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SierraNevadaslive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “SierraNevadaslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You guys just got engaged last year, why is there a need to upgrade her ring already?

    I could see if you have been married for a while, that you may at some point, decide to upgrade your rings now that your income has increased. But to me, that should be a anniversary present.

    You just got engaged last year, and you already dropped $6500 on a ring. That is already a generous amount of money to spend in this day and age. Especially at 23!

    You also have a wedding coming up. It's foolish to spend $50k on a SECOND engagement ring when you need to be saving up to pay for wedding costs IMO. Does she also expect to go on a lavish honeymoon? Is the wedding now going to be upgraded? Think about how much this is going to cost.

    Do you want to be paying off debt for the foreseeable future just because she decided things need to be upgraded now? What other financial plans are you making or will need to make in the near future? Home purchase? Kids? Wedding? Cars? Buying all the things you need to build a life together? All of this adds up.

    It makes me wonder if her priorities are in truly building a life together, or just keeping up with the jones and showing off to her friends? What else are you going to have to upgrade now that you guys make more money? And how much is this all going to cost?

    IMO you guys are so young! Why rush into spending all of this money right away? I personally see this as a red flag. Does she contribute financially? Is she helping to pay for the wedding?

    I'm in my 30's and I've watched a lot of folks who got together young (in their early 20's) not stay together. Not saying you guys won't, who knows. But this isn't a good start if she's already focusing on having a lavish lifestyle.

    It's easy to want to show off to friends, especially at 23. But that's not the most important thing. You guys are building a life together. THAT should be the focus here, not spending a crapton of money on unnecessary things. You need to really think about whether this is the person you want to spend your life with. Money isn't everything.

    Don't you have student loans to pay off? Aren't you guys just starting out? The focus here should be 1) Saving money to pay for upcoming expenses, 2) building an emergency fund 3) saving for retirement, 4) budgeting as you have a lot of expenses coming up in the near future.

    Starting out means you have to buy all sorts of stuff for your place (are you also planning on buying a home?). If you live in Silicone Valley then you may face high living costs which will eat away at some of your income. Just saying, this high income may not be as high as your girl thinks it is.

  2. She should add psychotherapy to her medication treatment. A PPD support group could make a big difference for her.

    Be sure you are doing regular date nights, even if you kind of want to avoid her right now.

  3. No I’m saying I think it should be required by law if you’re having children. It would work both ways because you could sue someone and force them to take a paternity test if they refuse to acknowledge their child.

  4. Either of you could always be dating someone else, that's just the human condition. Traveling just to go clubbing is a little flippant for someone in their 30's of course. But if that's what he likes to do you have to just decide whether you trust him or not.

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