SharonKendrick live webcams for YOU!


sharonkendrick chat

Date: October 13, 2022

10 thoughts on “SharonKendrick live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is also what I'm not OK about. That I've done this when I absolutely trust her. It all started because I saw a photo in her photos and then spiralled from there

  2. So , I consulted a lawyer before my daughter was born. The short answer is no, she can't move because of the state we live in and even more so because of the county. My county doesn't do custody, but something called parenting time. Unless I could prove her or vice versa, there is a danger the courts will always mandate equal parenting time. In this case, because I do not want to pay for a babysitter because I can take care of her, there will be more time given to me only because I have more time to give.

  3. That’s a ridiculous strawman, how did you get to not watching anything from OP not wanting her boyfriend to be a Coomer? Honestly childish.

  4. I'll leave it to OP to answer. I am perplexed that you don't find the constant pressuring to have sex and grabbing her in a non consensual way to be dramatic?

    If he said I'm not waiting for marriage, this won't work-that's fair boundary. Her boundary not to have sex before marriage-also fair.

    The difficulty is one partner stomping all over the other partners boundary – that indicates a lack of respect which does not bode well. If they do go for counselling, that's what they will need to address.

    I'm Ops shoes I'd be a bit freaked out that he seems to feel likes owed or entitled to have sex with her now. That's creepy af.

  5. The bf is actively making things worse with his approach. He’s trying to dictate the situation rather than supporting his gf. She’s the one who’s being harassed, and she’s the one who has to deal with it at work. He’s putting his insecurities about her needs, and that’s not ok. It’s a painfully common thing for men to do in response to their partners confiding that they’re being harassed or abused. They want to punish the perpetrator so much that they ignore the needs of the victim. It’s often rooted in misogynistic norms about a man being the protector, and the situation becomes more about him than her.

  6. Of course he does. He has an obligation to protect the children and kick her out until she sorts herself out. He should have custody. She ended the marriage and is obvious unstable and dangerous.

  7. >I'm assuming there was obviously neglect given how they reacted to her leaving, was there abuse as well?

    Yes. Occasionally physical (used to throw objects at her which one time bruised her face and one time he punched her accidentally in the breast in anger) but mostly verbal (including threats such as “when I am done with you I don't care what the police do with me”).

    The physical stuff mostly stopped a couple of years ago however but she still does not want to ever see him again (understandably). He has said that he doesn't want to talk to her as he wasn't that bad and always wanted what was best for her.

    >Depending on where you live there may be resources for either free or heavily discounted sliding scale therapy for your sister, if she's open to attending.

    Her school have offered and my sister says she will think about it. I can't afford it now as I recently bought the flat.

    Apologies if TMI.

  8. I would stop all oral, and perhaps all sexual activities altogether, until he's seen a doctor. This isn't a relationship issue if he's adamant he's falling unconcious.

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