Solangell live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

14 thoughts on “Solangell live webcams for YOU!

  1. What culture is she from? My community teaches women that mens role is provider and father and women raise kids and run the home. So women often talk about the men they love that way community also knows he fulfills his duty.

    So I talk about my fiancé in the matter that he provides for the family well.

    The ex photos are a little weird to be honest tho

  2. he could tone it down especially since this is the same man who insisted men cannot be friends with girls they are attracted to. I gave up all my guy friends after he said that and I am very careful about any friendship with his friends/ friends husbands.

    Say what now?

    He’s a creep, and now he’s love bombing you.

  3. He has threatened you. File a police report and get a protective order. Take this extremely seriously please. I’m just a random internet dad, but please think of your safety and get the police involved. A protective order won’t harm him in any way, but it’ll protect you in a lot of ways.

  4. Why is he obligated or encouraged to disclose his number of sexual partners? (Zero in this case)Do you disclose how many people you have been with to your new partner as a woman? Isn’t that a double standard? We don’t expect women to disclose that number why for a virgin guy?

  5. Ask him to wash his genitals before you go down on him. My SO always rinses off beforehand. When a dick is in pants, it's going to get kind of rank.

    It's not a big deal to both go rinse a bit before you start really getting into it.

    Also, probably learn to not call it a “thing.” It has like a million different names that won't make you sound like a 3rd grader.

  6. I didnt know how to describe the title sorry if it was misleading, she is not sure if she wants to leave or she wants to stay with me, I didnt know how to explain my situation very well. But her not knowing what she wants is affecting me, im trying to show her that im not bad and help her make her decision but she is lost. I believe im leaving my pride behind during this whole situation and im lost aswell at what should I do.

  7. Lol my ex did the same to me. Eventually the sex devolved to the point where it felt like he was just using my body to get himself off. Then the comments about my body started, and even though I lost weight it still wasn’t good enough.

    If you’re anything like me, you’ll never be able to let that go.

    He doesn’t love you for you. He loves you for what he believes you could be.

    Took me too long to learn that.

  8. So, ask yourself with honesty– if you were a 20-year-old, up and coming, “rich” college athlete, what would make you want to date a 40 year-old who never leaves the house and watches silly YouTube videos all day. You have got to understand that there is some kind of unwellness going on on both sides of that equation, right?

    Not to say that you aren't a lovely, worthwhile person… just to say that in THIS SITUATION and with your life as it is, and the level of “obsession” you say he's been showing… what's in the mix there? Because I pretty much guarantee it's nothing healthy.

  9. Honestly, I also feel like I only have my side of the story, I am genuinely in the dark about what the hell happened, it just doesn't track for me 🙁

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