Ryslana-Sweet live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: October 23, 2022

42 thoughts on “Ryslana-Sweet live webcams for YOU!

  1. She's gone bro. Just start doing your own thing. No matter what you say to her you can't change that and neither will she.

  2. Thank you, that means a lot. I’m happy to hear you’re in a better situation now! I think I’ll express my feelings towards my bf first and see how he reacts, it is too early for me to be feeling this sad and insecure about the relationship.

  3. Ignore it. Have fun, travel, do all the fun things being young and having a bit of extra money can afford you. Enjoy the time making memories with your bf.

  4. Oh hell no girl, RUNNNN. Youre so so young and deserve to LIVE and to find a man who actually knows how to be in a relationship.

  5. I would talk to her. Tell her the problem and you two can write it together.. No weirder than you being her maid of honor?‍♀️

  6. It happens all the time, it's pretty normal. Half the people on OLD are just looking around, not seriously trying to meet someone. It's why one gets ghosted so often there

  7. You also did it 144 days ago. So another “relapse”?

    Please consider an abortion while you have time. No child deserves a home that is broken before they arrive.

  8. These people are insane jumping to conclusions like this. You're better off getting off this crappy subreddit lmao.

  9. No it's an apartment we share. Yes we are cosigned. We both pay half the rent. And in addition to my own bills I also pay the gas and the Internet.

    Well we live together about 7 years like I said, known each other 14 years. Before we moved in together I had no idea she wasn't an animal person. It just never came up. Our dynamic is She does what she wants and if I disagree with it I mostly just keep my mouth shut because I don't want to argue. We don't argue often but when we do she is vicious and always hurts my feelings. That is rare and most days we get along fine and enjoy each other's company. but yeah she intimidates me.

  10. If pride is the only thing you have to your name then you literally have nothing.

    Pride is a deadly sin, not a virtue.

  11. It's better not to have friends at all than to have people close to you, who have no hesitation in looking straight into your eyes and lie naturally.

    Besides, the only way to get new friends is to get rid of the fake ones. Only when you make room for something, it finally comes.

  12. Gaslighting and shoveling blame and guilt onto the person who’s expressing their feelings, aaaah true love. What a shitty bf.

  13. So does your mom and stepfather rely heavily you to contribute financially then? Do they try and control your money?

    Aside from this situation…. Is your mom usually difficult? Or is it just because of the baby stuff that she’s acting out of the norm?

  14. It's odd because often people don't actually change their whole value system that quickly and usually come up with reasons why their relationship is different. That she's made such a comprehensive change in her stance so quickly makes me wonder how much her bf is in her ear.

  15. Making him pay and making him pay you are two entirely different things. He will likely lose his family and half his assets in a divorce. Isn’t that better revenge? Now, downsides to blackmail/extortion—it’s illegal and not particularly hard to prove, so if he doesn’t pay and you destroy his family he can definitely turn his evidence over to the police and you’ll go to jail. And that’s if his wife even believes you after the failed blackmail attempt; once he learns what you’re going to do and he decides he won’t pay, he will go straight to his wife and tell her about some disgruntled employee and her boyfriend lying about an affair to get money. He will control the narrative and you will have no credibility, he’ll say your evidence is fake and she’ll probably believe him, and then you’ll go to jail. Frankly there are several scenarios that end with you in jail. Your best case scenario likely won’t affect him at all, he’ll be out $50k (not that much for a guy who owns exotic cars) and will still have a family and you will still be a single guy whose ex-gf cheated on him for two years with her obese boss, albeit with $50k less student loan debt. If you’re hell bent on revenge, don’t get greedy and destroy your own life even more then they did.

  16. Let me break it to you. It won't. And, I'm just going by the odds because I'm a betting man. So, make the most of it while it's there.

  17. I think you’re putting way too much thought and emotional energy into this person. Find a therapist if it’s available to you, that’s going to be the most support

  18. You aren't her whipping boy. If someone you loved experienced a fraction of what you have from her you would shake them to leave. Why can't you love yourself that much.

  19. Ok I also read that this behavior has been consistent for your entire relationship. So he was like this from the very first day he met you. Right? Also, I read you guys separated a year and a half ago. Was it you that wanted to separate and was it because of the lack of intimacy?

  20. People can grow up and learn from there mistakes after 10 years. Your just projecting your past on this post and I feel for you. In my opinion the mom is the pos that likes to manipulate her adult children to hurt the ex.

  21. Sounds like her religious hang ups are causing her to go off the rails. This is a very dangerous situation for you and I would end all sexual contact with her.

    That said, you stated yourself that she’s not into anal at all. So why are you pushing her boundary? Doesn’t sound like you’re really as ok with things as you think?

  22. Good! Get some space and perspective

    Think back on your interactions in the last few weeks or months. How have they been? Have you been happy more often than you've been unhappy? Is this relationship even worth the trouble of trying to save after a breach of trust like this? (three breaches, really— downloading the app, using the app, and lying to you repeatedly when he got caught)

    I'm not you, but just reading the above parenthesis… my guess is he's not worth the effort or the heartburn

  23. Dude. STOP with the specifics! We can add then up and figure out who they are! Wtf!

    Someone on here might know and tell them.

    I'm really worried about you, that you don't know how to protect yourself!

  24. I'm not making any excuses for anyone, I don't like people throwing the word treatment around. It irritates me. That's all.

  25. Despite what books, tv and films tell us, love doesn't conquer all. You can love someone deeply and still not be right or good for each other.

    Whether she's insecure and constantly testing you, has one foot out of the door but isn't quite ready to leave completely or is plain toxic, the end result is the same – it's hurting you and leaving you in a constant state of anxiety and uncertainty. That's not how being with someone should leave you feeling. I'd say it's time to rip the bandaid off, end things once and for all and begin the slow process of grieving and healing.

  26. I own the house, and we were planning on separating before this with him leaving next week for us to have time apart, but we've been going on dates and I've been saying how I hope we get back together and such.

  27. My SO had a coworker who had a breakdown years ago (he thought he was JC), and they let him come back after some medical intervention. If the behaviour was out of character enough, there might be a way back.

  28. Very wrong take. OP isn’t putting anyone at risk, only the creep is. She isn’t responsible for his actions and should be able to consider what is best for her. It’s not okay to put the actions of creeps on the people they victimize, as much as we can applaud the survivors who do have the support and ability to step forward to try and hold the creeps accountable.

  29. What? I just don’t see how her telling me now is any different. And the whole point of this post is what I should do next. I couldn’t give two shits about anything that happened anymore

  30. Tell her what you think. It’s of course up to her, but at least you’ve given your opinion.

    Do your best not to laugh when she’s eating salad.

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