that maybe this isn't normal? I'm somewhat young, naive with relationships (only this one for 3 years), and not quite sure what to expect I guess.

  16. I don’t understand why your husband thinks you had sexual relations with your brother. I don’t understand why your family is siding with him.

    They all owe you (and your brother) an apology.

  17. Careful. In some countries if there is a child, even one out of marriage, the mother is owned a supportive amount.

  18. Yeps me and my partner are a year in and I once told him ig while drunk or high(he remembers this but I do not) that I only knew him maybe 50% he has mentioned that it hurts his feelings and maybe I shouldn't have said it but even after having a kid together (she was originally an accident and I couldn't emotionally handle a abortion) I still recognize that I probably know very little about him. It's why I don't currently live with him but we see each other twice a week and talk daily

  19. Past is past. Look at it as a mistake that he will not make again (and be vocal that you don't approve and it shouldn't happen again). Him being honest about it says a lot actually – in a good way.

    I'm sure there are things you've done that you aren't proud of. But he was honest. Owned up to it. I think that deserves forgiveness and grace.

  20. I mean, it should be that way. Murder is wrong, some people are murderers but that doesn't mean it's wrong. Family is important, is it not important to everyone ? Sure. But it should be, looking after each other is in our DNA

  21. Jealousy is a normal human feeling and anyone denying that they don’t feel it, or that their partner should never be jealous is lying. It comes down to your response to those feelings, and a healthy reaction, in a healthy relationship, is to not be concerned someone will steal your partner. If you’ve never had worries about your husband going off with someone else, but you do in this case, that means something. That being said, you should have a calm conversation with your husband about the optics of that interaction and clearly lay down your boundaries. Specifically, that having a woman touching and grabbing him all night, and ending by exchanging numbers felt inappropriate.

  22. Dude, if there's any delivery service, trust me, your government made sure to assign a specific number/placement to your house.

    If you don't know it – just say it, stop dancing around with “I know my own address”.

    It sure sounds like you do not, you just know where you live.

  23. Not sure what it is, but sure doesn't sound healthy at all. Your wife needs to see a professional. If it turns out to be this kind of problem indeed, hopefully, it's treatable – most of these diseases actually are.

  24. Please don't waste your first time with this bozo loser. Dump him and get someone who appreciates you and doesn't rush you or make you feel uncomfortable about wanting to hold off.

  25. This is so wrong. Your BF is not only cruel, he's reckless, irresponsible, and grossly negligent. You deserve better.

    Dump him before he kills or maims you- either accidentally or on purpose.

  26. We just got married when I was visiting. Maybe I’m being paranoid but a simple a selfie is hard to produce? If you truly love someone?

  27. Gross. It’s ok to feel disgusted and violated. It’s normal if you can’t trust him. I would be 100% done with the whole marriage and consider it a blessing you don’t have a child holding you hostage to this man. I hope you have the opportunity to have a child on your own or in a future relationship.

  28. I was told by an ex 'no gf's/spouses are going ' to his work bar-b-que. After the fact, of course, I found out by his forgetting he said this and mentioning people's spouses, that he lied. Later found out he had a crush on a coworker. What a buzzkill I would have been.

    Another anecdote, a coworker got sort of weird reactions attending his wife's work Christmas party- a kind of confused look and 'so…who are you?' Turns out they met another guy at previous events. Her boyfriend. (as I was typing this I realized there isn't a male word for 'mistress')

  29. You may be right on that one. I'm not sure if he even has an inking of it, when he's asked me about why I have male clothing I normally just say that's it's more comfortable or I liked to wear it, and he's never questioned me further. It's an easy lie I tell a lot of people since its easier than explaining I'm genderfluid

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