SoophieMiller live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 5, 2022

13 thoughts on “SoophieMiller live webcams for YOU!

  1. That sion of a bitch doesnt care abt anyone else in the world but himself and he should be dead for playing you like that just saying he is one hell of a bastard for doing that to you

  2. Is your good friend male or female? If it's a female she wants you to take her sister because she doesn't trust your friend.

    If it's a male then either she legit wants you to get to know her sister which is a terrible idea for an intimate date or it's a test which again a terrible idea.

    If your friend is female take the sister and suck it up and don't fall for traps.

    If the friends male then stand firm and go with him.

    At the end of the day you paid for it was your plan and it's up to you.

  3. I'm going to offer a different perspective here, and it is only because of a show I watched last night that it occurred to me. Otherwise, I would have probably gone the same mental path as you.

    Is there a chance he his her sponsor as in AA, NA, or GA or something along those lines, or could he have witnessed something happen to her that could make him be concerned for her enough to check on her regularly.

    Like I said, I would probably feel the same in your situation, but is there a chance of it being benign given the lack of romantic flirting.

  4. Baby’s scream because they want attention, Your wife complains because she wants attention, if you really wanna get even show her how happy you are even when she’s being miserable ??

  5. Although there are certainly limits, I believe a healthy relationship consists in part of mutual raising. So no, no life lesson right there in my opinion.

  6. I’m sorry for your loss. Porn isn’t cheating, in the same way that reading a romance novel isn’t cheating. You are not physically or emotionally connected to either. It’s like saying “I cheated on my diet when I saw a commercial for chocolate.” Do you also ban him from glancing at women when you are out, or looking at mannequins in windows?

  7. You don’t force someone you say you love to visit people they are in no contact with end of that’s it and she should respect that

  8. We do try to do as much as we can with our work schedules and money, and I know she loves the time we spend together. It definitely helps but I also know that its an area that I can't really fulfill, just in terms of other female friends and being able to go out with them. I just wish I could think of more things to say when she's in that tearful moment to cheer her up.

  9. Ya I think emotionally abusive label is excessive actually. The interaction was awkward and uncomfortable and rude and insensitive.

  10. But as a parent he does get to decide. Even if OP’s wife divorces him there is no ini in this post that would prevent OP from taking his kids around the grandfather when the kids are with him.

  11. Interesting…

    I'm going to find the source of all this, and see if I can get the original video from them. And also find out why they lied to hurt us.

  12. This is very similar to a post from earlier today that runs along the exact same path. “New” guy says something inappropriate to a woman who told him she's in a relationship. Invites her on a vacation and she says yes because “nothing will happen.” I do believe I smell a rat. A karma rat.

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