Sunnie ~ linktr.ee/sunniedayz, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Sunnie ~ linktr.ee/sunniedayz
Date: October 16, 2022
Sunnie ~ linktr.ee/sunniedayz, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
You’re smart for deleting this. Dumbass
you need to go to the hospital and let them know that you were raped. I believe there is a kid that they can use to conclude that it was rape, then let them know that it was your husband,
go to the police and file a report against him.
After the police go to, your safe place, wherever that may be. That could be your parents place, a close friend, whoever or wherever it may be.
Sorry to hear you went through this, I hope everything turns out OK!
I think metaphors can help and letting him have a view point too.
Additionally some undesirable traits involve professional help (therapy)
That is a little suspicious for sure. Try to unlock his phone when he is around and ask him what's up when it doesn't work maybe?
I'm not anti vax, but do have to point out a flaw in your logic.
Vaccines don't exist because there's no natural immunity to something. They exist because for many illnesses, the damage you get from having them is enough that it's better to get vaccinated instead.
Polio, for instance – many people survived, with no serious health effects. And many children died, or had lifelong effects such as partial paralysis, lung effects, etc. While the people who did survive without issues were protected from it, the potential damage from getting it made the vaccine by far the better choice. Same with a lot of others.
I'm the guy that did go to a brothel because my male friends wanted to go there, and I waited outside for 20 minutes before I got pissed off and entered the brothel and decided to shame them by calling their names loudly.
I was bored, by battery was dying on my phone, I was worried they might get roofied and sold to an Arab slave ship with added organ transplant theatre. Nearly got stabbed by a Chinese lady. But one by one they all emerged. I did not shake their hands or hi-five them.
I've sat waiting for people conducting trade with the ladies of the night in several cities, it's depressing and not for me, paying for sex is just a no-no for me personally, I have far too much pride, and the day I would be that desperate to charm a partner to bed is the day I would stop having sex. That's no disrespect to sex workers.
Transferring $1000 to his buddy? At a brothel? And you have kids?
Yeah that's shady as fuck.
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Porn addiction or something? Honestly, ur too young for this shit.
Telling me to grow up and act like an adult isn't helpful or productive.
Just because I'm feeling hurt or upset doesn't mean I'm not acting like an adult. Different people have different ways of expressing their emotions and that's okay. Appreciate your willingness to chat, but please try to be respectful of my feelings and experiences.
IMO , Hiding or trying to hide interactions w/ another woman is cheating & lying. . He’s a decade older than you w/ a kid & a baby mama , I’d consider moving on from this guy. His behavior will get worse over time , not better.
He flat out denied saying anything about me being less than him or my looks or our sex life.
Oh so he's gaslighting you as well? Glad you're getting a divorce. Everything in this post points to him being emotionally abusive and no doubt that'll escalate if you stay with him.
LDRs are difficult.
Yes you want to go out with your in person friends on special occasions.
She is feeling disconnected from you because of distance.
Even though you already talk and played games with her every night, have you spent a “special occasion” day doing that with her?
A similar situation would be if you weren’t LDR and you went out for Holidays. Of course you could invite her. Of course she could also want it to be just you two.
This is a compatibility issue, not a who is right.
I suggest you give yourself more time to grieve her. You were together for 12 years. Most relationship experts say it takes about 1/3 the length of a relationship to get over a partner. In your case, that's 4 years. Compound it with the grief and it could be longer. Honestly, though, it is an individual experience and you could heal faster or slower. Do what you're COMFORTABLE doing. If you're not ready to date, don't date. Take time and grieve.
It's in her comments, really should be in the main post because the double standard is definitely not cool.
I don't understand what you are asking. You are obviously going to break up with him, right? Like, how can a person do anything else?
It’s not fair to her if you know her desire to be married and you don’t see her as your future. You have to tell her. You can’t not just because it’s inconvenient for you at the time. Honestly, she’s sounds amazing but if you don’t have the same goals, you need to tell her immediately.
I wish I could think that way. I texted her and when she found out it was real she texted me and said “Girl i am so sorry. I had no idea about y’all we had nothing serious it was just conversation I’ll be thinking about you and i hope the best for y’all i don’t want to be in the middle of anything and I’m going to leave y’all alone I’m sorry again.” (Literal copy and paste) I tried to get her to swap out.
Mental illness doesn't make someone a bad person, no. However, saying and doing terrible things to your partner, and showing a sustained lack of love and care over a period of years, does in fact make you a bad partner. And it's reasonable that marriages may break up if someone treats their partner that way, even if if there was a mental health issue at the base of it.
Yeah, I deleted my comment when I read yours. Thanks for pointing that out
Love is not enough for a long-term relationship. You also have to be compatible and have the same general life goals: move/stay put, kids/no kids, travel/cocoon, etc. You two are not compatible. It is a lost cause.
Love is not enough for a long-term relationship. You also have to be compatible and have the same general life goals: move/stay put, kids/no kids, travel/cocoon, etc. You two are not compatible. It is a lost cause.
Awe, poor thing. Words are hard, huh ?
Yes, you would
If you want to stay in a relationship with someone you kind of do have to respect their boundaries, this is basic stuff.
She’s not available. And she’s playing both sides of the fence. And she’s got a horrible, possessive bf that’s cheated on her multiple times? Why is she still with him? Does she lack the self esteem to get out? Is she possibly exaggerating his monstrosity if not outright lying about it? If she eventually becomes your gf, will she repeat this pattern with you if there are challenges in the future? Something is not adding up here.
Separate your finances.
Figure out what is yours, take it and leave him with his. Simple
Start by not dating teenage women, as a 30 year old man. Oops too late. If there is one thing we’ve learned from Reddit, it’s that those who intentionally seek out power imbalances in relationships, aim to exploit.
“I stopped making threesome jokes about her friends when she told me it made her upset” You absolute AH, how many threesome requests, I mean “jokes”, did you make? It is not funny or normal to request a threesome when she shares innocent pictures of her friends. It’s predatory and creepy that your first thought is “how can I have sex with this friend?” (and then call the friend to discuss the possibility- except she isn’t attracted to you- but if she was, we all know you’d be bumping uglies with that friend right now)
You should understand that EVERY THINKING ADULT HERE knows that you were NOT joking, but testing the waters with your gf, then playing the ol’ “it was just a joke” card when she’s justifiably enraged by your flagrant asshattery! Your gf may be too naive to see it, but that’s why you’re with a teenager, after all.
To summarize: I don’t think you can make your gf believe you don’t have a plot to sleep with her friends, when you literally suggest sleeping with her friends! I hope she comes to her senses and runs far, far away from you. My advice: stop being gross.
I second this! She would want to see him spend a little of the money for something he wants. Spend a little and then save the rest for the future.
So she is right, you cheated. You can't say neither of you cheated. Because stds don't just appear.
It's either you did or she did. And you just said she is super loyal. So ….
I can’t even imagine being married and stepmom to three kids at 22. I just can’t.
What the hell was he going at your college? And why was a 34 year old hitting on an 18 year old? Or were you 20? “First day” would hint at 18 but maybe you delayed.
Either way, that’s pretty creepy.
So for me? Yes. I’d split from him. 22 is super young and he’s expecting you to be a mom and wife and you’re not even done with college yet. You guys rushed into things and it was a mistake.
It sounds like you’re baiting him to do something and then make yourself the victim. Is this is that concerning to you, why do you bring up discussions about it constantly with him? I think this issue is with you.
He is interested in kissing, cuddling in the mornings when we wake up, and holding hands while we're on the couch watching a movie. We do all of those things, but there's just rarely ever any initiation of sexual intercourse.
Yea and now that she has friends, he realizes she has a support system if she wants to leave, and he’s trying to take that away from her.
Leaving is the ONLY option. because what's the alternative? The alternative is he gets worse. He bruised you this time? Next time he'll hit you. It always escalates.
And of course he says 'I'll never do it again!' because what partner would stay when the truth is, it'll happen again, no doubt.
Listen, you don't live together, thank god. Please break up.
If he has a key to your place, get your locks changed before you break up (talk to your landlord if you need to). Or get extra locks on your doors. Tell every friend, relative, neighbor, co-worker, whoever and tell them you are breaking up with your abusive boyfriend. You'll need support and folks to help you keep an eye out. If you want to break up in person, do it in public and take a friend. He's less likely to make a scene. Do not DO NOT be alone with him, especially at his place or at yours. You want to be able to get away safely. Better still is to text him, so it is in writing. After you hit send, block him every conceivable way. Go stay with friends/family for a few days, or have a friend stay with you.
When someone SHOWS you they are abusive, BELIEVE THEM. Today he sends you to the doctor, next time it's the ER. And you know where some victims end up after the hospital? The morgue.
Get out.