RiriRoxanne live webcams for YOU!


20 thoughts on “RiriRoxanne live webcams for YOU!

  1. Wow you really have some balls to call your wife controlling for not wanting you to develop a friendship with someone who's declared feelings for you.

    Also, why would you want to be friends with this cheating woman? Is this the kind of company you keep?

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  4. I’ve already told him 🙂 he’s all for it. He wants me to dress this way more because it’s me, and how he first met me..he wondered why I was dressing a certain way and I told him. He just said he understood but he still loved the way I dressed.

  5. Setting aside the homewrecker issue, you ask if it’s going anywhere, so the question is where do you want the relationship to go? Him divorcing his wife, marrying you, kids, more commitment from him? If that’s your end goal, probably not going to happen. And if it did, he’d end up most likely cheating on you too. If that’s not your end goal, what is it? If your poly, or looking for a sugar daddy it might work out better for you, but then there’s still the ethical dilemma of him cheating on his wife.

  6. It almost sounds like he found someone else. That was a lot of pain that he threw at you while you were there for Christmas, maybe you should reconsider the whole relationship. Set a finding somebody long distance find somebody immediate area that you can share and grow with.

  7. unless there are private chat logs from the husband that he doesn’t want her to see. this is the only “logical” reason i can see him freaking out so badly over her using the playstation. either that or he’s just another abusive, controlling, psychopathic asshole.

  8. Do keep in mind that something is a memorial item even if you don't put it on display for everyone to see. That's not the part that determines whether or not it is a memorial item.

  9. Woah, someone didn’t need the og post. I tried exploring things he liked and every time he shut me down. He doesn’t want me to enjoy sex, we did not have all it take because he saw me as less than him. So check the blame-y attitude. Plus maybe I don’t like watching porn with my partner you don’t know. There’s nuance to the situation

    It might be his trauma but I went to therapy to work through my SA and he should’ve as well because that’s what he lead me to believe before we started dating.

  10. I agree he needs to talk about this when they're both sober, but calling guys “slang for vagina = weak” is gross, man. Vaginas are strong af, you and everyone else had to pass through one to be here. Women aren't weak/dumb/bad, and we should really stop using that comparison as an insult towards men.

  11. I mean… it's quite a lot of time to spend religiously on yourself. 1 in 4 weekends you're completely gone on your own…. I'd find that a little much if my partner did that. Would you feel weird if 1 in 4 weekends your boyfriend and his daughter spent an entire weekend together from Friday evening to Sunday evening, uncontactable, and you were excluded because the point was for them to spend time together? Maybe you wouldn't but it's still kind of intense don't you think? I'm not saying you're wrong, and your bf is being a total baby trying to sabotage it, but… it's still a lot.

  12. There's a housing crisis in a few countries. People have to do what they have to do not to live in a tent under an overpass.

    You don't want to live with her. She doesn't want to be homeless. So this is happening.

    At least she came to you 1st. If you want to break up with her fine. But what are her options really? What would you have her do with no where to go and you not interested?

  13. Sorry. Not suggesting that you aren't consenting. You are. But, you are consenting at times that you would rather not. IMO you should only consent when it's what you want.

  14. Maybe there’s another family heirloom that is feminine that can go to her to validate her as a woman in the family. This ring already belongs to you. She should be able to be lifted up and celebrated without bringing you down and questioning what you’ve been given. If she had been given something handed down my the men in the family, would she now give it up to your brother, even if she treasured it?

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