Silva_Dixxonlive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “Silva_Dixxonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I’ve spoken to her about it, I either get a small amount of reassurance or she gets mad at me and manipulates the situation so that I’m left feeling bad for feeling sad.. so I try to hold it in

  2. He is probably trying to hide what happened to the original hence the replacement and doesn't want to upset his gf

  3. I don't quite understand why if you drink to the point you forget what you've done why you're still drinking to that degree? And often? First thing for you to do that will dramatically improve your situation is not drinking yourself into that state. He SHOULD NOT be treating you poorly drunk or not drunk etc but if you're getting drunk to the point you can't protect yourself etc or remember the next day that's something YOU can do to help yourself.

    That's the tough love over.

    Now, whether you have a force fetish or not, any kink needs to have boundaries and consent and if he isnt respecting this then he's got to go because it won't get better, it will get worse.

    People's true nature is in how they treat those who are vulnerable, not powerful. How he treats you when you're drunk and incapacitated is who he is, not Mr. Nice guy when you're sober.

    My 2 pence.x

  4. I think you’re overthinking this. It really doesn’t look that bad, much less bad enough that you’re misleading matches … which is what it sounds like you think you’re doing?

  5. i don't really understand what love bombing is but she's really expressive and says all the time all she ultimately wants is for us to be together. When i found out about them having sex i said i was done and she basically cried and begged until i was worn down enough to put a pause on me fully leaving. She says she loves me a lot but her actions here just feel like a contradiction and when i bring that up she gets so offended. It's weird and i'm coming to realise its manipulative

    At the end of the day i really love her and ultimately want to be with her, i just can't take anymore of whatever this period we're in is.

  6. I'm sorry but if it walks like a duck… Strange behaviour + didn't say she doesn't work here anymore (so maybe if she called he could say it's work related?) + sending secret money (big amounts, multiple times) = more than likely cheating. ?

  7. Thank God for Kate. You really dodged a bullet by not marrying this man. I'm genuinely sorry for your heartbreak though. I hope that in time, you're able to see it as a blessing in disguise

  8. Since she was my ex at the time, I don't care. She may — and the key word there is may — owe me some standard of conduct while we are involved, but she definitely doesn't owe me it while we are not.

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