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Slutforcummmlive sex stripping with hd cam


13 thoughts on “Slutforcummmlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thats good you recognize you became someone you don't want to be. You should never lose sight of who you are. If you are unable to keep you head held high because of a relationship then just recognizing it is a key to realize the toxic environment.

  2. Then it sounds like she is going to take some time to either convince you that you should get married one day, or decide for herself that she’s OK not to be married. Good luck to both of you.

  3. There’s nothing good on those tapes. Either watch them and get ready for your life to change drastically or put them back and put blinders on. Can you live with it possibly being something terrible and doing nothing?

  4. We're going to have to disagree here.

    It's not necessarily a secret, if it came up i would tell him. I've not had lip fillers in the duration of our relationship.

    I had very thin lips prior, they look normal now. It's not something anyone would suspect.

  5. I forget the texting doesn’t reveal nuances. I didn’t mean to judge you so hard. You know when you meet the one all that stuff doesn’t even really matter you know them. It’s sort of like going home only a place I never experienced in this life until recently. In the men in my life are not bad to me. It’s just. Good luck to you.

  6. Hahah, I mean, I know he does like metal detecting and that he has one ? He's a bit of a weirdo. I will bring it up though, I'm worried he will think I was intentionally snooping, which I did at the beginning of our relationship to find out he was in fact still talking to this ex ? I don't have any proof that he saw her though, just a gut feeling.

    Lying about work is just such a weird concept to me though? Like if he wants to call in sick and lie to his boss a couple days I don't give a fuck, it's his life, but why lie to me about it?

  7. Don’t try to date her, don’t try to position yourself as some kind of savior, don’t try to contact her anymore. If she reaches out, be a friend but keep it 100% platonic and be nice but keep some distance/don’t get emotionally enmeshed.

  8. I’ve suspected that he may be autistic or something similar, but I didn’t want to armchair diagnose. You may be right, I’ll try to set some harder boundaries and be a bit more understanding.

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