The Pinky Urge live webcams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show In Progress. Tip 1000 to join the show

Date: October 26, 2022

13 thoughts on “The Pinky Urge live webcams for YOU!

  1. Exactly and I’m about to make an update bc he caught me trying to leave for work without telling him goodbye

  2. Hello /u/pinklexidc,

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  3. He must hv told lies to her. Or she's his doormat.

    Well you've done your part. Dump him. Or if you want to be petty, put up pictures in FB and tag as many people as possible and leave it open to public.

    Then dump his ass.Think of you and only you now.


  4. Why not speak to him? You’re putting too much weight into a card he would have spent maybe two minutes picking out

  5. You will absolutely utterly resent him. I did something similar at your age and regretted it. Mooching off family, no motivation, job hopping, these are not desirable traits in someone you want to be with long term. You will always feel like a parent rather than a partner and it WEARS on you in a horrible way and the resentment builds until it kills any fondness you have for their other likable traits.

  6. There’s a few things here. First, breaks are bullshit. They don’t fix problems; they delay addressing them. What do you expect this buffer to accomplish?

    Second, even if we ignore all that, I unfortunately have never seen a more clear situation where a “break” was agreed to essentially to end the confrontation. He wants to break up with you. He woke up and said he wants time apart. I imagine you fought it, and as a result he agreed to a break so he didn’t have to argue anymore. But this is a break up. In a week, that’ll be confirmed. I’m sorry to come off as mean here as it’s honestly not my intention. I just want to point out reality.

    Third, you’re sort of being dishonest here even if you don’t realize it. You start by saying this is entirely due to his family. You later say you have fundamental communication issues. I think saying you’re “blindsided” doesn’t make much sense knowing that these problems exist.

    If there’s a possibility this can be repaired, it can only happen if you talk to each other, identify the issues, and work as a team to address them. That includes his family. If he needs their approval, then nothing else really matters and you’re fighting an unwinnable battle. Good luck.

  7. For about the first half of it she said she would only go to him AFTER she had already gone to me and I didn't give her attention. For the last few months of it she said she stopped coming to me first because she felt it was a waste of time. Around this time is when I noticed her behavior was off and I started to re evaluate how I was acting and treating her. I think I could eventually purely because I understand I have a large role in to blame as to how it happened. It was clear she wasn't replacing me in how she handled it. I wasn't meeting her needs. The only reason I feel it necessary to cut him off is because it's beyond clear he wants to sleep with her and I no longer trust her to say no like I did before.

  8. Also the “have you ever been in love” question was rather uncomfortable. How would you answer it to someone you're on a second date with? I would be afraid she would try to ask about past affairs.

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