TeresaJoneslive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “TeresaJoneslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. In my opinion, I feel like splitting now, while it can still possibly be amicable, would be the best way to go. Because like everyone has said, the clock is ticking. And you waiting for husband to come around could be too late. You don’t want to wake up when he’s “ready” and it just can’t happen because he waited too long.

    I don’t agree that he’s been lying the whole time. But when some men think about having children in relation to how they grew up, it definitely can be too much pressure on them. And also he definitely could have changed his mind along the way about wanting them. Things change. And I hope that you remember to not take it personal or be too hard on yourself about his decision. If that is the case, that is.

  2. My question is, is it fair to place demands on her like that?

    As a trans woman my self if anything you are being to gentle with her , yes being trans is hard but when you owe money to someone especially when they helped you through you get the full time job to be able to start giving back. I feel like she is not realising the seriousness of the situation or she is taking advantage off you by using the fact that she is trans.

    I fully understand having mental health issues and not being able to work i had severe anxiety before having my grs and that prevented me from being able to work and be in large crowds but it sounds like she is doing fine mentally now.

  3. Idgaf id you believe me. It’s not a group of girls its mixed and he punched me because i stated, they were spreading rumors about me being homophobic. He is gay. I learned the hard way it take little for people to believe rumors, but apparently what I’m going through is not believable because bullying doesn’t exist

  4. Ah yes, the too much honesty play. His heart is in the right place, but he’s assuming that being 100% transparent about everything in the world is necessary.

    I used to be like this. Whenever some hot lady would walk by I would put my hand out for my now-wife to slap. I thought it was keeping a clean shop. Now a decade later I realize instead of making it weird I should just have two quiet seconds of “ohhhh myyyy” in my head and move on. If my wife catches me gawking I apologize and life goes on.

  5. To be fair fuckbuddy and fwb are not the same thing. A fuckbuddy is truly just for that and fwb are actually friends who sleep together occasionally when neither are attached. I have a fwb but we are friends first and foremost. The benefits are just a bonus when we're single.

    He was broken up with her so he can be upset over that all he wants but they were split. Also most people who break up and get back together don't tend to last. They broke up for a reason and unless things were worked on and addressed this reasons don't go away.

    Some exes actually stay friends just because they were bad as romantic partners but not as friends. Can't say that ever happened to me but plenty of people do.

    Ultimately he gets to decide what he's comfortable with and she gets to decide if she want to give up her friendship with the fwb. Neither is right or wrong. More than likely they won't be able to be on the same page and then they'll just have to break up.

  6. The soda thing is probably the most bizarre thing here for me lol, why buy soda at all? Just buy juice, it's not fizzy and it's healthier

  7. I went into your post history a bit and you’ve been dealing with these types of issues from him for like 4 months. He’s not going to stop lying to you, he has a porn addiction and he clearly values his wank more than he values your relationship.

    If you two live together, create your exit plan. He’s not the one. The one wouldn’t be doing this to you. He needs help you cannot provide and should not be obligated to.

    I always tell my boyfriend, I love you more than anything but if we ever stop respecting each other, love won’t be enough.

    He doesn’t respect you.

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