SexyLeyla live webcams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “SexyLeyla live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your husband seems wildly unsatisfied and that he never willl be satisfied. He’s acting like he has fomo, fear of missing out, and he’s just doing everything a 20 year old would do

    So yes, I think you two are not going to make it and are doomed, mostly because he’s wildly unsatisfied and you’re both unhappy.

  2. At a minimum it is a gross manipulation that is not a good look. It is gaslighting if he makes you question your sanity at the same time. Both are red flags, but you need to decide how big of red flags and what applies.

  3. That's a horrible analogy, talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.

    My original point was that OP wants their partner to show his lifelong commitment through the gesture of getting married. This guy doesn't want to do that because he doesn't want to commit to her for a lifetime, he just wants to keep her around just in case whatever it is he really wants to commit to for a lifetime never comes along.

    No one ever said married people couldn't get divorced I really don't know what you're on about.

  4. And she was supposed to not be on dating websites and sexting people.

    Fuck her. Let her pay for 2 memberships and deal with the consequences of screwing people over.

  5. Make sure to get a bunch of cardboard boxes just in case (very likely) she leaves you. Get ready to put her shit in there and maybe a few kitchen utensils.

    I don't know you, but if I asked you this question while in your position, you would know exactly what to tell me. Follow that advice.

  6. This is a really important distinction. I can’t imagine going out of my way to discuss with my friends how my partner isn’t attractive, because like….why. Unless he is insecure and wants people to know that he knows you’re not attractive but loves you anyway. Which is a weird flex.

    But I too am far more attracted to personality. I can’t do dating apps because I feel like I may be passing in really awesome people because a bio isn’t enough for me to know if I’m interested. I have been wildly attracted to people that others may find not appealing or just very average.

    But I dunno….it’s one of those things you just don’t have to say out loud. Once it’s out the damage is done.

  7. You’re correct, he’s never marrying you. Stop wasting your time and don’t put up with someone that lets their friends or family degrade you.

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