Santana Roa live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 3, 2022

20 thoughts on “Santana Roa live webcams for YOU!

  1. Three months is a verrrrry short time to be talking about marriage! She's way jumping the gun in my opinion!

  2. his sperm, his choice. this doesnt affect OP in any way. it would be considered controlling if she were to try to manipulate him

  3. I’m feeling intense rage reading your post! Omg. You’re an actual doctor. Did he miss the news about the medical field being a near war zone most days? And who are his parents? Are they socialites? The Kardashians? Like who actually judges this shit? Tell him his paycheck is shabby. And ask him if he washes his ass, or if he’s got a shabby butthole.

  4. Depends on what you want from the situation. If you're happy to have a slow relationship then do this. You haven't met face to face in 8 months, what makes you think he wants to meet every month? For all you know his being busy could be another girl and you are the reserve in case she leaves. Sorry to be blunt.

  5. If you were on here saying that she had told you she got drunk and cheated then people would be queuing up to tell you to dump her.

    I’m saying you should dump her because you are checking her phone and that isn’t healthy

  6. Hello /u/throwrawwayyyyy,

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  7. Update: I found out hes been avoiding me through exposed dms, like texting my friend whenever I'm in his hall to let him know so that he can lock the door to ensure I don't go in. And that when I suggested joining them for the gym, he'll go on his own time or try to make an excuse saying he already went.

  8. What would’ve been easy was not asking your girlfriend to get railed by another dude. This is a lose/lose situation. I feel bad for both of them, but I feel worse for the girlfriend since she literally was asked to do this.

  9. No, honey. You’re delusional. I follow a lot of people. We’re not engaging.

    Also? In your origami post you claim that your ONLY problem with the IG models is that they don’t look like you. Now that you’re “I’m not his type. Poor me. Whatever will I do? “ narrative has been shut down, you’re scrambling for deeper & more damning problems with him following IG models. Like I said, it sounds like you’re just looking for a reason to break up with him.

    Good luck.

  10. Exactly.. I don’t do mind games.. And I told myself that when I come back I would like to start fresh with him.. The 2 months travel was a personal thing and was a but emotionally draining.. so starting a relationship with someone at that time didn’t make sense…

  11. Just tell her this “babe, I love you, and I love when you play with my junk, but could you maybe do it a tiny bit less?”

    Just be open and honest.

  12. I'm so sorry. Not sure how you will return to normal. I guess that ship has sailed. For me it would be over. I won't put myself through wondering what he's doing when I'm not next to him.

    What I would do is put a damn password on the computer. I would want him to seek help because even though we would be done, my kid would be spending time with him, and the idea that they could witness something is alarming.

  13. You’re allowed to keep secrets to yourself. I’m sure your boyfriend hasn’t divulged his embarrassing moments of sexual awakening.

    It’s the past. You know who you are in the present, and that’s what your boyfriend wants, not the girl going through puberty.

  14. Tell him that it's over, crash at a friends house, and block his number.

    He's treated you like shit, why worry about hurting him?

  15. Sounds to me like he wants to make sure they are under the impression that your relationship is more rocky than it is for some reason.

  16. Something is off. Coming over only once a week is very odd. I wanted to see my husband (then boyfriend) every second I could.

    Not to sound harsh, but it seems like she wants to get married because it’s what’s she “supposed” to do or to please her family. I would not continue this relationship.

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