PurpleAriel live webcams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “PurpleAriel live webcams for YOU!

  1. Oh do you mean Brock Turner the rapist? The Brock Turner who can’t enjoy his favorite steak anymore because he’s Brock Turner the rapist?

  2. Do not stay with your wife for the sake of your daughter or you're asking for is resentment and misery. Ask for Joy custody and go on with your life

  3. I like what I like too and prefer to cook for myself . I don't complain when others cook for me but i'd get fed up if my partner starrted cooking every day. If im in the mood for stew I don't fancy salad even though I like both.

    Many people are like this.

    Does he even want you to cook for him or did you just do it cos your Mom did?

  4. Regardless of what his issue or potential diagnosis is, he IS a cheater. And that's not what you need or want for your life, especially at such a young age. Best to start planning your exit now.

  5. No, that’s not true. She did nothing wrong. Plenty of people are even friends with their ex. If her partner can’t handle even the most basic conversational contact with her ex, she’s massively insecure and borderline controlling. This idea that talking to an ex is practically cheating is so over the top that it’s almost humorous.

  6. I had an ex like this. He treated booze like it was meth (parole, he couldn’t do meth so he substituted it until he was off- and yes, I know I picked a real winner) and would go on 3 day drinking binges with maybe 4 hours of sleep during that time. He would reappear back home, pass out for a few hours and wake up and grab the hot bottle of tequila from the headboard and start taking shots. This was a cycle repeated at least once a week after we had been seeing one another for several months. He swore he would get sober every single time.

    Spoiler alert: he didn’t. Ever. And guess what? Yours won’t either until he wants to. Don’t tie yourself to an alcoholic at your age… it will never be worth it.

  7. You can break things off for any reason.

    Perhaps, you don't care about him as much as you thought?

    Sounds like you care more about your bodies desires and pleasure than your partnership with him.

    Life changes a lot, and our bodies react with people whether we want them to or not.

    Your choice is ultimately what matters when it comes to love and partnership.

    Make your choices wisely, and I encourage you to be mindful of whether you are really considering things more than just wanting gratification physically and social comfort and/or status.

    I wish you well, and take care

  8. Are you sure you don't have this backwards and you're the side chick and he's with her? “Open relationship” for both of them?

    Either way, you can do better than this when it makes you this uncomfortable.

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