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Room for online sex video chat suzzynew

Model from: lk

Languages: en

Birth Date: 1983-01-01

Body Type: bodyTypeLarge

Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlack


Date: November 4, 2022

61 thoughts on “suzzynewlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. They have offered to pay me but I have declined… I am not sure i can tutor them, they seem to need support at everything,

  2. Absolutely not. I don’t see the point. A relationship to me should elevate your life; make it better. If it’s causing anxiety and stress because you don’t believe them… why bother.

  3. It's too long to go over all of them, but I'll share the last 1, that made me delete the app. I met a guy on the app we messaged back and forth for a week he asked me to dinner, i accepted. When i arrived, i told the hostess i was there for a date and she kinda smirked and started walking me to the table. As I'm thinking to myself, i wonder why she looked at me like that, we pass a server and i see her nod at me, like this is her, now i know somethings up, so the server asks me what am i drinking (For context I'm walking to the table so it's strange he's taking my drink order), so i reply diet coke, and he laughs and says No, what are you drinking? We round the corner and i see my date he looks like his pictures, no weird balls hanging from his chin, so why all this strange energy. I walk up, introduced myself and gave him a hug. We sit down and i start to attempt conversation. (It's at this point i should mention this is where i learned the lesson to ALWAYS talk on the phone first, but i wasn't very experienced with old). Anyway, as i was saying i try to start a convo and out of nowhere he yells at the top of his lungs $hit F%ck b%tch c%nt. I'm frozen STUNNED the whole family friendly restaurant falls silent and stares at us. It was like slo-mo half of them are looking at me like omg that poor girl, and the other like idk what she did but that B needs to take her dysfunctional domestic issues elsewhere. That's when it hits me, ohhh mmyyy he has tourrettes. I'm racking my brain what do i know about Tourrettes? Not much, but i think anxiety makes it worse. So i put my hands on his and start speaking softly and calmly. Assuring him is ok. Turns out, he'd gotten a traumatic brain injury in Iraq, and of course i understood he couldn't help it, but i explained that's something you gotta prepare a girl for. We could have gone somewhere more suited to his condition. I didn't want to hurt his feelings so i stayed and shared a meal. There were a few more outbursts, (far less traumatic once expected), but not romantic. I thanked him for spending time with me, but i didn't think we were a match. I went home and deleted the app. Sadly, this wasn't even the worst date, just the final one that made me say no thanks to OLD

  4. Did you want to marry her prior the diagnosis? If yes than did you want a baby before diagnosis? The way I see it you owe it to your self too fight the good fight .science has made tremendous progress with cancer treatments and alot of people that should have been dead are alive and cancer free. So don't think as if your going to die . Think like your not going to die. Positive thoughts can change your world. My thoughts are with you .

  5. Did you want to marry her prior the diagnosis? If yes than did you want a baby before diagnosis? The way I see it you owe it to your self too fight the good fight .science has made tremendous progress with cancer treatments and alot of people that should have been dead are alive and cancer free. So don't think as if your going to die . Think like your not going to die. Positive thoughts can change your world. My thoughts are with you .

  6. Same, I'm pretty positive that OP's way of presenting this situation is what's making it so bizarre. Not blaming or anything, it's pretty standard for bio-moms to have some growing pains when it comes to their children's stepmom and her place in their lives.

  7. Thank you! I will focus on myself instead of stressing about it. But i just wanted to come home to my daughter everyday and not share her. Thats why I’m willing to work things out with her and fix it.

  8. “he will sometimes resort to physical hits and then will be remorseful since he said, he just loves me.” “1 week after the breakup we reconciled but he was a different person already. He said he was hurt because of what I did. He blamed me for everything. “

    Is this how little you think of yourself?

  9. You know the point of the dating scene for the vast majority of people is to find what you have. Do some more research and see how much older, insecure guys with no real dating game/history tend to make out in the dating game. Once you make your decision, you’re slamming the door hard on your gf forever….

  10. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst is a sound way of living. Always have a plan B. That's not negative thinking. That's being aware that things in life can turn on a dime.

    As far as me? Now I just have girlfriends and maybe a FWB. Serious relationships take too much sacrifice and compromise and I like my life the way it is. It's predictable, simple, and suits me just fine. Adding in someone with whom I'll have to contend with over trivial things no longer interests me.

  11. Suggestions. Don’t say I worry that you won’t…. Instead say I need or I feel. Anything that starts with you…. will automatically feel like a criticism and make her defensive. I think you’re approaching this with a lot of thoughtfulness and hope for the future. Good luck.

  12. Glad you left her controlling ass. Her telling your friends about a kink you have was to shame you and make you stay with her.

  13. Are you not paying child support? This is where that money should be going. Keeping roof over your kids and food in there mouth. – yall need to do a legal separation.

  14. Why? It’s just a body part. It’s not like they are sexting. Of course it depends on the context, which op did not provide. But if his response was not in a sexual context why has he now betrayed her trust?

  15. Yeah youre a fool. He just doesn't want to be alone- and he's using you to not feel that way. He threw you away and he doesn't give a shit about you. He feels lonely and talking to you is the equivalent of turning on Netflix

  16. Perhaps I don't have a radar for this kind of thing but did you get any closer to what feels “icky” about OP?

    From my viewpoint he seems almost too forgiving for a MAJOR breach of trust (and his partner striking him out of anger because he caught her manipulating him). So I feel lost on what is off about this

    Do you feel like the story is being embellished in a way? Details being left out? Or even if everything in it were true that something is missing? And why?

  17. I know this isn’t technically cheating because we were just friends and she was free to see other people

    I read it as these texts were from the first 2 months when they were just friends, before they became exclusive.

  18. …..usually in situations where somebody gets groomed they hold an emotional attachment which may make them hesitant to testify against them. A court room or police station very well could scare somebody who's 18-20 from testifying

  19. Okay, tell me more please, were you the one who was putting the more effort, was he always saying that he dreams to live with you his whole life? Was he always lying about his other girlfriend, has he confessed?

  20. She doesn’t need a “break”.

    That’s cheating speak for “I want a few weeks of fucking the new dude to see if he’s better than you but I want you to hang around like a sad twat in case I decide I want you back”.

    She needs you to dump her because if you don’t, she will just see you as a spineless idiot that is ok with her cheating and will do it again and again every time some new person gives her the glad eye.

  21. Thank you for the reply! I have spoken about this with my counsellor but she didn’t really comment on it.

  22. I assumed that she said it because she didn't want to get asked out in the circumstances we were in at the time. If she said no after I asked her then I'd take it as a no but “not like that” as a response to “do you not want me to ask you out for a date” seemed to indicate yes but not like that. I may just be looking too far into it though and being hopeful can have a negative impact on perception. Either way I decided not to use the bet, if I do ask her out it'll be better not to put any unnecessary pressure that might put her in a tight spot.

  23. He said I hope you're flourishing, you know that's peak pettiness ? but how much more nicely can you say don't be a dick than that?

  24. When pull out fails, abortion prevails! Sounds like you wanted another one anyway, considering you kept it.

  25. I don't view women as “sex dolls” and never have.

    This situation and your reaction/comments prove otherwise. You can tell yourself you don't view women that way, and you might have even managed to convince yourself that's true, but your own words can tell everyone else that you absolutely do. I suggest you do some serious introspection before trying to approach any other woman.

  26. Try and move as much as you can when no one is home. I'm sorry you're going through this OP, but they are not your responsibility especially with how they're treating you. If they want to rely on your income, they can treat you as your own person.

  27. He raped you.

    You need to get out now. File for divorce, file a police report.

    Your marriage was already teetering on the edge if not destroyed by your actions in your affair, but there is nothing in existence to justify his rape of you.

  28. So just because it isn't you, this man potentially harassing another female employee because he knows he won't face consequences makes it alright?

    You're part of the problem with that mentality

  29. I think it's clear there are pains between them. She could be lying simply to squash the entire thing completely. “No, you weren't invited. Because if you were invited then you might want to go which means I have to go into deep self reflection and explain why I painfully do not wish to go to my brothers wedding”

    She also has a lot of conflicting emotions about this and really it is primarily her family. Not yours. You may have snooped. Forgiveable. She can also be forgiven for REALLY REALLY REALLY not wanting to go to that wedding.

  30. Have you ever heard of actually reading a question and answering what is being asked? You're calling me crazy yet you can't even answer a simple question. Without badmouthing me which just shows that you're a judgemental ass*hole. Because everything that you are saying is what YOU think. So really who are you to judge me?

  31. She’s offering to pay for his lawyer, bring the kids to him 2 weeks out of every 2 months, not asking for child support, giving him the house, paying for his caretaker, and also saying she won’t remarry.

    She’s saying that now. It’s difficult to know if she really means it or not.

    She may be saying it now with good intentions, but, it’s going to be difficult to bring the kids out across the country for 2 weeks every 2 months once the kids starts going to school.

    She can always change her mind down the road whether she would remarry or not. Although, it’s going to be difficult for someone in their late 30’s with four very young children to to find a partner who’s willing to take all that on. So, she may not be able to remarry due to factors that are out of her control.

  32. Right? Sometimes it's like, did another human being write all of that out, look at it, and still think they had a question??

  33. Yea but still doesn’t excuse him not helping make my life easier like today I came home with some food I got for lunch and didn’t realize I had used all the Parmesan the other day so I asked him to run to the common area literally a minute away and he made me

  34. That’s a really good message to send, actually. I might send something like that tomorrow and see how it goes.

  35. What I read from this is that you seem very dependent on him in many ways. I have no doubts that he is a good person, but also the asexual part should hwve been something to be discussed before the relationship, more than a year in.

    The question is simple really. Do you want to be in an asexual relationship? If yes, that is fine. If no, you need to consider moving on. You can't change him and that is fine, but you can also not change your own desires. Maybe continuing as friends is on the table?

  36. She sounds like a terrible fucking person. You have an injury what are you supposed to do? Sounds like she views you more as a sex friend than an actual partner.

    She basically said that other than your dick you are useless to her.

  37. So he’s hit you, says he’ll hit you again, you know it’ll happen again so why are you still with him? He doesn’t give a shit about you and has no regard for your safety. You’re in a dangerous environment and there’s no need to stick around to see how bad he’ll hit you next.

  38. I went out with a guy once, for a couple of months and the age gap was about the same. This was a hell of a long time ago now, lol. I didn’t care about the age gap. But! The age gap was an issue regardless. So it doesn’t matter whether you care it is still a factor. This post isn’t about him not understanding what you said. This is about him telling you that he has been wanting less physical contact since before covid and he has been pulling away a long time. You just can’t see that. Even if you ages were more aligned his statement would be indicative of your relationship as you see it being very different from how he sees it. You are not on the same connective wavelength. I’d take some time to look at who you are, where you see your life going and unemotionally take a look at whether this relationship is actually fulfilling. From what you have written, admittedly it is only a snapshot, I’d say you are not being enriched by this relationship anymore.

  39. He's one of those guys that always thinks they're the smartest guy in the room. Or “a stuck up prick” to use his proper title.

    Don't waste your time on him unless you enjoy being patronised.

  40. I could be wrong but I’d hazard her feelings are stemming from not having time together as a couple. Going for a walk and a warm drink just the two of you if a lot different than sitting around watching tv etc. it’s easy to get into these accidental ruts of routine. We have to put in the effort to break it up and revive our relationships. It’s easy to quit and walk away, but what if you lose something special all because no one tried? Try a few smalls dates, try more family adventures like you did on the mountain. Have you tried geocaching as a family?

  41. Credit karma scores are factually what no one uses. Now if it was truly Experian fico…then yea that’s closer to what your score is…I would just break up with the bf.

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