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43 thoughts on “shaliniaarushlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. When I thought I had been roofied and went to my college’s health services to get a blood test they told me most drugs that are mixed into drinks to incapacitate disappear from the bloodstream before 2 days have passed, so if that’s the case it may not be worth it to get tested now 🙁 stop drinking with her if you’re suspicious!!!

  2. Intimacy expands beyond sex, so I think you are lacking intimacy more broadly rather than just sex. I think even if you had an open relationship with the stipulation it was purely physical, I think you would have trouble sticking to that and would desire other forms of intimacy he isn’t giving you, putting it in the emotional cheating realm. I think you are best off breaking up, or at the very least talking to him about it and voice your feelings

  3. This is definitely his problem, but he also doesn't get to just dictate what the terms are. She should have better communicated her discomfort and boundaries but he's treating her like a Barbie doll he can just mash into Skipper.

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  5. This was my experience! It took a year, maybe even a little longer for all the swelling to go completely down. Even though i didn’t have bruising or scars there was still an underlying swelling that made me look funny (kinda like i belonged in whoville). I actually thought i needed a revision and had talked to my doctor about one, luckily i waited it out instead of going through with it because once it settled it looked way better!

  6. Don’t beat yourself up! We’ve all been there. My friends and I call this type of guy a “project”. You just need to decide if he’s worth it or not. It depends on other compatibility factors and where you are in your life that you’re willing to accept this or not.

    Many of my male friends (or exes who were previously married) would tell me that they lived horribly before some woman came around and taught them better.

    Me, personally? I can’t and won’t stick around for that; not in my 30s at least. I might have done it when I was younger, but you shouldn’t HAVE to. I’m just saying you might WANT to, especially if he’s open to it.

  7. thank you. thank you for clarifying. yeah in this situation usually when someone contacts me to reject me immediately (although i've never had it happen THIS quickly before) i take that as “it's over.” it seemed very “over” or “finished” or whatever word you want to use, because to me, it seemed very evident to me that he was telling me he very much regretted hooking up and went even further to try to act like he never wanted to do it in the first place. it wasn't just like, hey i'm not interested, I wish you well. it was like. going way farther than that, which I thought was unnecessary.

    so to me, there was no continuation and it was done in my head. i was simply thrown way off by why he'd start acting 2 days later like we're pals all of a sudden. I felt on some level he was messing with me. sometimes hehas this sly smirk on his face but i guess wasnt sure if i was reading malice into it or if he genuinely was trying to be friends or something. it just seems rather sudden and it's just odd to me to act that way after saying the things he said. he even asked me what i did over the weekend –the same weekend this happened.. i was like, huh? do you have amnesia?

    anyways it doesnt matter because im going to keep trying to avoid him and stuff. i think he'll probably get bored eventually because im not giving him any ammunition. that's how i dealt with bullies growing up. i didnt give any reaction ever. i am viewing him like a bully. but i just never had this happen to me so that's why i was curious about what is he up to

  8. You cannot waive your parental rights against the wishes of the other parent. You will be responsible for child support.

  9. No you don’t want to start trying to control her, however there should be a mutual level of respect. If you were meeting up with a girl that wanted to sleep with you, without you telling your partner, and continued texting her etc, how would she feel. She’s sending this guy the wrong message. He’s said he wants to sleep with her, she should be saying no I have a boyfriend and it’s probably best we don’t message just now. The fact that she’s still entertaining this is ridiculous. Nothing wrong with having friend of the opposite gender but he’s crossed the line and she’s done nothing to put him off.

  10. I think it’s important to know what the sex is looking like. Is she reaching the Big O every time or is it just penetrative sex until you cum? If the sex is one sided, it may be why she’s not into anymore.

    However, telling you that you can’t masturbate is absolutely absurd. I think it would be important to have a conversation of what she wants/needs sexually and then do it and see if that changes anything

  11. She’s very emotionally and mentally supportive, and in most regards is a great partner.

    She is, but you are clearly not. Stop wasting her time and let her go now; go find yourself a different emotional support animal.

  12. Didn't make a list of the bad things, but instead you made a list of good things and your post reads as if there are only, or mostly such good things in your relationship. Based on what you wrote it sounds as though you are having fun but don't want commitment or something like that.

  13. Your post history is awful. Two months ago you even wanted to leave him because you are so unhappy. Is it really a surprise that he cheated? Maybe even with a man since “Vaginas are gross and of the Devil”?

    He cheated without condom and then he didn't care that he can bring you in danger and your unborn child, he also had unprotected sex with you. He is a selfish asshole who don't care what happens to you, if you are happy or satisfield. He just cares about himself.

    For yourself and your children you must finally leave him!

  14. Are you a door mat? She’s using you. Get some balls and stand up for yourself. Happy to move in but it needs to be 50/50. If not, she’s going to continue to take advantage of you, get her education and find someone that she respects to marry and have kids with. This is one of those movies you know the ending even before it begins

  15. Because his ex was an important part of his life. Because he still has fond memories of her. Because Instagram is a running history of our lives and what was important to us at a certain time. Because not everyone feels a need to erase their past just because they’re not dating that person anymore.

  16. He always threatened to leave in the past too but never did. Back then I asked him to stay and work things out but now not anymore.. He'll pretend none of this happened..

  17. Abusers don't leave the people they're abusing. They enjoy having control over their victims.

    Call your friends or family and ask for help. If he threatens you again, call the cops.

  18. Not really, it isn't my fault to be acknowledged now of what's happened in her previous relationship, it was to certain degree necessary to her to get help in the past. Just that last message make me connect the dots and bring me this thoughts.

    You're right in the remaining, by the wording you used you don't recommend tell her I see

  19. Never let your kids stay over night anywhere and never trust another an adult besides you and the other parent and the grand parents. Any other adult alone time with them is to be treated with caution if at all. Simple as that.

  20. See the difference between you and OP was that OP is totally 100% fine with his partner sharing his lifestyle because it's so freeing. Clearly, you are not.

  21. I don't really know why they haven't brought it up to him yet. I recommended that they should because he'd probably be more receptive if he also heard it from them.

  22. If you know of her friends or family, I would reach out to them and ask them to check on her.. I swear a lot of people do this, especially women out of manipulation. The problem is you don’t know which is which. I would provide her with one 800 numbers, suicide hotline numbers. And tell her you’re not coming back to her and if she doesn’t stop doing this, you will block her on all social media and her phone number. She’s trying to make you stay with her and it won’t work.

  23. No this wasn't really an argument part I guess, this was us trying to figure out how to pay it together, and when I left in stress, she left for good

  24. You want to have a baby, with this fucking clown? Why?

    You have described finding a giant turd in a huge septic tank and said….yup, this is the prized possession I want to spend my life being hitched to. W.T.F

  25. And that’s not what you want. Now. And especially not forever. Be grateful for all you have shared, but know that it’s time to move on. That’s my best advice. It’s going to hurt. It’ll be scary because it’s change. But after that, it’s going to be wonderful. It really will.

  26. so i told my boyfriend i’m okay with it being a stepping stone , but if it’s a long term career for him to let me know because i can’t be in his life like that.

    until tonight he randomly said “well i may like the job and decide to stay in”

    what do i do ?

    Its pretty clear what you need to do. You set a boundary for yourself, so stay true to that.

    He clearly kept what you said in his mind and tried to i initiate some kind of discussion about it. He knows you dont want to be in a military family, you stated its a dealbreaker for you.

    Altough he initially agreed, he stated now he cant promise you that and its on you to decide if it is really a dealbreaker or not. He could have just kept it to himself and dragged you along, but him updating you on his stance after thinking about it is commendable.

    So clearly your lifegoals are incompatible, which sadly often means going separate ways. Definitely have very serious a talk with him about that and see where it leads, but if you arent willing to stand to boundaries you set, you shouldnt have put them up in the first place.

  27. I had a similar situation but the roles were reversed. I kinda started to feel like that's all my partner wanted. He would ask and push whenever we hung out and it made me wonder if he was with me for any other reason than physical benefits. I also feel like my drive decreases around any sort of stress or tension, so maybe your long hospital stay has kind of put him off intimacy for the moment

  28. You didn't even look at her friend's face when speaking to her. She is a guest at your own home. The best form of action would be to say “Oh hey, nice to meet you! How is it going? Okay cool, well I'll excuse myself now because I'm super tired and got a headache but have fun.”

    Super easy. Would've taken you 2 minutes max then you don't have to speak to that woman ever again.

  29. First thank you for even responding. He had a psychiatrist he meets with every few months but I am not privy to what happens during those sessions. And he wasn’t able to get any help when he was younger and living with his family, so it is the beginning of his healing. If he even is.

    I, myself, do admit I am perpetuating the problem by coddling him when he goes into these episodes. I have always had problems with putting my own feelings aside, or not even feeling like they are valid. Which I am working on with weekly visits to my own therapist. But it only occurred to me after something recent that I was also doing it to him consistently (he is my first serious relationship and I’m still learning how I am in relationships). And your comment also helped me cement this, thank you.

    I think I knew what to do when posting this but it was just a last ditch to see if anything would help. Again, thank you.

  30. i think she might be self conscious and maybe a little insecure about what she looks like… 🙁 i tried boosting her confidence but she just changed the topic. i am curious tho, but i dont want to persist on asking for her photo and respect her decision if she doesnt want to do so.. after all we just still are internet friends.

    i’ll be taking your advice and distance myself from now, i think this just really is the best idea as of now

  31. I'll tell you what's wrong with men here. They are fucking terrified Reddit idiots who call anyone toxic, controlling, close minded, cave person, manipulative, gaslighting, condescending ..etc and a very long list of crap if they show any sign of jealousy or discomfort in their partner's behavior/actions.

    According to reddit you are not allowed to ask why or to have any negative feeling toward the opposite sex friendship even if one party is showing a serious red flag like “spending 6 hours a day with a friend alone”.

  32. He doesn’t like you using a vibrator is the toy clearly. He also has an insecurity issue around your vibrator.

  33. Man! Get rid of that fake Insta and grow up a little..what reason has she given you to doubt her loyalty? If the answer is any then move on. A relationship without trust just doesn't work. If the answer is none then you have a lot of growing up to do, man.

  34. Man! Get rid of that fake Insta and grow up a little..what reason has she given you to doubt her loyalty? If the answer is any then move on. A relationship without trust just doesn't work. If the answer is none then you have a lot of growing up to do, man.

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