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21 thoughts on “Rosa_Foxxxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That's not what you said though, the premise of your statement was to be condescending simply because you disagreed with my statement. You sensationalized perfection while doubling down with it in your reply, implying that my only existence is material/superficial.

    Those statements were incorrect.

    It's pretty messed up to leave an otherwise caring and thoughtful person

    How do you know they are a caring and thoughtful person? You don't, but you're inventing qualities about them since it fits your narrative.

  2. u/Significant-Sale-993, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Seriously though, they are a game changer. Make sure to get her a heated one !

    Nothing more romantic than a heated booty washer, especially when you're old like me ? (jk, I'm not that old)

  4. People feel a lot of pressure to follow through” with getting married and many friends and family members will say “oh it's just cold feet” and minimize the concerns.

    I wouldn't say “don't marry him” but I would let her know that she can call it off if she believes she should and that you will stand by her and defend her decision.

    She could deeply fear the disapproval and disappointment she might cause by making such a public decision. Every choice starts looking bad, so getting married seems easier even if it's not right.

    Just telling her she has your support either way could mean so much and might help her assess whether it's cold feet or time to end things.

  5. 1) Not a source

    2) “relationship counselor” is not a protected title and a really weak appeal to authority fallacy.

    If this topic interests you there's lots of books and articles and research On Polyamory

    3) I am familiar with Google Scholar, thanks.

    4) “Lots of relationships” can be interpreted in 2 ways. The first way and the way most people are interpreting your statement is you suggesting a significant percentage of relationships are opening up and “do just fine”.

    This sounds like bullshit to me (and apparently many others) and since you're the one who is making the claim the onus is on you to support that claim.

    The second way to interpret that statement is that “lots” only implies multiple people. How many people are a lot? Broad to the point of being meaningless.

  6. “I haven’t been able to get him out of my head for a week.”

    You weren’t just hoping for friends.

    You wanna know why someone tends to lie to everyone around them? Because it’s impossible to be honest with others if you’re constantly lying to yourself.

    You won’t acknowledge the real issues here. Which is you clearly don’t want to date your bf anymore, but based on him forgoing you you two are deeply wound up in a codependent relationship.

    You made out with his friend. You’re not gonna be the guys friend and your relationship is probably never going to recover.

    Seemingly because you can’t be honest to yourself about what you want.

    Critical self reflection. It’s really important.

  7. Propose to him. Just bite the bullet and do it. If he can't commit to you don't commit your finances to someone who can't.

    If marriage matters make it known.

  8. Okay but do you think the same goes for your girlfriend, who is put into a constantly competition with your late wife? I don’t want to act like I know what you are going through, but your girlfriend doesn’t deserve this treatment and you deserve to heal, which is why therapy is a very good idea.

  9. It's not about your tone and text. It's that you keep saying you care about her input but your actions prove the opposite and you don't comprehend that she is not one of your accessories and doesn't necessarily want the same things you do.

  10. What can I do? I always try to bring up her self esteem. There is no reason for her to feel this way. She is amazing and I'm always telling her that and showing her how beautiful I think she is.

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