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Tania44blive sex stripping with hd cam


12 thoughts on “Tania44blive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I get that you open your own drinks. But at any time, do you leave your drink unattended? I assume you don't take it to the bathroom with you.

    Because this really, really sounds like he is drugging you. This is not “normal” blackout behavior, and it's not normal that there are so many nights where you don't remember a thing. Not even a flash of a memory.

    Source: Family of alcoholics. I know what blackout drinking looks like.

  2. unless there's something medically wrong with your uterus, it would be really hard to find a surgeon willing to remove it. That said, tube tying or removal (the gold standard) is often more attainable (though still may not be easy). If you havent already, r/childfree has a link to a list of drs deemed more friendly to CF ppl. There's sometimes notes about ages if thats relevant to you.

    If there's no one listed in your area, I'd suggest avoiding going to drs who only perform in hospitals/clinics that are owned by a religious organization unless its your only choice. Sadly, a dr may want to do the surgery but not be able to (bc for some reason in the States, religion still has a place in medicine – ugh).

    Luckily, there's actually been quite an uptick in drs willing to do sterilizations since the repeal of RvW, and many of them are putting aside previous preferences for age/spouse/kids, etc. Im in quite a few CF circles online and there's been SO many ppl getting approval that they're backlogged and having to wait longer than usual (annoying but overall great news!)

    I wish you luck (and patience) on your journey for bodily autonomy!

  3. Thank you for sharing your experience, I think I’m still going to opt out the relationship idea for now, I think if my moral compass is telling me this is worng I probably should listen.

  4. It’s not silly at all. If there’s no history of infidelity and you have no actual reason to believe your spouse is having an affair, blindly demanding a paternity test is degrading and insulting.

    There’s no test to ensure he doesn’t go out and impregnate other women. Why is the woman required to go on blind trust, but a man gets to demand a paternity test?

    If you trust your spouse so little that you genuinely fear they’re going to cheat on you and pass off someone else’s kid as yours — you should not have children with them. Full stop. That is not a healthy relationship, a healthy fear, or a healthy mindset.

    This is not a normal thing people ask for IRL. This mindset is a product of people spending too much time online and going down misogynistic rabbit holes and feeding each other’s toxicity.

    You have to assess your relationship individually. You can’t project the trauma of a previous relationship onto your current one. If there’s no trouble, don’t go looking for it.

  5. Literally everyone in this comment section is dumb as fuck.

    She was delusional, he demonstrated that her confidence was ridiculous, now she realizes she literally can't save herself. It's a good thing she realized it before anything bad happened.

  6. Aw, dude, don't be like that, you know she would care if you turned up dead. She's a little freaked out over it and she needs a little space. Let her chill while you work through these feelings and then yall can work on rebuilding the relationship later.

    Imagine we're talking about a different girl, not related to you, that you grew up with and are super into. Now you've asked her out and she's said no because she views you like a sibling. Well, ouch, that sucks, but what else can you do but move on? Even if we were talking about a classmate of yours or a coworker or a really pretty girl you run into every so often at the store, what honest recourse do you have once they say they won't go out with you? Gotta move on. If we're taking about someone you're close to, things are gonna be awkward for a minute. They're not gonna be able to forget that you feel strong feelings for them and it might make them a little nervous and confused on how to act around you. The best thing you can do is find a coping mechanism to help you deal with these unresolved feelings and once you've got a grip on them, work on rebuilding the relationship you once had.

    Hang in there, man. This situation sucks, but it's fixable, its just gonna take a little time. Be patient, respect her boundaries, and work on being the best person you can be. Someone else is gonna come along at some point and make you forget all about the feelings you once harbored for your sister and it'll probably happen when you least expect it.

    I wish you all the best.

  7. It sounds like she is making the boundary clear now. They both went a whole 5 years without addressing while living together the whole time. So he must have somehow kept it pretty secretive himself.

    I just don't know how she couldn't have known. I have discovered my partners porn preferences way early on in relationships lol so there was always an opportunity for me to establish those boundaries. Weird to just never talk about it.

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